Fourth Shot

One Shot

Whenever Hae Sung came to the workhouse and made dinner for the boys, they felt blessed. There was nothing they were more grateful for other than the fact that Yong Guk married Hae Sung. Zelo took the last dish from right under Young Jae's nose just as Young Jae was about to take the last piece of meat. Zelo smirked as he put the meat in his mouth, chewing happily.

"Oi, I got you pictures with the girl you have a crush on, shouldn't that meat be repayment to me?" Young Jae asked. Immediately, everyone else around the dining table got excited, especially Hae Sung.

"My baby Zelo has a crush? Who is it, Zelo? Is she pretty?" Hae Sung asked and grinned, looking at Yong Guk. "Our baby is growing up."

Zelo glared at Young Jae for spilling his secret. His trip to the supermarket and what he did on that trip was solely for Zelo to know. He was the only person to always volunteer for grocery shopping and he always did it alone. If Yong Guk hadn't insisted on letting Young Jae get used to the environment and forcing Zelo to bring him along, his secret would still be a secret. Now he looked like a weak wimp to his Hyung for having a crush on a girl.

"Who says I have a crush? I'm just interested, no big deal. I'll get rid of her once I have her," he shrugged.

Yong Guk smacked Zelo's head right after the maknae commented. If there was anything he hated, it was men treating women without respect. "Who taught you that, huh? Who taught you to be a player? You can't treat women like that."

"I was just joking..."

"Yeah, he was just joking," Hae Sung said, rubbing Zelo's head.

Yong Guk sighed and rubbed his temple. Every time he tried to discipline s, especially Zelo, Hae Sung always intervened if she was anywhere near them and just spoiled them like they were her children.

"So tell me, who is this girl? Young Jae said there are pictures, can you show me?" Hae Sung asked eagerly.

Zelo sighed and pulled his phone out, searching for the pictures, and showed them to Hae Sung. Hae Sung took his phone and squealed, browsing through the pictures before showing them to Yong Guk.

"I approve, Zelo, I approve! What's her name? Do you know her name?"

"She said it's JY."

"JY? That's an odd name..."

Zelo's phone was being passed around the dining table as the members browsed through the pictures, smirking one after the other and giving looks to Zelo.

"Our Zelo is finally growing up, huh?" Him Chan smirked.

"Are you sure you want to drag her into this?" Dae Hyun asked.

Yong Guk's reflexes had never worked so quickly as when he hit Dae Hyun in the stomach slightly too hard. Dae Hyun almost threw up his dinner. Him Chan grabbed Dae Hyun's glass and forced the water down his throat so Dae Hyun couldn't speak. Hae Sung frowned, wondering what Dae Hyun was talking about but since they didn't dwell on the subject for too long, she just let it go.

"Guess the Tasmanian Devil isn't that much of a devil after all," Bi Jeong smirked, returning the phone to Zelo.

"I've been meaning to ask you, Bi Jeong-noona...what's a Tasmanian Devil?"

"That's Bi Jeong's nickname for you. We've all got a nickname but I only know Zelo's," Him Chan said, typing on his phone and handing it to Zelo. "That's a Tasmanian Devil."

Zelo took the phone and looked at the picture on the screen. He grinned softly, looking as if he was proud of his nickname from Bi Jeong. "It's so cute! But why is it called a devil?"

Him Chan took the phone backed and typed in something else, handing the phone to Zelo again. This time, Him Chan had searched a video for Zelo to watch.

" Tasmanian Devil is not a good nickname?" Zelo frowned.

"Nope," Him Chan said, quickly taking his phone away from Zelo. The maknae might end up not liking the nickname and go into destroy mood; Him Chan's phone would definitely be the first to go since it was in Zelo's hand.


Bi Jeong came out from under the SUV, wiping her hands. She nodded to Him Chan who started the engine and smirked softly when the engine purred like it should. She sat on the table as Him Chan got out of the SUV, walking up to her. 

"I like the sound of the engine," Bi Jeong said, wiping Him Chan's hands for him. "Tell your members to take good care of the SUV. This is the third time this week we have to fix it. The engine's old so that's the last time we can fix it. If it dies again, then that's it, we'll either have to get a new engine or a new car."

