A Fangirl's Dream


First story here.  Please bear with me. :)

Think that your are the "you" in the story. 



You are a fan girl, a hottest to be exact.

You dream of them everyday and night.



That day, you were not allowed  to use laptop nor your cellphone. For short, you're grounded. Like WTH?! No 2PM? No hot guys? No spice in your life? How boooring.

Well, it's still early and you can't think of anything to do, so, you decided to sleep early! Yehey!

Once you were soundly sleeping........




You wake up in the morning, feeling comfy. Hah! What a life, waking with a fluffy feeling.

You open your eyes, adjusting to the light, whichever that light came from. Then, you suddenly heard a manly voice. Your body got shocked, 'cause your Dad was the only guy at home. And, he doesn't sound like your father at all.


You shot your eyes open, revealing a handsome guy grinning at you.

"Good Morning." 


You eyes bulged.

Are you dreaming? You held your hands up and touched him. OMG. He feels so true.


He looked at you suspicoiusly. "Is there anything wrong?"


"Nichkhun hyung!" someone shouted.




Are you really dreaming?


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