The Attractive Hand

I've always loved you... ;)

Authors note:

hey guys, its Nazia (one of the authors out of three). just so you guys know, i get the most credit for this chapter coz i wrote most of it :D this chapter is knida... sensual so it was hard for me to write since Rumana (the author in our group) wasnt there to help me T^T but i will give her credit for doing the interrogation part :D anyways, rant over. ENJOY!!!!! <333333


Hearts Beating.

Bodies swaying.

Music thumping.

The club was rocking side to side due to the sweaty, dancing people that were clubbing hard. The music blasted out through massive speakers, making ‘The Cave’ rock.

‘The Cave’ was the most elite, most well-known club in the whole country. It had a reputation of being able to allure strangers in and let them experience a night they’ll never forget.

The club was uniquely designed like a cave. The lights were dimmed and mysterious like; making the club seem sensual and seductive. There was a huge dance floor situated in the middle that had strobe lights dangling from the ceiling. A bar was placed in the corner that provided drinks; vodka, shots, martinis and more.

But the feature that made this club the best in town was the mini coves scattered around The Cave. The coves allowed people to have some privacy (A.N: if you know what I mean ;)) with their partners, spouse or strangers. There were plush, comfy sofas in the cove and a dim light that set the sensual mood. This special feature made people crave admittance into The Cave and experience a night of pure pleasure and joy.

Only elite people were allowed to enter; only people with money and status.

But somehow, Dara managed to enter.

She wanted to forget.

She was gonna party... and party hard.

Dara decided to wear her best, attractive dress to the club. She wanted to attract all the attention so her mind would be diverted away from a certain someone.... Luhan.

She wore a mini red dress that just about covered her arse. The top her of her dress was a sweetheart neckline, showing a little bit of cleavage; enough to make the males mind go wild. The dress clung onto her curvaceous body as if the dress was a second skin.

Dara was currently swaying her animalistic body on the packed dance floor. Men were practically queuing up to dance with this goddess. Stares and glances came from all directions; they were ogling her carnal body and her dance moves, pulling them into a steamy trance.

Dara slowly forgot about her surrounding and pulled herself into the music. She danced and danced all night long with her eyes closed; not knowing about all the attention she was getting.

She started to feel a bit thirsty after dancing for an hour or two so she walked towards the crowded bar. She found an empty bar stool so she quickly vacated it. She tried grabbing the attention of the bartender, but she had no luck.

Suddenly Dara hears a low seductive voice behind her.

“A beer for me” he states, and his head turned towards Dara.

“And can I get anything for you?” he says, in his deep y voice.

Dara trailed her gaze up which led to the most attractive looking face she’d even seen.

Dara, smitten by his request, only managed to nod and let a quiet squeak out.

The hot guy was able to see the affect he has on this goddess, so he let out a low laugh and ordered a coke for her.

Dara sat in silence and started to wonder,

Why is this god sitting next to me?

He placed her drink in front of her. His hand was muscular with long fingers. The stranger’s hand was very attractive.

The man himself was very attractive... super attractive... Damn.

“Ummmm, thanks...?” she said, nervously.

“Haha, no problem, i’m always happy to help an attractive lady,” the hot stranger stated with a smirk, looking her up and down, “such as yourself”.

An awkward 3.5 minutes silence followed after.

“So... did you come here alone?” he asked.

“Well, err yeah...most of my friends don’t come here often...” Dara chuckled uneasily.

“Awwh that’s a pity, don’t worry, I’ll be your clubbing buddy”, the god smirked.


They decided to move their conversation into a more secluded area so they walked towards an empty cove.

The cove was the perfect place for both GD and Dara to continue on their tête-à-tête. They seemed to hit it off well together so they decided to play 20 questions.

“So Dara tell me” and GD goes into interrogation mode. “Would you say you prefer……STRIPES OR SPOTS?”

Dara, laughing at this ridiculous question replied, “Stripes”.

GD - “ooohhhh so you’re a ‘stripes kinda gal’ I see”.

GD - “next question, hmmmm what is your favourite toothpaste?”

Dara - “WHAT?!?!? There are flavours??? This is news to me, I thought there was only mint!”

