A Fangirl's Dream

"Nichkhun hyung!" someone shouted. D-did she just heard Nichkhun oppa's name?!

You touched his face. OMG. "O-oppa?" you said. You should confirm first, maybe you're just deceived by your imaginations. "Something wrong?" he asked. 

"Are you for real?" The door immediately opened. "Nichkhun-ah! Why are you two taking so long?" You saw Wooyoung rushing inside. Your eyes bulged in that beautiful sight! "Am I dreaming? Are you guys real? I..I mean I'm dreaming or something?" you asked.  "No." they said while laughing. 

"You must be hungry. Let's go grab breakfast." The three of you went outside the room. It's their dorm! It is!! "Good morning!" the four other members greeted you.

"G-good morning." you were stuttering because of the shock. You still haven't internalized that YOU are inside 2PM's dorm! And you'll be eating breakfast with them!


You sat beteween Junho and Taecyeon. They served you your food. "Hope you'll like it. We made it for you."

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