Winning the war

Journey to become a heir...


Author's POV

It has only been  a week since Amber and Krystal started rooming together. But their little room was already like a warzone everyday. They had been trying to make each other suffer non stop. That include stealing each other underwear plus changing the toothpaste with some random untasty material and many more childish acts. 

Amber decided that she is going out today since she thought she would take a little break from her relay of torturing with that little devil roommate of hers. Krystal is in the bathroom taking her shower so Amber figure out that the earlier she left, the lesser the chance of any war to happen . She grabbed her sock and put in on her left foot. And that is when she realized the sock had been cut into half. Her eyes widen seeing her feet was dangling freely in the air. 

WHAT THE F***????!!!!!! 

That devil...JUNG!!!!! 

Amber barged in into the shower. That little devil Jung really need to pissed her off so early in the morning so she figured Krystal wouldn't mind Amber disturbing her little sweet time in the shower.

"Yah Jung!!!!! How dare" 

Amber stepped inside the bathroom but quickly regretted her action when her eyes met a wet and half Jung once again, only wrapped in a small...small tower. She was drying her wet hair. Amber was stunned by the view in front of her that she was unable to finish her sentence and just stood there like a statue staring at Krystal. 

On the other hand, Krystal just finished her shower and was drying her wet hair when Amber barged in and yelled her name. She noticed that Amber was staring at her non blinking at all. Krystal smirked at the stunned Liu in from of her.

Owh. She must have seen her sock. Serve you right Liu. Hahahaha!!!! 

Krystal smiled devilishly while mentally laughing inside of her head. But her smile dissapeared as she realizes Amber's eyes is travelling up and down of in her direction. The girl seemed to be gulping hard while looking at her.

Why is that dork Liu looking at me like that?

She followed Amber's eyes direction only to realized that she was only wrapped in a small towel and that she was basically half . Krystal eyes widen.

"Aaaaaaaaa!!! Get the hell out Liu"

Amber snapped out of her trance when she hear the loud scream and she flinched a little before she stumbled her way out of the bathroom and slammed the door shut. 

"Woah. Why was I...why did I..What was that?"

Amber mumbled to herself , feeling the sudden heat emitting around her surrounding. She can feel her reddening cheek plus her increasing heartbeat. Amber paced around the room as she waited for Krystal to finish changing. She figured that she should apologize. She didn't meant to stare at her earlier. 

What to do now?? She must think I'm a ert or what now. Aish!!!! 

The bathroom door creaked open and a fully clothed Krystal appeared. Amber turned her head toward Krystal. The sight of Krystal's half body earlier invaded her mind again and she blushed at her own though. She shook her head trying to remove those peverted thought.

"Yah!!!!! Don't you know to knock first?"

Krystal basically stormed toward Amber as she asked Amber that question.

"Yyah...don't yah me!!!! Why did you cut my sock into half in the first place?"

Amber said back while trying hard not to look at Krystal body or else she would be thinking of the earlier incident again. Krystal noticed that Amber is not looking at her like she usually do everytime they argue like this.

"That's my little payback Liu. But you...that was out of line. You know I was showering but why did you enter the bathroom???!!!! And how dare you checking me out earlier"

Krystal huffed out in anger. Amber was still overwhelmed by the sight earlier that she can barely hear or think of anything to defence herself. 

"I...I...It's your fault. Who ask you to mess with me so early in the morning devil Jung!!! And I was not checking you out. It's not like there is anything interesting to stare at in the first place."

Amber eyes widen as she realizes what she just said.

I'm dead meat!!!! 

She was just trying to say anything to save herself but ended up insulting the Jung in the most harsh way. Krystal eyes also widen when she hear that. She glared angrily at the Liu in front of her.

"Hh...How....How dare you said that."

Amber didn't know how to fix the situation. So she decided that she should leave first and let things cool down first. She grabbed her shoes and bag before leaving without any word, slamming the front door shut.



Author Notes....

Hello everyone.... I am sorry...sorry and so so sorry that I dissapear for a very long time and not updating this story.  

I was lost for ideas to continue this fic before and that I figured out I wanted to stop writing it. 

But seeing the you guys still subcribed to this fic make me thought that I should finish it since I started in the first place. Please bear with my slow update.

I will try to make it as interesting as possible. 

Owh and I am scratching my head on how to make JUNG SEDUCE THE LIU in the next update...Ohooo it's going to be gooooood. /wink2/ 

See you guys on the next update

/bows and out/


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Atrangzalla #1
Chapter 24: Thanks for finish this story author ?
Yellowjacket #2
Chapter 24: Thank you for this author, we really appreciate it.
12 streak #3
Chapter 23: Author.. Where are you.. Please update this..
123123123123 #4
Chapter 23: ^^ i love this
kryberDDD #5
plz update soon author
Kryberforlife #6
Chapter 23: Aw this couple is too cute! I wish they'd kiss longer hahaha
Chapter 23: Hehe kryber kiss was yummy hahaha I Hope they heat things next time *byun mode* ^^
dede123 #8
Chapter 23: You should write more like this though. :)
So cute and sweet KryBer! <3
Update more please! Thanks! :D
juny98 #9
Chapter 23: I need y kryber time ^^
eunie30 #10
Chapter 11: reading it the second time was still awesome so you should update soon