My Joonmyun?

Don't you remember me?

No one's POV: 

When HeeMi got through her apartment door she found a note stuck on the fridge from Jiyong 

We're out of food, be a darling and buy some


"Lazy " HeeMi mumbled to herself as she grabbed some money and made her way to the shops 
"Right... I guess I'll have to grab whatever I can" she said to herself as she made her way into the supermarket. Whilst looking around she reached up to grab a pack of ramen when she puffed her cheeks out
'Why am I so short?' she thought to herself as she tried to reach again when someone else reached out and pulled it down for her 
"Thank you" she said as she turned around to thank the person as she paused and her eyes widened 
"J-Joonmyun?" she asked 
"Joonmyun? It's me Suho" replied Suho as HeeMi snapped out of her trance and noticed Suho standing in front of her smiling.

"R-right sorry about that" she replied as she nervously laughed and Suho smiled 
"So what brings you here?" she asked as the two of them began shopping together 
"Chanyeol and his girlfriend Yuri sent me here to pick stuff up for the movie night tomorrow" replied Suho
"Yuri's dating Chanyeol?" asked HeeMi as Suho's eyes widened 
"I never told you this" he replied as she laughed and made a sign to signal that her lips were sealed and the two continued walking around and chatting to each other. 

"Just out of curiosity, who is this Joonmyun guy?" asked Suho as HeeMi paused 
"H-he's a friend of mine... a very special friend of mine who I haven't seen in a while" she replied 'He's my Joonmyun' 
"How long has it been?" asked Suho 
"Almost ten years" replied HeeMi as Suho could sense she was sad and wanted to cheer her up quickly 
"Well don't worry... as long as you haven't given up hope you'll see him some day" he said as HeeMi nodded and smiled as the two finished their shopping and walked down the road together.
"Are you sure you dont want me to walk you to your apartment?" asked Suho as HeeMi shook her head
"I'll be fine trust me" she replied as Suho nodded his head
"I'll see you around then" he said as the two went their separate ways.

Once HeeMi was outside her apartment door she fumbled around for her keys and jumped when Jiyong opened the door and pulled her in for a kiss 
"Evening" he said smiling as he took the shopping from her and she wondered in silent 
"Sit down and I'll be there in a bit" he said as she slowly nodded and sat down, wincing in the process. About a minute later Jiyong sat next to her and pulled her down so her head was on his lap and he rubbed the spot where he punched her the previous night 
"Yuri called whilst you were gone" he said 
"Really?" asked HeeMi as he nodded 
"Saying about a girls move night tomorrow...seeing as I'm going out with the others you can go with her" he replied as HeeMi nodded her head and found herself falling asleep. 

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NewWorlds #1
Chapter 28: Waa... I like the ending... It's a good story... Thankyou... ^^
iloveexo10 #2
Chapter 28: That was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!
vivihan #3
Chapter 28: :o can't believe it's over already ... Thank you for writing such a good story authornim and good luck on your future stories!!!
vivihan #4
Chapter 26: >:D muahahahahah xDDDD smiling like an idiot right now OTL
vivihan #5
Chapter 25: Keeheheheheh yeaaaaa finally!!!!!
NewWorlds #6
Chapter 25: Yay! Finally, he remembers her!! Nice... Btw, what happened to jiyong? Hehehehehe...^^ thankyou for the updates...
NewWorlds #7
Chapter 24: Yay! She wakes up... ^^ hope joonmyun can remember her again... ^^
iloveexo10 #8
Chapter 23: omggggggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that was so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
vivihan #9
NewWorlds #10
Chapter 22: Waa..I need more..kekeke.. What happened with HeeMi? Thankyou for your update...^^