"I love it when you talk technical. You sound so y," Him Chan smirked, putting his hands on either side of Bi Jeong, looking up at her.

"As much as you love cheeseburgers?"

"More than I love cheeseburgers."

Bi Jeong smirked with Him Chan and kissed him, pulling him closer. The kiss between the two only got more passionate until the door to the garage opened and in walked the other members. The couple pulled away from each other, staring at the members. Dae Hyun pulled Zelo down, covering his eyes with the help of Jong Up while Young Jae smirked, giving Him Chan and Bi Jeong a wolf whistle.

"You're not nineteen yet, you're not allowed to see," Dae Hyun said.

"They finished! And who cares if I'm underage? I'm in a gang with two tattoos. I highly doubt that Him Chan-hyung and Bi Jeong-noona making out is going to affect me anyhow!" 

"Let him go, guys," Bi Jeong said, jumping off the table and turning the engine off. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Yong Guk-hyung said that we're ready to leave now," Zelo said, pulling Dae Hyun's hand away from his eyes and bit down on it, leaving a mark. "He asked if the SUV is ready."

Bi Jeong stopped Zelo from getting on the SUV and stepped in front of the vehicle. "No one is driving but Him Chan and me. You guys treat the SUV like nothing. We'll have to get a new car if this one dies on us one more time."

"We'll just get a new one then," Zelo said, pushing past Bi Jeong and getting into the SUV. He turned the engine on and then revved it. "Come on, get in! I'm driving today!"

"Zelo, get out," Yong Guk said, walking in and waving Zelo out of the SUV. "I'm driving today. Him Chan will drive the other car. Bi Jeong, you're staying here in case Hae Sung turns up. Zelo and Young Jae, you're with me. Dae Hyun and Jong Up, you're with Him Chan."

B.A.P's cheerfulness and playfulness were replaced by seriousness as they began to pile into the cars as directed by Yong Guk. Yong Guk brought over a briefcase, handing it to Zelo and closing the door before getting into the driver's seat. He started the engine and drove off with Him Chan's group following behind him.


Yong Guk drummed his fingers on the steering wheel, looking out of the window before looking down at his phone to check the time. He let out a frustrated sigh and checked his phone again even when the time hadn't changed at all. He hated it the most when people were late, especially when they were the ones who set the time to meet in the first place. 

"Zelo, call them," Yong Guk said, throwing his phone to the maknae. Zelo caught the phone and searched for the number, calling the people who wanted to deal with them.

"Where are you?" Zelo asked. "Hyung is tired of waiting for you. Hyung, they said to shine your headlights."

Yong Guk grabbed the phone from Zelo and glared slightly. "You want the goods, you come and get them. I'm not doing everything that you say so either you get your out where I can see you or I'm getting out of here and the deal's off."

He hung up and threw the phone to Zelo, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel impatiently as he looked out of the window. When he didn't see anyone coming out from anywhere, he started the engine and was about to pull away when someone stepped out, holding a briefcase in their hand. Yong Guk's phone started ringing then and Zelo handed the phone to the leader.

"I'm here now, so shouldn't you keep to your side of the deal and come out with my goods?"

Yong Guk got out of the SUV, getting the briefcase, and Zelo and Young Jae followed behind him. The other three sat in the other car, watching them. Yong Guk walked up to the other person, holding the briefcase in front of him. 


Another person came out from the shadows, walking out and taking the briefcase from Yong Guk. Yong Guk gripped on the briefcase tightly, not letting go until he got his money.

"Don't worry, we just want to test it."

Yong Guk let go of the briefcase and Zelo and Young Jae stood by, guns in their hands pointed at the other two people. Kyung opened the briefcase, took a packet of drugs out and brought out some scientific equipment from his bag. He made a solution and poured some of the powder into a conical flask, swirling it around. B.A.P watched him but had no idea what he was doing. Kyung gave the other person a thumbs-up when the testing was done, closing the briefcase and taking the drugs with him. 

"Nice dealing with you," the other person smirked, speaking in English, and threw the briefcase filled with money to Yong Guk. "My name's Zico, by the way. Zico of Block B."

