Bring It On

I watch from my spot in the cafeteria as Kim Jongin- aka (don't judge me for saying this, I'm only quoting) " on legs Jongin" was balancing two girls on his lap. To me he always seemed like a douche bag... Tsk... Correction. He is a douche bag. He always carried himself with confidence which isn't bad, but only to a certain extent. Kim Jongin was arrogant. Everyone could see he was gorgeous, so the least he could do- for the sake of us, unworthy of his time of day is pretend he didn't see it too. I guess the fact he had girls feeding his massive teenage boy ego wasn't helping all that much. It seemed like every single time I saw him he had a different girl all over him.  He always had a mysterious smirk, almost an indirect challenge to all the other guys around. Was it secret way of flirting from across the room?

I'll be the first to admit, I was quick to judge him. I have only been at this school for a week but he was really not doing anything at all that might help me change my mind. I wasn't really sure why, but he had become a burning black hole in the back of my head, and before you even think about it, no. I do not have hidden feelings for him. Unless you conceder "sudden urge to murder" a hidden feeling. Sadly, it seemed like no matter how hard i tried to make it so, glaring holes into the back of head, he didn't disintegrate into mere particles that would be swept away by the janitor in the late afternoon and properly disposed of. But that's off topic. See my logic is because he made such a powerful first impression; it was hard to erase the faint memory.

My but makes rough contact with the floor of the crowded hallway as I face plant into some kids shoulder. Hushed gasps echo through the crowd as I let out an audible groan, not because of the impact, but over the fact that the pile of papers and textbooks that was once neatly stacked in my arms had come plummeting to the ground.


The sudden loud shout had startled me, making my head shoot up my eyes searching the crowd for the source of the voice. I felt like a deer in headlights. People were staring and pointing freely. Some were even pushing through the crowd to get a better look at the scene that was unfolding. When i was able to finally spot him, I was taken aback.

He was handsome. He had dark hair and a deep voice. He before me, hands on hips he glares down at my now trembling body.

"Oh! Sorry. I-it was an accident." I can’t help but stumble over my words.

"I was an accident? You think that makes things better?"

I could have sworn I felt the poison drip from his voice.  His eyes were now glaring holes into my face as I stared down at the hem of my skirt, playing with meticulous seams avoiding the powerful stare. I’d never felt so insecure. I wasn’t sure exactly why. Maybe it was the fact that this stranger was staring at me so intently waiting for a reply, or the fact that half of the school had gathered around us.

I look up through my eyelashes to get a good view of this handsome stranger. I swear if looks could kill id be dead two times over.

“Well… Yeah I was hoping it would...” I reply meekly. 

“Right.” he replies before reaching his hand down towards me. I extend my hand, a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips. He smirks down at me. His eyes suddenly growing darker.

“Don’t let it happen again.” He smiles. Gaping at him I nod clumsily.

“Yeah… I won’t” I finally manage to say a sentence without tangling my words.

He begins to turn away, his hand lowering back to his side and I just sit the, confusion painted clearly on my face.  

“Oh… right.”He begins to turn away.

 My arm that was still hesitantly waiting for his begins to perk up once more, the smile on my face coming back in a softer manner. He turns back toward me, reaching down once more and leaning dangerously close. Clapping his right hand with my left one, he sends another barely there glare in my direction and leaning in close he whispers

“Never let that happen again.”

He pulls his hand away roughly, making me fall back with a slight sigh. My face drops instantly as I lower my hand back to my side.

Since then, I’d gotten to know him a bit better. Not that I wanted to… But in this school, you either share a class with him, or the girls talk about him all day. Lucky for me, I was into both of them. Not only did all the girls shamelessly discuss his every move, but I was in his class, A-2. As a little bonus, as if one wasn’t enough, I was also stuck with the rest of his dance buddies.

Oh! I forgot to mention! He has a dance crew, ‘ESO’ or something like that. They were all pretty nice, I guess. Not that I ever talked to them, but this guy, his name was Park Chanyeol, was really funny! He was that one kid we all know who always shouts out in class. You know the kind you hate but love? He had a playful air about him, and I quite liked it! But that’s beside the point. That’s about all I knew about Kai. I took comfort in the fact that he probably had forgotten all about me. Since that day though, I was known as the looser who got rejected by Kim Jongin in less than 5 minutes. Honestly, I’d love to see the day when people finally get over it. I mean… I did.

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