GD in mock horror, “Dara, this is my passion, how can you not know this”, He stood up and placed his hand to his heart to start his motivational speech on toothpaste. “There is, strawberry, spearmint and ahem my personal favourite….. TROPICAL!!!”

 “I bet you haven’t tasted the coconut flavour”, Dara says in a sarcastic tone.

GD -  “ooohh I see I’m not the only ‘toothpaste expert’ around here.”

Dara loved hanging out with GD, he made her laugh and she was able to smile after so long.

GD - “okay let’s see, what should I be asking you now?” and he wiggles his eyebrows.

 “Who would you say is your first love?” GD states bluntly.

Luhan comes straight into Dara’s mind. GD saw the flash of vulnerability in her face so he quickly changed the question.

“What kind of shampoo do you use?” he said, quickly.

Dara - “and why would you need to know that”, playfully she retorts.

GD - “This kind of information can come in handy someday, you know…..somehow”

Dara, forgetting all thoughts of Luhan, replies “L’Oreal, cuz we’re worth it” imitating Cheryl Cole in the British adverts.

(A.N. if youre not British then you won’t understand the joke ;))

GD took his chance to ask a question, which he was waiting for a while to ask….

“Dara, as I can see you are a very….*cough* attractive girl and I was wondering, are you still a ?”

Dara surprised at this question, replied:

“yes, I am….ARE YOUUU?!?!”

GD didn’t want to reply so quickly looks at his watch and said,

“Oh look at the time, I have to go now” and he stood up quickly acting as if he was about to leave but was pulled back down on his seat by Dara. She was surprisingly strong.

“Excuse me mister, I have answered the question, and now it’s your turn”

This controlling side of Dara turned GD on.

“Okay, ill answer but you can’t be mad okay?

Dara nods and prepares herself for his answer,

“Yes, i am a …HAPPY NOW GURLL?!”

The questions became more personal as they continued their interrogations of each other. It was clear that there was a spark and connection between them.

GD really hoped that he’d see this beauty again one day.

Dara believed that he’d be the perfect distraction.

They both wanted each other.

A waitress sashayed into the cove to see if they wanted anything to drink or eat. She took a double-take when she saw the God-like man draped artistically on the sofa, but recovered from her lapse quickly. Her eyes turned dark from lust whilst she her lips. It was obvious to Dara that this waitress wanted GD. She didn’t blame her; this man radiated appeal.  

The waitress bent down to show off her chest whilst asking in a lustful voice,

“What would you like to drink… sir?”

Dara watched the waitress embarrass herself; she was practically offering her body up to a stranger like a common wench!

Luckily for her, GD replied back to the waitress in a cold tone, basically dismissing her from his sight. GD wasn’t interested in the skimpy looking Barbie waitress; his focus was on Dara.

To say that the waitress was disappointed would be an understatement! If looks could kill, Dara would be buried 269 feet under from all the killer glares she was receiving from the waitress.
(A.N. I used the number 269 because that’s the number in my email ;) I’m special :3)

Dara liked that GD was giving all his attention to her. She’s never had that before but she had always wanted it.

They conversed for a few more minutes about mundane things until they realised that it was getting late. Both Dara and GD were disappointed that the time went fast; they enjoyed talking to each other.

GD really wanted to meet up with Dara again, but how…

Dara had gone to the bathroom quickly to fix her make-up and outfit before leaving the club. She trusted GD enough to leave her bag behind with him in the cove to safe-keep until she got back.

This gave GD an idea.

He quickly pulled out her phone from her bag and typed his contact details in, including his phone number. He took a selca of himself to fill the contact picture section and then quickly noted Dara’s contact info down on his own phone before she came back from the loo. He really wanted to see her again so he hoped that she didn’t freak out when she finds out that he took her number.

Dara came back and saw GD standing with one hand in his trouser pocket and the other holding his phone. He was smiling down at his phone…

What is he smiling about? – Dara thought curiously but dismissed the thought as quickly as it came.

She quickly got her phone out of her back to call a cab so she could get home safely.

GD’s eyes widened when she reached for her phone, thinking that she already caught him on his plan.

How did she figure it out so quickly?! GD thought nervously.

Dara looked over to GD; he looked shifty.

