
Inside her core

Several years passed. Myungsoo became the visual of boy group Infinite under the stage name L. He didn't know whether Yoonbin did debut as a solo singer. Furthermore, he had almost forgotten her until Sungyeol and he were looking at old photos of Myungsoo.

"Who is that girl?", his hyung asked and pointed at Yoonbin.

"That's Yang Yoonbin.", he answered, suddenly remembering that he once fell for her. That he cried for her simply because she considered him as her best friend.

"When did you make that photo?"

"When we were in middle school, I guess? But I know her since elementary school and we also attended high school together.", Myungsoo explained.

"Ah, I see." Sungyeol looked a bit longer at the picture. "Wait. This girl reminds me of someone…", he added after a while.

"Could be.", Myungsoo answered.

"No! I mean it! She reminds me of an idol! I know that girl! Really!", Sungyeol said and jumped like crazy. Myungsoo chuckled.

"It's okay, I believe you.", he answered smiling.

"Wait! I'll be back again!", Sungyeol said and ran out of their room. "Yah, Lee Sungjong!", he shouted. After two or three minutes, Myungsoo again heard Sungyeol's loud voice.


"Lee Sungyeol! Calm down!", Sunggyu said. Sungyeol, on the other hand, went in their room again and started shaking Myungsoo.

"Yah! L-ah you are so lucky, really!"


"You know Yoon! Yoon, the solo singer! Don't tell me that you don't know her! Because you do! You are so lucky, I'm going crazy!"

"Stop shaking me! And I don't know anyone called Yoon! Aish!", Myungsoo said and his hyung obeyed his wish. Sungyeol gave him the photo again, along with a second one with Sungjong and Yoonbin smiling. Suddenly he understood and his questions regarding her future goal were answered all at once.

Yoonbin became Yoon, the solo singer.

"Yoon! The girl with the great voice! The Korean Alicia Keys! Don't you know her?", Sungyeol asked curiously.

"I have never listened to her songs…", Myungsoo admitted.

"You haven't? You should! I really love that girl! Sungjong too, and I know that the two of them made a selca together!"

"That's why you asked Sungjong?"

"Yeah, that's why. I wanted to make a selca too, but she disappeared all of a sudden. It really was a pity, but I will attend her next fan meeting!"

"You will not attend anything.", Sunggyu interfered, entering their room. "And now tell me why you shout like crazy."

"Yah, Sunggyu hyung! L-ah is friends with Yoon since elementary school!"

"What?" Sunggyu's eyes widened in shock. "Really? You really are lucky, Myungsoo-yah! I want to meet her too! But only Sungjong-ah met her in person, it really is a pity!"

"I know right? I hope that we have the same comeback stage one day, so I can ask her for a selca!", Sungyeol said in excitement.

"Now that you remind me – Lee Sungyeol, Kim Myungsoo, now you go training again. Our comeback stage is soon, so go practicing", Sunggyu ordered and they both left the room.

"You are so lucky, I can't believe it!", Sungyeol said excited.


"And the best thing is that she has a song called Romeo and we have a song called Julia, right? Just how great is this? Oh my god!"

"Calm down, hyung."

"I can't! Ah, L-ah, you introduce her to me, right?"

"Yeah, when I see her again…"

"You don’t meet her?"

"No, I don't."

"Then meet with her again. I'm sure she will be happy to see you again." Sungyeol smiled encouragingly at him. "Ah, and don't forget to bring me along.", he added and laughed.

"I will."


It was their comeback stage and they were as nervous as always – Sunggyu kept nagging and ordering, Sungyeol didn't stand still, and the others practiced their lines again. Myungsoo studied the order of stages and realized that Yoon were having her performance right after theirs.

"Yoon has her performance today too?", Sungyeol said as he saw the list too. "Woah! How great! Wait, let me look for her…"

"You're not going anywhere, Lee Sungyeol." Sunggyu ordered.

