Letters to U-kiss


Hana and Kevin were childhood friends when he lived in California, but she had to move away with her family to ia in fifth grade. Their families were very close, so they were pretty inseparable as children, and did almost everything with each other. Jae was Deanna's best friend and Kevin was Hana's.

They became pen-pals after the move, but they stopped writing each other in middle school when things got a bit awkward. Kevin moved soon after that to korea in that time to debut in a group called Xing as a singer. Hana discovered her passion for writing and teaching working on the school newspaper when she joined high school in ia.

What happens when that curious girl out of the blue sends Kevin a letter when she's headed off to college, but will he reply? After all it has been years, since they or their families have talked despite how close they once were.....

USA Characters:

Hana Lee- A Christian freshman in New York State University majoring in Teaching and is 18 years old from ia. Hana shares a birthday with Kevin, was born in the same hospital, and lived next door to him. She has an older sister named Jae who's a Doctor and is engaged to a guy name Robert Hanson. Her dad's a doctor at the University of ia and her mom's a baker by trade. Quiet, a bit moody at times, shy, and very conservative in clothing and hairstyles.

Mary Davis- is her BFF in ia is named Mary Davis and is also her roommate at college. She comes from a large family with 7 siblings: Tom 16, Julia & Haley the twins 13, jack 11, Luke 10 , Sadie 6, and Joey 3. Beautiful, blond, outgoing, and a taste for bright, unique clothing due to her interest in art -she is not shy with color in clothes or her hair when she feels like it! 

Matt Granger- A journalism student at NYU & plays for their basketball team.

Kris Bratten- Mary's Boyfriend since high school who plays baseball and was going to a different school from them. 

Korea Characters:

Kevin Woo- well you know who he is….at this point it’s 2009 so he's18.

Kevin's Family

All other U-kiss members of course.

Norae Song- A college student at Seoul Istitue of the Arts who's mom is friends with Kevin's Mom.

Hyomin- Norae's former rival when she was in choir and now is a part of the K-pop group T-ara as well as attending the Seoul Institute of the Arts. Other cameos of T-ara members may occur as well.

Jay Park - you know who he is too most likely -former leader of 2pm, but at this point we can pretend he still was.

Other characters tbd ;)


Hana and her friend Mary are sitting on her bed discussing their plans for university and their dorm room. Mary has a boyfriend named Kris and has been dating through most of their high school “career”. Hana on the other had is perpetually single even though she’s gone on a few dates, but she can’t really forget her childhood friend and first love Kevin.

*NOTE* - chapters will probably be slow to be posted, since I have a life outside of the internet. ;)


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Chapter 81: This was such an amazing and inspiring story, thank you! Would love to read more Kevin content in the future
fArhonEy #2
Chapter 81: There aren't much Kevin stories out here, and dear author you did a great job writing this one. Thanks for feeling us with such great stories~
2030 streak #3
Chapter 79: Hey ^^ I didn't mind the time hop. The chapter was nice. And the baby is finally here? can't wait for the next chapter.

PS in the first para of Hana's POV - later in spring 2011, you wrote Kiseop instead of Kibum by mistake. So I thought would let you know ^^
2030 streak #4
Chapter 78: Hey ^^ welcome back. hope you are feeling good now...
and coming to the story, the chapter was quite touching as if it was something happening to someone close to me. And Kevin has come to the realisation? wonder what's going to happen next. can't wait to read more.
Chapter 77: Can I just say that this is possibly the best fanfic I have read? I am so overjoyed to see a writer encorporate Christianity and Faith in to a story!! Plus Kevin!!! AHHH please update
2030 streak #6
Chapter 77: Hey there ^^ remember me? I caught up with your updates. I'm glad that court hearing went well. I can't wait to read the next chapter. Hope to see an update soon.
PS hope everything is alright with you now.
Chapter 75: I'm literally sitting at the edge of my seat while reading this because what if the judge is a poop head and makes Matt innocent? Oh god please help Hana with this!
2030 streak #8
Chapter 73: Omg! Now I know what you meant by surprise... I wasn't expecting that. Feel sorry for Hana. Can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon :)
2030 streak #9
Chapter 72: A short chapter but an update nonetheless... :) Well, I don't know what to say. What he did is wrong on so many levels. Wonder what's going to happen next. Can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon.
2030 streak #10
Chapter 71: An update! yay~ And this chapter too was nice as all your other chapters. I'm loving the ElVin moments more. haha :D And now that our Eli is married, should I stop shipping ElVin?
Anyway, can't wait to read more. hope to see an update soon ^_^