An unexpected visit/ The perfect ending

Never. Give. Up.

No one's POV:

Biqi was up in her room working on her homework. For her first day back at school, her teachers wasted no time in making sure she had plenty of homework to do 
"Come in" she called as somebody knocked on the door and deep down she was hoping that somebody was Lay  
"Somebody is here to see you" said a worker as Biqi frowned, who would be visiting her? Fah Mi was ill and couldn't be up and about that often and Lay... well he was at work right now so he couldn't skip work just to come visit her could he? 

"Who is it?" she asked as she followed the worker out of her room and down the stairs 
"You'll see in a minute" replied the worker as Biqi became confused and wanted to ask her more questions but just shrugged it of and continued to follow until they came to the room 
"They're in here" said the worker as she opened the door and Biqi walked in and then closed it. 
"Hello stranger" said a voice as Biqi's eyes widened and she turned around to see Lay standing there
"Hi" she replied as he smiled, showing his dimples again which made Biqi's heart race.

"How have you been?" he asked 
"Apart from being caught up in schoolwork... fine... how about you?" she asked 
"Apart from being caught up in work... fine as well" he replied as Biqi nodded and he took a few steps towards her 
"You didn't even stay around to say goodbye" he said as Biqi's gaze dropped to the floor 
"Well were you expecting me to stick around and wait for you?" she asked 
"Yes" replied Lay as Biqi looked up to him confused but was only met with his lips crashing down onto hers. 

"W-what are you doing?" asked Biqi as she pushed Lay away from her 
"What does it look like?" he asked as Biqi shook her head 
"N-no you can't do that" she replied 
"Why? Because I may notlike a girl like you? A girl who is insecure because her hair isn't perfect? a girl who is embarrassed because she puked up in front of me? A girl who may get angry because I may have read her journal on more than one occassion? Or a girl who is one of the bravest people out there?" he replied as Biqi felt tears welling in her eyes and she wiped them away before she felt Lay hug her. 

"I guess I should have waited for you" she said a while later 
"Why is that?" asked Lay 
"Because you still have the book I let you borrow" she replied and Lay began to laugh 
"What a way to break the moment" he said as Biqi smiled and the two broke the hug. 
"Now what?" she asked as Lay grinned 
"Well there's another reason as to why I'm here" he replied 
"Really?" asked Biqi as he nodded.

"How would you like to come live with me?" he asked as Biqi eyes widened 
"Y-you mean... you're going to adopt me?" she asked 
"Well that would be a bit weird if I was your 'parent' as well as your boyfriend" he replied before adding "Unless that's not how you feel" to which he blushed and then stood there shocked for a moment as Biqi jumped up and hugged him and he had to wrap his arms around her waist to keep her up
"You idiot of course I'll live with you" she said as Lay twirled her around and the two began to laugh. 


Date: 23rd May 2013

Wow... three months have passed since I moved in with Yixing... and yet it still feels like yesterday when I was looking out the window and he walked into my life. So what has happened since then? Well he introduced me to his friends and I must say... Tao- he shops to much, Kris- we need to open up his feelings more, Luhan- I think he may have a thing for his Korean friend Sehun... I'm not sure :S, Xiumin- BOY he cant eat! and Chen- he has a pretty good singing voice!! Altogether I can safely say that Yixing has a nice group of friends :). 

I've been visiting mum and dad a lot more, my grandparents make sure they're not there in the process but I don't really care. Sometimes I just sit there for hours on end telling them about my life so far, school is going well, the teachers have been telling me that if I keep up with my work I can graduate like everyone else OH!! Fah Mi is much better as well :D He's even paying for me and Yixing to go to Paris for a holiday tomorrow... Am I excited? OF COURSE!!!

And now I can look forward to seeing what the future holds for me and Yixing and I must say... I'm VERY excited :D :D So wish me luck!

Biqi :P 


"Are you ok? You seem really jumpy" asked Biqi as she and Lay walked around Paris and made their way to the Eiffelt Tower 
"Hm? Yeah I'm fine just admiring the view" he replied as Biqi smiled and the two made their way to the top 
"Wow, look at the view" shouted Biqi as she looked out and had a :O look on her face whilst Lay nervously smiled and stood next to her 
"Beautiful isn't it?" asked Lay as she nodded and continued to admire the view 

That was when there a flash in the sky and as Biqi looked up, she smiled when she saw fireworks 
"This day just keeps getting better and better" she said but frowned when she didn't get an answer from Lay 
"Yixing, you still there?" she asked 
"I'm still here" he replied as Biqi turned around and gasped when she saw him down on one knee with a ring in his hand... 

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WeiShan #1
Chapter 6: It's not weird considering Chinese are biased towards son as they pass their last name to the next generation... Daughters that married are like water splashing out from the house...
this is one of the best lay fanfics! make more with lay :)
Chapter 25: This story is just's it's its to awesome it's just it's just awwwww
Wow this is one of the best Lay fanfic. I hope you make more Lay stories in the future. I also hope you check out my work :)
Chapter 26: i loved the last was so fluffy!Lay is just perfect!great work XD
Chapter 26: I really loved this story I hope u choose Baekhyun for the next story ♥
Chapter 21: Yeaeaeaeah that's my boy ^^
Chapter 20: Omfg!!! Tht guy must die!! Jk save her Lay~ :D
vivihan #9
Chapter 19: oh my gawd kskqkqhdjjsjsjsjs WHAT JUST MAKAKDKSKSJADHD