How Pleasant -_-

You, Me, My Past


It was past midnight, and all of the guys were asleep, thanks to their busy schedules making them exhausted. The reason I was up was because I was

violently throwing up every ten minutes - hard to get to sleep during that. I walked into the kitchen to get some water, hoping that the walking around would

make me feel better. No such luck. I ran to the first bathroom, the hallway one, and emptied my stomach again. I flushed and then sat back with my back

leaning against the door. There weren’t many things that made me cry, but throwing up was one of them. It always reminded me of my childhood, when I

always threw up alone, always scared. Although then it used to be blood that I threw up. I began to quiet down, having calmed myself down. Too tired to walk

back to my room, I crashed on the couch, falling into a restless slumber.


I was awoken by what seemed like a bullhorn being used close to my ear. I cracked open my eyes and saw Sungmin, Eunhyuk and Donghae staring back

at me. I looked at the clock and say that I had only been asleep for an hour. “What do you want?” I growled, angry that I had just been woken up, when I

needed sleep the most. The guys were taken aback by my tone, but they answered me anyway. “We didn’t want to wake Wookie up just to cook breakfast,

since he’s exhausted and doesn’t have a schedule today. So we were wondering if you’d make us breakfast instead?” Sungmin, the self-proclaimed king of

aegyo pouted at me. I, however, was not in the mood for anything. I was asleep on the couch, something that had never happened. You could tell I was sick

from my pale face and sunken eyes, yet they didn’t notice anything. “Do it yourself, I’m going to sleep.” I growled, and got up to go get a glass of water from

the kitchen. Plates clattered as Heechul slammed his hand down on the table. “Don’t speak to your oppas that way. Wookie is exhausted, and you’re

whining about sleep. Wookie went to bed five hours ago. How long have you been asleep for, you selfish brat.” Smack! Before I could stop myself, my hand

slammed into his face. No one ever got away with verbally insulting me. I had grown up and could defend myself now, not like in the past. “What right do you

have to talk to me like that? I do everything around this house, and never once have I complained. My apologies that I want to go to bed since I have only

slept for an hour. My apologies for trying not to wake anyone up last night as I vomited my guts out. My apologies that you can’t make your own freaking

breakfast, like grown men!” I screamed the least words, letting all of my frustration out. I took a deep breath. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m about to throw up

again.” I bolted to my room, locking the door behind me as I skidded into my en suite. Once I was finished throwing up, I realized that the guys were all

banging on my bedroom door.


“OPEN UP RIGHT NOW! YOU CAN’T BE SICK ALONE. OPEN THIS DOOR OR I’M GOING TO MURDER YOU!!!” The last part was added by the one and only

Kim Heechul. I sighed as I opened the door. ‘What do you all want?” And it was all. Even Ryeowook, who had come to investigate the noise. He looked so

exhausted that I regrated the fuss I had made. “Ryeowook, go back to bed and sleep. You have no schedules today.” I grabbed his arm, leading him into his

room. The poor thing was half asleep, so it was easy to get him into bed. I silently closed the door on my way out. I had been hoping that everyone would

have dispersed while I was putting Ryeowook to bed, but no such luck. “Care to explain?” All of the boys were staring at me. “Explain what~?  Excuse me, I

need to go get changed.” I tried to walk across the hallway to my room, but with that many guys crammed into the tiny hallway, it was like mission

impossible. I felt someone grab my arm and looked up to see Eunhyuk. “Oppas are just worried about you princess. We don’t like it when you aren’t feeling

well.” I sighed mentally. I did not need this right now. They could all be over protective some other time. Not one of them knew about my past, and with them

hovering around me now, one of them will find me sobbing eventually. “Speaking of feeling sick, if you’d excuse me, I’m about to throw up again.” All of the

guys struggled to get out of my way as I barged through them to my room. Kyuhyun, the evil maknae that he is (although he is older than me), stuck his foot

in front of my door, preventing me from closing and locking it. Giving up, I ran into my bathroom, quickly locking the door before I lost what little I had in my

stomach. The tears started streaming down my face, but I chocked back my sobs as I tried to prevent the guys, who were currently trying to break my

bathroom door down, from hearing me. I washed my face, making sure no one would be able to tell that I was crying. I listened, and hearing only silence I

slowly opened the bathroom door. I was met with a room full of guys, some seated and some standing. I was grabbed by Siwon and Kangin, one of each

arm, and basically frog marched to my bed. They forced me to sit down as everyone crowded around me. “How are you feeling sweetie?” That was Leeteuk.

“I’m fine, just a bit sick is all. Nothing to worry about. Sorry to make you guys worry.” I turned towards Heechul, got up and bowed. “Minhae for this morning, I

wasn’t feeling well.” Heechul sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Now I feel like the bad guy. Minhae for getting angry at you, it wasn’t your fault.” I

stared longingly at my bed, wanting nothing more than to just sleep. “Minhae, but I’m really tired. Do you all mind leaving so I can get some sleep?” I

climbed into bed, trying to get them to leave as quickly as possible. All of them filed out of my room. Shindong, the last to leave, kissed me on the cheek

before leaving, closing the door behind him. As soon as it was closed, I bolted to it, locking it. I was not in the mood for company. Bad memories were

coming back to me, which was never a good thing. I fell into another restless sleep, hoping that I wouldn’t wake up anytime soon. I woke up at times during

the day, making dashes to the kitchen for food. There was no one home because they all had schedules. Even poor Wookie had to leave because of a last

minute radio show. SM was going to kill them one day, over working them so much.  I heard them all get home at around 10:30pm, but I pretended to be

asleep when I heard quiet knocking on my door. Whoever it was went away once they realised I was “asleep.” It wasn’t far off though, since I started nodding

off soon after.


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brown_glasses #1
Chapter 2: what is her past actually?.. i kinda not understand... but the story is nice though..
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