
One day...
[Story Title]: One Day...
[Story Link]:
[Author]: EunNah
[Main Characters/Pairings]:
Taemin & OC
[Rated]: Nope
[Reviewer]: ll0vex3_her

Title:  3/5
Nice title! I didn't understand the connection at first but I understood it immedaitely when I finished reading. Good title! 
Poster(If there is one): /15
None, don't worry, I won't count the marks in.

Description: 6/10
I like the quote, its so true and everything!

Forward: /10 
None, don't worry, I don't count the marks in.

Character descriptions (only if have one): /10
None, don't worry, I don't count the marks in.
Plot: 14/45
The plot is nice actually! I understood the whole thing, it was quite harsh of Taemin to do that! And yes, I would totally agree with the OC having revenge. Taemin shouldn't be so harsh T___T

Writing:  15/40
Good! It wasn't boring at all. I could feel the OC's emotion, like I was the one getting so harshly dump by Taemin T__T (not a good thing, lols)

Spelling/grammar:  19/25
Basically, nothing much to say about. Its ok, really okay! There's really nothing much for me to take note of because your spelling and grammer was all okay! Good job!
Ending (only if completed):  11/20
The ending was nice, except that I was quite disappointed with no exact revenge. But then, the title says it all. One day it will happen, but definitely not now xDD
Rated scenes (only if rated):  /10
None, don't worry, I won't count the marks.
Overall Enjoyment (bonus mark!):  5/10
I actually did enjoyed it! It was nice reading this scrabble, it wasn't boring at all. Good job! :))
Total: 73/155
Criteria: B-
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Love this! Sequel would be great! :)
SnuggyBunches #2
I like it . ^^ Please continue writing. Thank you. >//< Besides can I be your co-author? ^-^ <3 it much. :]