Secrets Reveald



Hyeha remembered the night with Zelo an started to giggle out loud. The other girls raised a brow and stared at her.



"Why are you laughing for," HyoIn said. "Is it because of how RaeMi pushed Daehyun off the couch," JeHee said laughing. RaeMi gave a death glare at JeHee which made her scared and go hide behind HyeRi. Everybody then focus back on HyeAh,"Soo what happen?" Everybody asked. HyeAh knew she couldn't keep the secret any longer because they were her friends so HyeAh just told them straight out. Everyone was in total shock. They couldn't believe what they had heard and was very very confused. The room was also very silent until JeHee broke the silence by saying "OMG, HyeAh, i never knew you were capable of anything like this." Everyone started to laugh. Hours later the girls got ready to go to bed. Ricky called up to talk to check on HyoIn beause he haven't seen her for days. After that they went to sleep. The next day they had to go back to school. Teen Jewels Went to school, it was a usaul day as always. During the day, HyeAh started to feel sick, and she didn't think it was anything so she didn't really care.


A week had passed and Teen Jewels was called in to go help out their parents because there was lots of costumers. Everybody worked very hard carrying boxes and everything. HyeAh was feeling sick again. She wasn't sure what was happening so she just carried on with carrying the boxes. After a few more minutes she started like she was going to pass out. She just fell down on the ground. One of the workers saw HyeAh on the ground passed out so he called 119. The ambulance came to take HyeAh to the hospital. Zelo face fell to the ground after he heard the news and ran as fast as he could to get to his only love,HyeAh. Everybody was waiting out by the door to HyeAh's room. 

The doctor appeared out the door and gave some good news. "She is very tired of all the hard work she has done and make sure she doesn't carry anything heavy because it will affect her stomach."

"Stomach????" Zelo said confused. "Yes she is carrying a baby right now," the doctor say gently.

"May i go see her doctor," Zelo said in shocked.

"She needs some rest but sure only you can go see her." Everyone face was way beyond shocked, it was more than that because the couple was the two youngest. Zelo ran quickly to go see HyeAh, it seemed like she wasn't herserlf anymore because of her pale skin. Zelo went to go sit on the chair besides HyeAh and held her hand to make them warm. He then set his head down on the bed and began to cry. HyeAh woke up to her boyfriend's cry and was also in shock seeing him cry.

Days later the doctor told HyeAh that she was getting discharge from the hospitol at noon. Everyone was very exited to throw a suprise party for her. 







Author note: i seriously do not know where this story is going. it seems veryy boring riht now bout i promis it will be very exiting towards the end. <3




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Chapter 3: nooo TT Zelo with Hyeah xD well.. i can't do anything haha
Chapter 2: i hope that in the rest of the story zelo is shipped with jehee even though changjo is another of my biases.. xD so baad! i want Jehee to be with Zeloo!! haha
Chapter 1: god o.o i LOVE this beggining.. since my name is JeHee and my BIGGEST bias is ZELO o.o ... let's keep reading..
OHH no!!! please don't end it! i love it so much make a sequel to it please
Chapter 51: Yay omg he remembers her!!!!!!!!!!! :D And happy birthday to Daehyunnie :)
Chapter 49: Poor Raemi :( I hope Daehyun remembers her soon!!! Please update ^^
fangirlABC #7
Chapter 46: Girl ... I love the story it's nice hehe
fangirlABC #9
Chapter 43: OMG............ LOLOLOLOLOLOL *One shot * Ringtone, TOTALLY killed the Vibe.. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. PFUSAHAHAHAHAHA LMAOOO .. Like seriously,,. Unexpected hshahahahah..Ok, ok
Chapter 43: Daehyun woke up!!!! Yay omo I was so worried! Please please update!!! I hope he's ok!:)