Dara called the cab number and quickly gave her locations to the cab people, whilst maintaining eye contact with GD who had a look of sudden relief on his face but then hastily replaced it with his famous smirk.

GD had realised that she was only calling a cab. He felt stupid and paranoid.

He walked Dara out of the club when a blast of fresh, night air hit them in the face. They hadn’t realised how hot and stuffy it was in the club until they stepped outside.

GD didn’t want to say goodbye to Dara because of how final it sounded. ‘Goodbye’ seemed like a word that represents to end of something, meaning that maybe he would never get to meet her again.

 So he didn’t say goodbye.

Instead, he gently pulled her into his embrace and brushed his lips against hers… once… twice.

He had been waiting all night to do that… to be able to feel her soft lips against his demanding ones. But he decided to take things slow. He wanted them to work, so he couldn’t have Dara running away from him already.

He pulled away from the embrace and watched as Dara came out of her shock and as her cheeks started going red from shyness and embarrassment.

Dara never liked public displays of affection… but when it was with a hot guy like GD… who could resist? ;)


~~ one week and 79 hours later ~~

GD and Dara have developed a really good relationship. They decided to start dating and it was going well so far.

Dara’s distraction plan was working. She hadn’t thought of Luhan in a long time.

Well, that’s what she convinced herself to think.

Even though she would be distracted by GD during the day, night-time was another issue altogether. Dara couldn’t stop herself from dreaming of Luhan. He haunted her sleep every single night.

Dara’s phone rang suddenly, breaking her out of her reverie. She picked up the phone excitedly as it was GD calling.

“Hi!!!” Dara said enthusiastically.

“Hey babe. I gotta ask you something....” GD replied shyly.

Dara suddenly felt concerned because GD’s tone wasn’t the usual deep alluring manner. “hey, what’s up sweetie?”

“umm... meet me at cafe pica-pica in half an hour, okay?” GD said.

“... okay... i’ll be there... see you soon sweetie.” Dara replied quickly.

“See ya babe.” GD ended the call.

Dara had half an hour to get ready. She quickly showered in 10 minutes (world-record) and left her hair down in waves. She pulled on a pink tank top and a pair of jean shorts that end above mid-thigh. She pulled on her blue converses and applied a bit of lip-gloss before leaving the house.

She used to live with Luhan as a live-in maid but she quit after she couldn’t handle the heart break. She couldn’t face seeing Luhan every single day, knowing that he’ll never love her. It would kill her. So she left.

Dara didn’t realise that she was already at the cafe when someone sat down in her booth. It was GD. She really enjoyed GD’s company so as soon as she spotted him, her face lit up.

GD looked really nervous and agitated for some reason.

They ate some food in awkward silence. Dara knew that GD wanted to ask her something so she was letting him gather his thoughts before he told her what was on his mind.

GD coughed to get to attention. He said, “Dara... we have been hanging out for a while...”

Dara started to panic. Isnt that a break-up line?!

Dara didn’t want to lose GD, so she started hyperventilating and screaming out random things to him.


GD burst out laughing from Dara’s random reaction. He realised that Dara thought they were gonna break up. He finally grasped that fact that Dara thought of him as someone important in his life.

He said to her, “Babe, that wasn’t what i was gonna say. I was gonna ask if... you wanted to be my girlfriend? I want the whole world to know about us. I really want you to be all mine; Exclusively mine. So... what do you say?”

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Chapter 17: This chapter is soooooooooo funny >.< I can't stop laughing.
ooh~ LUDARA! :p
Chapter 24: Awww again im back reading again and again you nice story...i cant believe i again finish your story for the second time...kekekeke thanks nice story u have
claribelmiranda #4
Chapter 24: awww.....what a nice story, anyways done reading this one, looove this ^^
Jynroe #5
Chapter 24: hai....
thank you....
kellypot #6
Chapter 24: Aww such a beautiful story. I will miss this fic. Finally one where Luhan actually ends up with Dara! Thank you thank you!!
Chapter 23: Beautiful story authors . thank you !!! ^^,
Chapter 20: best proposal eveeeeeerr!!! *diieeeeesss*
qtpiequennie1 #9
Chapter 22: Thx for Updating!!!! Keep going
krxo35 #10
Chapter 22: Is the next chapter rated? Lol
Tnx for updating ^^