Yong Guk looked to Zelo for translation and the maknae quickly whispered the translation to the leader. "I don't care who you are as long as I get the money for the drugs," he said, opening the briefcase to check and quickly counted up the money before handing the briefcase to Young Jae. "Let's go."

"Let's deal again, Bang Yong Guk! Kyung, let's go."


"Wow...look at all this money!" Zelo grinned, digging his hands into the money and throwing it into the air. "Hyung, what are we going to do with the money?"

"What do you want to do with it?" Yong Guk asked, smirking softly. He was happy that the deal turned out successful.

"Buy cherry tomatoes, of course!"

"Would you grow up?" Young Jae asked. The entire room fell silent and Zelo glared, getting up from his seat. "I mean, cherry tomatoes! Yay! Let's all buy cherry tomatoes!"

"I know what we can do with it: buy a new SUV," Bi Jeong said. "I'm out of parts to keep fixing the old one and you guys keep busting it."

"How about we buy ourselves a yacht and party?" Jong Up asked.

Everyone looked at him before smirks were plastered on each of their faces as they petted Jong Up on the back for his excellent idea.

"Right then, we'll get a yacht," Yong Guk said. "But before that," he said, taking a small amount of money from the big pile, "this is for Hae Sung."

"Right then, let's have a celebration now. We can have another proper one when we get the yacht," Him Chan said. Bi Jeong got up and disappeared for a moment, coming back with cans of beers and a carton of orange juice. All the members reached for the beers but as Zelo reached for a can, Bi Jeong smacked his hand, giving him the carton of orange juice.

"You have permission to drink straight from the carton," Bi Jeong said, clapping her hands. "Watch out everyone, we have a Tasmanian Devil badass over here drinking straight from the carton!"

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chquine #1
I really liked it! =D
There were a few rough edges here and there but it was good!
I feel so conflicted about Zico, Zelo and JY's love triangle. In my opinion, Zico deserves her more than Zelo, but you can't dictate the heart what to feel and JY's heart in this fic screams Zelo so I can live... =D
Himchan and Bijeong are cute! =D
Yongguk's relationship with his wife is a beautiful one and I can tell that he really loves her.
I really felt bad for Seung Yong... poor girl... she lost Youngjae. I'd rather the alternate ending because for me Seung Yong deserves a happy ending with Youngjae... I mean I like them all but Seung Yong's case is entirely different because they're having a baby...
I'm ranting so I'm going to end with...

GOOD JIB!! =D ^_^V
Chapter 20: This should have gained more loveeeeeee <3
Chapter 20: OOOOOOOOH extra shot! :D Me liiiike~
LOL Daebutt tryin' to be a reporter again. Bwahaha.
Wait, who's that randon YH in teh middle that said "Seung Yong-noona"?
Awww so Ellie's actually gone too? :( Wah. Come back soooon!
Sounds interesting ;)
I also get inspiration for fanfics while watching one shot,
just I wonder if I can haha
As I read comments below, I'm starting reading your story XD
interesting !!!!
Chapter 19: D'aw. But what were everyone else's reactions? xD
Wahh, they're all in jail, booo! Except Zelo and Jongup, right? Aw Youngjae you traitorous , you. xP
WAHH I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S OVER ALREADY! It feels like just a day ago, you were posting the foreword and now...! Sigh. you write so fast. IDK how you do it. <3 Looking forward to your Daefic, whoohhooo!
Chapter 19: wow it's already over??!!! ommoo! but why you didnt mention the rest of b.a.p member? how bout their feeling about young jae true identity? aaaaah....

it's cool but i choose the previous end. i hate betrayer tbh -___- eventhough he's a police kekeke~
Chapter 19: I love this fic and I'm a little sad to see it finish! :/ Its like a part of me is missing somehow...*cries in corner*
But in the last part, isn't the girl's name supposed to be Seung Yong? You put Yoon Hye LOL XD
Chapter 18: did young jae really gone? ommo i caaaant ToT ToT
Chapter 18: Yay, JY remembered! Aw poor Zico, lol. BUT YAAAAAAAAAAAY
Oh nooo, Youngjae, nooo you weren't supposed to actually be dead, you idiot! How can you abandon your poor wife-to-be and son like that?! Sigh. This pabo.