Aloha Fishes!

I've always loved you... ;)




Dara couldn’t wait to go on her first date. This was their first data after announcing their status to the world.


Dara was in shock. She thought that GD was gonna break up with her so it was a relief when he said the complete opposite.

Should i say yes? Would he make me happy? - Dara wondered.

She already knew the answer to GD's question.

"Yes. I will be your girlfriend. Let’s announce it to the world."


GD was getting ready for his surprise date with Dara. He had something very special planned for Dara… ;)

GD ordered Dara to wear something uncomfortable and loose as they were going somewhere hot.

Dara’s mind whizzed when she got this information…

So they were going somewhere hot…

I wonder where in South Korea is hot?

Dara decided to wear a cute flowery dress that ended above her knees. The dress flowed freely with the breeze that came through her bedroom window. She slipped on a cute pair of sandals with little flowers on the top, matching her dress. She stood in front of the mirror, wondering how she should do her hair; up or down. 

Dara bit her lip while she thought about all the places GD could be taking her...




Dara squealed at her thoughts. She’s never been to Gangnam before. Yet again, she’s never been on a proper holiday before.

Dara’s phone suddenly buzzed; a text message from GD. She opened the message with a huge grin on her face.


A special something?-  thought Dara, curiously.

She quickly brushed her hair and fixed her neutral makeup. She puckered her lips one last time in front of the mirror and then exited her apartment quickly.

Outside, waiting was a stretched out limousine that looked out of place in the area that Dara lived in.

“Miss Dara, Master GD asked me to tell you to put the blindfolds on,” said a short little man who was the chauffer.

The chauffer stretched out his hand and gave Dara the silky blindfold.

Dara took it reluctantly, shooting the little man a curious look.

Why was he making me wear a blindfold?- Dara thought suspiciously.

Stuck on the blindfold, was a sticky note which read:

The first surprise... ;) x

Dara smiled broadly at the small note and quickly put on the blindfold. She was escorted into the limousine and her journey began.

An hour later, the car abruptly stopped and Dara lurched forward. She heard the door open and reached out her hand tentatively for the short man’s.

She was lead out and felt the gravel floor beneath her feet. The sun scorched onto Dara’s face and she heard the soft sound of an engines turbine. Dara’s stomach suddenly went into knots and her heart started beating fast.  

The small man led Dara through something that felt like a labyrinth.

“I’ve been waiting for you... what took so long?” GD’s soft voice echoed into Dara’s ears.

Dara quickly took off her blindfolds and in front of her was a huge black jet. fell open and her eyes grew big from what she saw.

GD grabbed Dara’s hand a led her into the jet.

The first thing that Dara saw was a huge lounge completed with a small bar at the corner. A waitress waiting at the side of the door offered Dara and GD a drink. Dara took a martini as if she was in a dream. She still couldn’t get her head around it.

Dara wistfully walked through the jet with GD being the lively host.

They both entered into the main department with two chairs waiting to be seated upon. They both sat down and GD fastened Dara’s belt for her.

“Are you ready?” GD said excitedly.

Dara nodded softly as she looked at the view through the window as the plane set off.


As soon as the plane landed, Dara woke up from her short slumber. As Dara got off the plane, GD was leading her down the stairs as she was still blind folded. GD wanted this to be a special surprise as he was falling for Dara and he was falling pretty hard.

They were in Hawaii!

Dara could feel the wind blowing in her face, the sun was shining down, from her senses she had to guess what the place looked like and what she was imaging seemed pretty good to her.

GD let Dara bask in the beauty of his island, her eyes wide open were scoping the landscape. She saw palm trees, white sand, clear seas.

This was heaven.

Can this get anymore perfect?

As she was thinking that GD took her into his chest and embraced her, wrapping his arms around her as if he was trying to protect her.

“I will always protect you, Okay?”

It just got a lot more perfect...

Dara taken aback by GD’s sudden outbreak, replied with a nod.

GD breaks away from the hug and tries to gain back his ‘cool’ which he thought he might have lost. He looks over at Dara and goes back to the reason of why they were in this island paradise.

