Tears of Silence



March 06, 2010

Yunho, please! I, I can’t stand being alone anymore. I need you ,Yunho; the life of soldier isn’t the life for me. You know that... we all know that right? So why won’t you refuse your promotion so we can stay together? You can do that right? I just, I am so lost without you. 


"Tears of Silence" was written in responce to a challenge by MusicChibi:

"It's time: Jaejoong and Yunho have to go to the military. Write their tearful goodbye, their challenges in the military, and their return. How will they fare? Will they become new men in the end? Will their relationship grow stronger as they're forced through hardships together, or will they become more distant? How you go about this is up to you, but this is your challenge." 

Truth be told, it was indeed a challenge.  But the challenge, strangely enough, wasn't creating the story. Instead, the challenge was actually transforming the scenes in my mind into words. And not only that, this story was so different then what I am used to writing with Decieving The Gods (the epitome of an action-thriller) since "Tears of Silence" was much more an artistic piece of literature. 

But all in all, I am so very satisfied with "Tears of Silence"! 


Amaya Hisa

of ObsidianTheatre


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TokitaxShawol #1
This is beautiful. Very expressive and beautifully made. Nice work!!!! <3<br />
You earned yourself a subber. :D
EscReality #2
Oh my God.... Yunho died? this is so expressive.. well done, there.. :)
babymichiie #3
Woah.. so sad..! T____T<br />
Yunho died in military? No way, he's going for military then!<br />
Please nooo... T____T<br />
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You write really well. somehow I really wish Yunho wouldn't have to go for military service.. no! T____T<br />
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I feel so sad! T___T