U-Kiss Fanfic: Hands to Protect me part 2

U-Kiss Fanfic: Hands to Protect me

“Well, I guess there's no point in going back to school,” I turn around to look at Kevin, “See you tomorrow?”

“Actually the guys and me have practice so probably not... But, if you're not doing anything, you wanna come hang out with us tonight?” He asks hopefully.

Knowing I'd rather do anything than go back home I tell him sure and we walk along the sidewalk apparently heading towards U-Kiss' dormitory.

“Are you feeling okay?” I turn to see Kevin watching me carefully.

“Yeah, I'm fine. Better now with the 'cast thingy',” I smile.

I wonder if I've made my first friend at this new school...

As we arrive at the dorm I see it's a huge building covered in windows of different dorms. Kevin stops me and I look to he he's staring at small group of girls who are gathered outside the door all holding signs for different groups, a few being U-Kiss.

“This way,” he smiles, rather deviously, and leads me around the back of the building, going in through an alternative door.

Kevin walks through and I follow him. He finds the elevator and presses floor 18. Once we get off he leads me to a room door and opens it. We walk inside to finds the other members sitting in front of a TV, all eating dinner. They look up to see me and all look at Kevin in surprise.

“Jay!” Dongho runs up and waves at me happily.

“Hey,” I smile at him.

“Hey guys!” Kevin tugs at me to come sit with him.

“Dang, he even brought her home...” Kiseop looks at me kindly, “I think Kevin has a crush on you!” He laughs loudly with the others.

Kevin's face turns red, “No!”

I laugh at him too and he looks at me with a betrayed expression.

“Hey, I'll call Jeongmin and Hyejin to come over too,” Eli says and takes out his cell phone.

“Oh yeah! We should order some chicken or something too!” Dongho says excitedly.

“You just ate dinner,” Hoon laughs at him.

“Call Jeongmin, Hyejin says she'll be here in a few,” Eli looks at Hoon who nods and calls someone.

I look to Kevin, “Oh, Hyejin is Eli's girlfriend and Jeongmin is Hoon's,” he smiles, “They're really nice, you'll like them.”

“Oh,” I grin as Kevin pulls me down to sit next to him.

I lean against the side of the couch because my chest is starting to hurt again. Kevin obviously catches on, “Are you alright?” he says anxiously, making everyone turn their attention to me.

“I'm fine,” I say lightly with a smile.

Not looking reassured he keeps looking at me but the others go back to their TV show and food.

“Oh,” Soohyun swallows, “did you two eat yet? It's almost 6 already.”

“Oh right,” Kevin smiles, “Are you hungry?”

I nod as I realize I really don't have any food in me since I threw up earlier.

“Cool, I'll be right back,” he gets up and head to the kitchen which just on the other side of us.

“So earlier you said you met Kevin last night?” Kiseop asks me.

“Oh um, I,” searching for words to say instead of the truth I stop for a moment, “I accidentally bumped into him and dropped some papers I had been carrying, he helped me find them all,” I say trying to convince them.

“He is known to be clumsy sometimes...” Hoon muses, making me laugh.

“Hi guys!!” A girly voice yells from the doorway and I turn to see who it is. Eli immediately gets up and goes and hugs her, “Hyejin, this is Jay,” he points towards me and I wave, “Hi.”

Eli whispers something and Hyejin laughs, looking into the kitchen to see Kevin making food for us, “I see,” she looks at me and rushes over to sit, “Hi, I'm Hyejin!” Kevin was right, she does seem really nice, “So has Kevin asked you out yet?” She asks, her eyes wide and innocent.

“What?!” I practically choke, coughing and making it hard to breath because of my injury, “Me? No, I just met him.”

“Dang girl, you really had quite the affect on him,” not offering an explanation Hyejin puts her arm around me and looks to Eli, “Does she go to our school?”

“Yeah, today was her first day.”

“Oh what classes do you have, maybe we're in the same ones!”

I tell her all my classes and I find out she's in most of mine. Feeling happy I have another friend in school I talk with her until Kevin arrives, stealing his spot next to me back and hands me a plate of food.

“Thanks,” I start to eat hungrily as Hyejin decided to sit in front of me, talking about how we should get together this weekend and go shopping or something. A little while later another girl comes in and Hoon goes over to stand by her. Smiling sweetly she introduces herself as Hoon's girlfriend, Jeongmin.

“I'm Jay, nice to meet you,” I say.

Hyejin waves to her, obviously they both know each other.

“Jeongmin, Jay and I are going shopping on Saturday, you wanna come?” Hyejin asks, even though I never confirmed that I could go, I guess I will though.

“Yeah, that'll be fun! What kind of places do you like Jay?” Jeongmin's voice is high and quiet.

“Um, I don't go shopping very much so I'm fine with anywhere...” Truthfully, I can't remember the last time I went out shopping with friends.

All of us talked for hours that night, playing games or just watching TV. I looked over at Kevin who was starting to look drowsy, his eyes closing a little. Taking out my phone I realize it's almost 12,

“I better get going, I live a little ways from here,” standing up I walk over to the door to put my shoes on and I see Kevin doing the same.

“I'll walk you home,” he smiles tiredly but his eyes shine.