“Dara, baby I want you to remember this day, this is our first official date and I want you to enjoy yourself. Can you guess what we might be doing today?” GD questions Dara.

Dara looks around for even a hint of they might be doing today, with no luck she gives it her best attempt.

“Are we... going to the beach...?”

Even before Dara answered the question GD was already jumping around with excitement; he couldn’t wait for this day to start. He planned everything to the last tiny detail.

“Close, very close” he said, whilst grabbing Dara’s hand and running towards the beach like a kid who saw the sea for the first time.

By the time they stopped running, Dara was out of breath as she was not prepared for it.  She was bent down as she tried to regain her breath. When she looked up, she realised at this moment, she was a very lucky girl.
She saw cute tiny sandwiches, cartons of juice, and different types of bread and more, all lain out on a large piece of beautiful fabric, covered with floral designs and it was surrounded by flowers of all different colours and sizes, it was all lit up by candles in each corner of the fabric. It was a dream picnic suitable for any romantic date. 

Standing next to it all was a very smug looking GD who held flowers and a box covered in wrapping paper in his hands.

He handed Dara the flowers but he placed the box aside...for now.

“That’s part of a different surprise” and he gave Dara a cheeky wink.

Dara loved the sparkle that GD has in his eyes when he was planning something.

GD took Dara’s hand and guided her to a space where she was able sit and GD sat down beside her.

This day is going to be special.

GD picked up a sandwich and he placed it in Dara’s hand. He shot Dara one of his signature smirks and pointed towards the sandwich.

“DIG IN”, he announced whilst already stuffing food into his face. Dara watched him and it wasn’t long before she realised that she was hungry herself and she tucked in.


The food was great; she ate a lot! She was so full up that all she wanted to do was lay down on the sand and cuddle up with her man.

Her man GD.

That sounded really good to ear.

But not as good as ‘her man Luhan’…

No! I mustn’t think of Luhan now! – Dara scolded herself.

She lay down on the sand and gazed up at GD who was watching her lovingly.

“This was the most amazing date ever. Thank you so much GD.” Dara stated.

GD chuckled lightly and said, “Dara, the date isn’t over yet. I still have more in store for you.”

Dara raised her eyebrows curiously. She already thought the date was a success… but there was more?

GD looked out towards the clear, blue ocean and said, “Say Dara, how close acquaintances are you with fishes?”

Weird question. Dara thought.

“Well… I eat fish so they probably hate me for eating their family,” Dara said with a shrug.

GD burst out laughing from Dara’s response. That was not what he was expecting.

“Let me re-phrase that. How would you like to go see some fish with me?” GD looked at Dara, his eyes pleading.


GD shook his head. Dara may be smart and beautiful, but she was super slow sometimes.

“Wouldn’t you love to be closer to the fish than you would in an aquarium?” GD hinted out.

“Yes of course I would. Who wouldn’t want to swim with fish?” Dara said in a ‘duh’ tone.

GD gave up with trying to be subtle. Dara was obviously not getting the hints so he bluntly said, “Would you like to go swimming in the ocean with me?”

Dara was ecstatic. She loved swimming and it would be a bonus if she got to swim with fishes! But there was a dilemma…

“I didn’t bring my swimming costume with me…”, Dara said forlornly.

GD smirked and magically pulled out a two piece bikini set out from behind him.

So that’s what was in the box...thought Dara.

He threw it at Dara and basically commanded her to put it on; no objections. GD then turned around and walked into the trees behind them, to give Dara a bit of privacy.

Dara was slightly shocked but mostly amused overall. GD had planned there swim so he had bought her a swimming costume. He hadn’t told her to bring her own as she would have realised the surprise.

Smart move GD.

The bikini top and bottom was midnight blue with little flecks of glitter on them so when she moved, she looked like she was sparkling. The bikini top had cute little silver bows at the back and front that securely held the top onto her. The bikini bottom (A.N. ~~spongebob sqaurepants~~ ;P ) was a pair of shorts which Dara was grateful for. She didn’t like revealing her body so the shorts were a much better option than the usual choice of bikini bottoms that looked like underwear.