"But hyung, please! I really want to make that selca with her! I won't be back for long. And besides, L-ah is coming with me!"

"I do?", Myungsoo asked.

"Yeah, you do. You know her, after all."

"Hm… okay, permitted. But don't stay away for long!", Sunggyu said.

"We won't!", Sungyeol said cheerfully. "L-ah, come with me."

They went out of the room – Sungyeol almost ran because he was so excited to meet Yoon in person. Myungsoo, on the other hand, went very slowly.

The preschooler knocked on one door and went in. L waited outside, unsure whether he should go in or not. "Ah! Yoon-ssi! Nice to meet you, I'm Sungyeol from Infinite!", his hyung introduced himself cheerfully.

Myungsoo heard a chuckle from Yoon. It was the chuckle she used to make when something amused her. "Nice to meet you too, I'm Yoon.", she said and the melodic, raspy voice took L's breath away.

"Yoon-ssi, I'm a really big fan of you. I really like your songs."

"Thank you. I also enjoy Infinite's songs as well as your dramas. You really are talented."

"Really? I'm honestly flattered, thank you very much."

"You don't have to thank me. It's you who is talented, after all."

"Ah.." Sungyeol laughed nervously. "You are also very talented. You have a great voice."

"Thank you. But I don't think that I am this talented."

"You are! Believe me, you are! Many members of my group like you and your great work."

"I also enjoy your work. Especially Paradise has a special place in my heart."

"Thank you very much. Speaking as a member of Infinite, I can say that we are honestly flattered that you are an Inspirit, really. Ah, speaking of – I brought someone for you!", he said and looked outside. "L-ah!"

"Coming.", he answered and went in the room Yoon was waiting. As soon as he saw her, it felt like his heart stopped. Yoonbin had always been beautiful, but now she really seemed like a goddess to him.

"Myungsoo?", she asked in a high voice.

"Yoonbin-ah…", he replied.

"Oh my god! Myungsoo-yah!", she shouted and hugged him so tight that he thought that she would break his bones. "Oh my god, I missed you so much! I'm sorry that we didn't meet each other! I promised you!"

"It's alright…", he said, smiling.

"How are you? Are you alright?"

"Yes, I am."



"Do you love me?", she whispered so only Myungsoo could hear her.

"Yes, I do. Now that I didn't see you for so long, I love you more.", he answered.

"I love you too.", she said.

"Do you?"

"Yes, I do. I realized when you weren't here. I love you. I really do."

"Reunions are always nice, but…erm… L-ah, we have to go now.", Sungyeol interfered. "See you later, Yoon-ssi! It was nice to meet you, really."

"It was nice to see you two too, really. I hope we can take a picture together.", she said and smiled brightly. Although she answered to Sungyeol, she only looked at Myungsoo who smiled at her brightly.

"That would be great!", Sungyeol answered.

"I'm looking forward for your performance.", she said before they left the room. Somehow, Myungsoo felt all bubbly and warm inside.

Yoonbin loved him too. She said it.

"Ah, I was really nervous when she was there!", Sungyeol complained. "And you were all cool and calm! I really envy you!"


"L-ah, you make a photo with me and her, right? Right?", Sungyeol asked.

"Yep, I'll make one.", he answered and smiled.

Later, when they finished the performance, Sunggyu remarked that Myungsoo was smiling a lot during the showcase and that he was almost perfect. Myungsoo couldn't do anything than to smile.

I love you too, Yoonbin.

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Chapter 2: PRECIOUS. That's all I have to say. I could write an essay here, but I think I should be fast. Myungsoo here is very much perfect with the OC. And I love how you always put Sungyeol in these. Because obviously, I LOVE Myungyeol. I guess that's all this time. I'll end with a goodbye again, ahhah. Goodbye (for now).
SeobieGirl18 #2
Chapter 2: kyahhhh!!!! what a great story author nim!!! i really love it!! :)