“Oh that's okay--”

“A man should never let a woman go home by herself! Kevin's right,” Hoon stands up and stretches, “I'll take you home Jeongmin, and Jay, let him go with you since it's so late at night.”

“Ah, well... I guess.” Kevin opens the door for me and we leave through the same backdoor from earlier.

“Which way is your house?” He asks, putting his hands in his pockets.

“This way,” I start to walk down the street, pretty sure how to get to my house from here.

Kevin stays quiet while we walk and I do the same. I look up at the sky, the moon is already starting to fall and there are hardly any stars above the city. A sudden pounce makes me gasp as Kevin looks at me,

“I don't know if I should ask this, but,” his expression turns from playful to serious, “will you be okay? I know we barely know each other but I think you're really great and want to be friends, and as a friend, I just wanted to make sure...”

I think this is the first time anyone has ever said that to me and I feel my self blushing. I stop walking and look in his eyes,

“I... I really enjoy hanging out with you too and it's makes me really happy to know you want to be my friend,” I smile at him, “And thank you for asking me that... I don't think anyone else has ever said that to me.”

A smile fills his face as he walks by my side until we come to my house, I was happy to know that we don't live as far apart as I thought.

“Thanks for walking me home,” I bow and wave bye to him.

“No problem,” he squints when he smiles and tackle hugs me before turning around to leave.

“When will I see you?” I call to him.

“Mmmm, in a couple days I'm sure,” he waves.

I turn away and head to the front door of my house.


POV Change:

Once I see her turn around I quickly walk back over and peek from behind her fence to see her standing at the door. As she reaches for the handle I can see that her hand is shaking. After several seconds she finally opens the door and looks inside then goes in, disappearing into her home.

“I hope she's okay...” I say into the night.

I'm not sure why but something about this girl attracts me, making me want to protect her. I smile, remembering how she looked when she was laughing. What is this feeling? Why do I already miss her?


POV Change:

The next morning I get up and go down stairs to leave for school when my dad stops me,

“Jasmine,” I whip around quickly in case he's drunk, “Good morning,” his smile sends shivers down my spine, his rare sober state unnatural to me.

Not responding I continue for the door,

“Don't you want to eat something before you go?” His voice is kind and soft, reminding me of what he was like when I was little.

“No,” is all I say as I shut the door behind me and go to school.

Kevin was right, neither him or any of the other boys showed up at school the next couple days and when they finally came he practically knocked me over with a hug, smiling extravagantly, “I missed you~!!!” His cute face showing sadness, “Sorry we didn't come, we ended having some things at the company but now we're here!”

“Hehe I missed you too,” this was the truth, I actually missed him more then I thought I would, “But Jeongmin and Hyejin kept me company,” I smiled.

A group of girls pass us in the hallway and glare at me when they see Kevin hugging me and I quickly shrug him off, resulting in a frown from him.

He quickly puts on a smile again though, “Do you wanna eat lunch with us?”

I look to the others,” If their okay with it.”

“Why not,” Eli smiles.

“Cool, I'll see you at lunch, same place as last time!” Kevin turns to leave for his class and so do I.

Before I know the first week of school is over and the weekend comes. Getting up earlier then my father I leave the house to go for a walk then to meet Jeongmin and Hyejin. A mist covers the streets this morning and clouds block the sun, a light rain falling to the ground. My feet take me somewhere unexpected and I look up at the dorm of U-Kiss. No light shines from inside the window and I continue on my walk, feeling strangely disappointed.

“Jay~” I turn to see a familiar face and smile.

“Dongho,” walking over to him I see he's dressed in running clothes, “Are you going out for a run?”

“Just got back actually. What are you doing here?”

“Oh,” I scratch my head, not really sure how to reply, “I don't really know... I went out for a walk and my feet led me here,” I laugh a little.

“Heehee~ Were you looking for Kevin?”

“Ah, no,” I look down, a little embarrassed, “Just--”

“Oh c'mon, admit it!” He giggles, “He's probably awake if you wanna come upstairs?”

“No, that's okay, but thanks,” I smile to him, “Nice to see you.”

“Okay then, bye,” he waves and heads back to the dorm.

I walk to the subway station and ride to where the other two girls said we'd meet. For the rest of the day the girls and I shop around, they both buy bags full of stuff but nothing I find quite strikes me as worth buying. By the end I'm laughing with them as they complain about all the bags, “Then why'd you buy so much?”

“Cuz it's all so awesome!”

“Let's go back to my house for dinner,” Jeongmin says cheerfully.

“Cool, Jay you're cool with that?,” Hyejin asks me.

“Yeah, sounds great,” I say, smiling.

We all head to Jeongmin's house and end staying the night in her small bedroom and I think how happy I feel to be with friends before falling asleep.

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Chapter 12: Pfffffffffffft... Good update!
Chapter 11: OH MY GOSH!!!! What is wrong with you?!?! A freaking chapter TEASER!!!! AISH!!!! How could you do that to me?!?!?!? I was all exited "yay a new chapter!... Wait why is it so short? WHAT A FREAKING TEASER?!?!?!" I'm gonna DIE!!!
emilydawn #3
Chapter 8: Awwwwwwwww! Dongho is so cute. Can't wait for the next update. (: