Chapter 1

Classical Prince
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"Yeah, yeah. Huh? You got me something?" I stopped as I waited for my dad's answer.

We were both talking on the phone, considering the fact that he lived in the U.S. while I was currently in Taiwan.

"Of course I got you something! It's your birthday tomorrow after all!" He replied chuckling, "Well sweetie I have to go now, your present should have arrived by now. Tell me about it later okay? Ok. Bye."

"Alright dad. Bye." I said then hung up.

Then being curious, I quickly got up slipped on a pair of shoes then checked my mail, bringing it inside.

"Newspaper, magazine, magazine, bill, bill, oh!" A letter from my dad finally appeared.

I quickly opened it, there was only a sheet of paper inside. I took it out and examined it.

"Taipei City's classical music concert..." I read.

After realizing what it was, a huge smile appeared on my face. I was a fan of classical music, but lately there hasn't been any tickets available. And when there was, I was always busy with something. I looked at the ticket for my seat number, I was surprised when I saw that my dad had gotten me a seat in the front row. Those, were more expensive and harder to get.

Immediately, I took out my phone and texted my dad.

To: Daddy <3

OMG. Thank you! How'd you get a ticket?! They were all sold out! Plus it was a front seat too! :o Thanks tons. <3 xoxoxox. Love you daddy. :)

Few seconds later, I received a reply

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Chapter 18: That ending was perfect!!!! I loved your story from beginning to end! Like you said in the foreword, there aren't that many Henry stories so I'm happy I got to read yours <3 Are you planning on doing more of him?!?!?! I don't know if you have more in you're stories, I would have to see but if you don't, I would love to read more of Henry!!!! <3 <3 Thank you for writing this heart warming story ^_^ It was really good and I loved it :D
Chapter 17: I'm holding back tears because I'm in front of people...Henry... :'(
Chapter 16: Why?!?!?! Why?!?!?! Why?!?!?! I want to cry :'( Hyemi why?!?!? Why did you do this to Henry D':
Chapter 15: Maybe?! Maybe WHAT?!?!?! Will she use that as an excuse...? Please tell me she will!!!! Will her dad back her up if she has a boyfriend?!?! I hope so!!!
Chapter 14: Why?!?!?!? Nooooooo!!!!! :( :'( She won't leave right...?!?!?! Or Henry will follow her...?! D:
Chapter 13: NOOOOOO HYEMI!!!! DON'T GOOOOOO!!!!! :'(
Chapter 12: LOVE IS IN THE AIR!!!!! Hahahahaha!!! Henry <3 Hyemi
Chapter 11: Hahahaha I want to be friends with Super Junior! I know being with them would be funny and entertaining!!! :D
Chapter 10: If I didn't love Henry before, now I do!!! He was awesome and a perfect gentleman hehehe and then Siwon's comment, I just saw him hahaha
Chapter 9: Hahahahaha I just saw them all running like crazy to catch the plane XD You make me laugh with every chapter :D