After changing into her swimsuit, GD magically appeared next to her in black swimming shorts. And his top was bare. Dara could see his chest. His chest. Damn.

After spending a good few minutes of eye GD’s torso, she felt the sea calling to her. She wanted to swim with the fish. So she went with her instincts and ran into the sea; GD hot on her trail behind her.

She jumped gracefully into the water when the water was waist-high. She was like a dolphin. As soon as her eyes adjusted to the new watery environment, they went wide from awe and amazement. From every single direction, she could see multi-coloured fish swimming everywhere. Some would magically appear in front of her whilst others would disappear behind rocks and coral.

It was a whole new world.

GD slowly swam over to see an awe-struck Dara who was avidly watching the fish play with each other. He was glad that he brought her to Hawaii and experience new things. He knew that she would never forget this special day. But he wanted to make it even more special by giving her something that no-one else would ever be able to give to her… an underwater kiss.

He gently grabbed Dara’s hand, not wanting to startle her or the fish, and tugged her towards him. Dara knew what was coming next so she leaned forward, keeping her eyes locked in with GD’s. They were getting closer and closer… they were almost within reach of each other when suddenly a mob of fishes swam in between them at high-speed. This instantly broke the connection and made them push apart from each other. They needed to breathe so they signalled to each other and swam upwards.

Even though the connection was broken by the fish a few seconds ago, both Dara and GD didn’t feel awkward with each other. Instead, they laughed at the situation.

They carried on swimming for a while, playing and splashing with each other. When their fingers started pruning, they decided that it was time to get out of the water.

GD went to change back behind the trees and left Dara in private like a gentleman. Dara hastily dried herself with a towel that was conveniently lying on the ground beside her, and quickly draped her dress on top of her swimming kit.

As she was slipping on her sandals, GD appeared from behind the trees, fully clothed. By then, the sun was already setting. They both sat next to each other on the shore and looked at the darkening horizon.

Dara signed contently and murmured, “Today was the best day of my life. Thank you GD for making me feel so special.”

GD smiled warmly down at Dara and replied back honestly, “And I thank you Dara, for letting me enjoy your company for the whole day. I truly enjoyed today and I hope we can do this again sometime.”

Dara grinned at him, signalling that she would definitely want to come back to Hawaii again one day.

As the sun set, the sky turned dfferent shades of the spectrum; pink green and purple. GD thought this was the perfect opportunity to try and kiss her again.

So he gently turned Dara around to face him and leaned in towards her. Dara, once again, got the hint and closed her eyes waiting for GD’s lips to touch hers. A few seconds later she felt cold lips touch hers softly that tasted salty like the sea. The kiss was gentle and sweet and lasted for a few seconds.

That was their first kiss.

Dara smiled happily after GD removed his lips from her and opened her eyes to see GD looking curiously behind her.

GD said, “Hey, what are you doing here?” to the stranger behind her.

She turned around to see who had disturbed this perfect moment and saw…  Luhan.

A load crack suddenly broke the silence.

That crack was Luhan’s heart breaking into pieces.

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Chapter 17: This chapter is soooooooooo funny >.< I can't stop laughing.
ooh~ LUDARA! :p
Chapter 24: Awww again im back reading again and again you nice story...i cant believe i again finish your story for the second time...kekekeke thanks nice story u have
claribelmiranda #4
Chapter 24: awww.....what a nice story, anyways done reading this one, looove this ^^
Jynroe #5
Chapter 24: hai....
thank you....
kellypot #6
Chapter 24: Aww such a beautiful story. I will miss this fic. Finally one where Luhan actually ends up with Dara! Thank you thank you!!
Chapter 23: Beautiful story authors . thank you !!! ^^,
Chapter 20: best proposal eveeeeeerr!!! *diieeeeesss*
qtpiequennie1 #9
Chapter 22: Thx for Updating!!!! Keep going
krxo35 #10
Chapter 22: Is the next chapter rated? Lol
Tnx for updating ^^