the life & times at seongsan high;



Seongsan High School is a public school who's currently ranked as ninth in the country of South Korea, with it aims to only get higher up in ranks. As result, it's students are pushed to the edge with studying and performing their best. But like any other high school, there's cliques, bullying, and the struggle to find people who accept you the way you are.
Our story begins when Jung Dayeon is kicked out of her performance squad by her new ex-bestfriend, and is determined to find a new group of girls to out perform the now existing competition. However; finding people who are interested is harder than it looks, she needs at least five people in a group, and she only has a few months before sign ups are here. Not to mention the stress put on studies. 
She comes to find that there's much more to high school than labels and gossip, and finds out that everyone is in need of something. Be it hope, understanding, or even just someone to talk to.


In all of the years Dayeon had known Songmi, all of those six long years, she would have never guessed that the girl's ego would have gotten to this point. Sure, Dayeon wasn't the best singer in the school, but that did not give her right to kick out of their squad! But then again, Dayeon was dumb enough to title Songmi as the leader, so she was at fault there.

However - She would not make that same mistake again! Never, ever ever. And this time around; she was going to be the leader and Songmi is going to be begging her to join the group again. Granted...she needed a group first. She needed to go and get herself a group first. 

Question is, though, where is she even supposed to start?











i'll be putting up a character chart and such later, but...yeah @_@ tell me if you're interested? ._.


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I'm interested! *suscribes*