Chapter 7

"We Never Know"
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Sehun's POV:


Chanyeol hyung was cut-off when the door opened

"Appa, Umma", Chanyeol exclaimed

"Where is Kei?", the lady asked worriedly

They entered and Chanyeol hyung closed the door

"Annyeonghaseyo", I said and bowed

"Annyeonghaseyo", they said in unison and went to Kei

"What happened to you?", the man asked and hold Kei's hand

"My god, you have bandages all over your body", the lady said while checking Kei's body

"Are you okay?", the man asked

"Deh, uhmmm. Are you my parents?", Kei's said with a blank expression

"Umma, Appa", Chanyeol called

"Deh?", they said in unison and faced Chanyeol

"Kei have amnesia, remember?", Chanyeol said

"Yeah, but what really happened to your sister Chanyeol?", the man asked and his faced expression changed, from worried to angry.

Wow, scary. 

"I'm going to explain it later",

"By the way, who are you?", the woman who is Chanyeol's umma asked, facing me.

"Me?", I asked while pointing myself

"Yes, you", 

"I'm Oh Sehun. Member of EXO K", I said and bowed

"I'm Chanyeol and Kei's friend", I added

"Oh Sehun?",


"We're Chanyeol and Kei's parents. Just call us ajumma and ajussi, okay?", the lady said while smiling

"Okay ajumma", I said and smiled back.

"We are busy in America. We just went here to visit Kei and to look her condition. We're glad that she was fine now", Ajumma said and smiled.

"Ah, right I forgot to tell you that the doctor said Kei can go home already", Chanyeol informed.

"That's good but...where will she stay?", Ajussi asked.

"She has a dorm. But you, umma, appa...where will you stay?", Chanyeol asked.

Ajussi and Ajumma looked at each other before answering.

"Maybe in a hotel but I want to stay with you and Kei while we're here", Ajumma said.

"But, we can't do anything..."

I cut off Chanyeol hyung.

"You can stay in our dorm ajumma, ajussi. We have a vacant rooms", I suggested and smiled.

"But, is it alright with your other members?" Ajumma asked.

"They'll understand the situation",

Chanyeol looked at me with a 'what the hell' face

"What?", I whispered while smiling

"Then, can Kei also stay with us?", Ajussi asked

"Of course",

"That's great. Right Chanyeol?", Ajumma said.

"Ah...Deh", Chanyeol answered and forced to smile.

"So, I guessed everything is fixed. Let's prepare Kei's things now?", I said excitedly.

Chanyeol hyung is still looking at me like 'your going to regret this' face.

I was just giving him a small smile.


This is exciting. Kei in our dorm with her parents. What is going to happen now? Kai is also in our dorm. This is going to be awkward...


Kei's POV: 


We arrived at EXO K's dorm. 

Sehun-sshi opened the door for us. They guided me as I walk, my foot still hurts so I can't really walk. When we entered the door, Suho-sshi welcomed us.

"Annyeonghaseyo", Suho said and looked at Chanyeol.

"Parents?", Suho asked and smiled awkwardly.

"Deh, they are staying here tonight if it's okay with you", Chanyeol said.

"Sure, let's bring your things in your room ajumma", Suho said and get umma's things.

"Where are the others?", I asked while walking. 

"They are in the living room, watching movies", Sehun said and opened the room.

"Sorry, the room is small.

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ilabya39 #1
Chapter 50: awesome fic dude!!!!
Chapter 57: I really like the sequels! ^o^ :))
hanjiwon_kpop #4
Thanks guys.... :)... I'm still making the sequel.. sorry for making you wait :( ...
baekhanjjang #5
Chapter 55: great story :D
Chapter 54: Sequel please *give you baekhyun's puppy eyes* wah! Hunnie love rihan????!!!
hanjiwon_kpop #8
I know there were many chapters but each chapters are not that long. :)... Hi readers. Editing the typos :)
Chapter 52: wow! your story is amazing eventhough theres so many typo there but i like this story ^^ lay is so romantic ♥ i love this story. author-nim jjang! ^^