Chapter 2

Classical Prince
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I grabbed a sweater, keys, and my bag then headed out. I drove to the nearest supermarket, and took a cart. I first went to the fruit and vegetable section, then to meat, then to the snack and drinks section.

I scanned through the aisle for some snacks. I spotted a bag of shrimp crackers and reached out to grab it when another hand reached out and touched mine. I pulled my hand back and apologized to the person, "Sorry." 

"Ah, sorry." He said at the same time.

We both looked towards each other, it was the guy from before.

"Oh! It's you again." I said pointing towards him, then I placed my hand back down. "Oh..that was a bit rude, sorry."

He chuckled, "Guess we meet again."

"Yeah, in a super market. Did you find your friend's house?" I asked.

"Yup." He nodded. I glanced down at his basket full of snacks, he saw where my eyes headed and quickly explained. "Don't think this is all for me! We're having a movie day today and I'm in charge of snacks." He said holding up the basket to show me.

"You guys, spending the day eating junk food?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"Well... no... eh yeah. Basically? Well except for dinner of course! And we already had lunch. But it's okay! I'll eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and stay healthy!" He said.

I giggled, this guy was seriously cute.

"Henry-ah!" Someone called.

"Ah yes? Hang on! I'm coming!" He quickly placed the bag of shrimp crackers in

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Chapter 18: That ending was perfect!!!! I loved your story from beginning to end! Like you said in the foreword, there aren't that many Henry stories so I'm happy I got to read yours <3 Are you planning on doing more of him?!?!?! I don't know if you have more in you're stories, I would have to see but if you don't, I would love to read more of Henry!!!! <3 <3 Thank you for writing this heart warming story ^_^ It was really good and I loved it :D
Chapter 17: I'm holding back tears because I'm in front of people...Henry... :'(
Chapter 16: Why?!?!?! Why?!?!?! Why?!?!?! I want to cry :'( Hyemi why?!?!? Why did you do this to Henry D':
Chapter 15: Maybe?! Maybe WHAT?!?!?! Will she use that as an excuse...? Please tell me she will!!!! Will her dad back her up if she has a boyfriend?!?! I hope so!!!
Chapter 14: Why?!?!?!? Nooooooo!!!!! :( :'( She won't leave right...?!?!?! Or Henry will follow her...?! D:
Chapter 13: NOOOOOO HYEMI!!!! DON'T GOOOOOO!!!!! :'(
Chapter 12: LOVE IS IN THE AIR!!!!! Hahahahaha!!! Henry <3 Hyemi
Chapter 11: Hahahaha I want to be friends with Super Junior! I know being with them would be funny and entertaining!!! :D
Chapter 10: If I didn't love Henry before, now I do!!! He was awesome and a perfect gentleman hehehe and then Siwon's comment, I just saw him hahaha
Chapter 9: Hahahahaha I just saw them all running like crazy to catch the plane XD You make me laugh with every chapter :D