Sehun - Part One

Two Minds



Rolling over, the first thing I see is his face. Just a breath away, Luhan was still sleeping, a gentle smile teasing his lips. My hand started moving on its own and found itself the light blonde mess that was Luhan-hyung's hair. Is it weird that I thought his bed hair is adorable? If he knew that I thought of him that way, he'd probably laugh it off and start a whole speech on how 'manly' he is; the thing is, he just looks too cute when he does.
As I focus back to the perfection in front of me, after a good 10-minute daydream that is, I find myself melting into dark, glistening eyes.

"Why hello there, daydreamer," his deep voice reverberated through my body, sending tingles everywhere.
"Hi... Uhm... How long have you been awake?" I was slightly aware of heat creeping up on my cheeks, a light blush that made Luhan grin.
"Long enough to see you staring at me and start fantasising about things," his voice still teasing me. Uh-oh. The blush on my cheeks was probably making me look like an ugly tomato. Urgh! First thing in the morning and Luhan is going to think I'm weird.


"I'm sorry, don't be so flustered. I'm happy that you could gaze at me so lovingly, my only regret is that I should have woken up first to do it to you,"
When I heard him say that, I couldn't help but feel the love in his words. And I knew it was probably because of our nearing separation that he said it. Not like breaking up or anything, but it was time for EXO to make a comeback. That means EXO-K performing in Korea and EXO-M performing in China. I was glad that I would at least get another week with Luhan, and the other hyungs in EXO-M too, because of the showcase in both Korea and China that we all would attend to reveal our new album.


"Come on, lets get up before Suho-hyung comes in and drags us out of bed"
I pull myself off the bed and reach out a hand for Luhan, dazzling him with a smile that I know will melt him on the inside. He blushes slightly, my revenge for earlier succeeded. Sticking my tongue out at him, I laugh freely and pull him towards our 10 boisterous brothers waiting outside, laughter enveloping us both.




I was sitting on the hard floor, leaning against the wall, panting hard. Practice had been going on for nearly 8 hours and we were all ready to collapse. Despite the heavy tiredness I was feeling, I couldn’t help but stare as EXO-M were dancing in sync, their leader missing. Not that I was paying much attention to the hole left, but more at my Luhannie. His flawless moves flowed into each other, enough to make anyone drool. I wonder how fans would react to it; whatever it is, he’s mine and I’ll be sure to keep any saesangs away from what is mine…


The part of my brain that was still tuned in to the music noticed that the song was coming to an end so I brought myself back to reality. Just in time to smile at Luhan-hyung coming over, placing his head on my lap. I chuckled, feeling slightly ticklish. He looked up at me with those doe-eyes of his.


Not wanting to admit that I was ticklish because of his head on my lap, I said the next thing that came to mind.

“You’re getting better,” which was not a lie.

“Been watching me?” he giggled like a teenage girl.

“Of course, how could I resist?” I replied, winking at him, our conversation becoming more suggestive.


Suddenly a loud bang alerted us to a certain someone entering the practice room.


Before it could even register in my brain, Luhan-hyung was out of my lap and next to Kris, giving him a tight hug. I couldn’t help but stare, not registering anything but the fact that Luhannie was being all clingy to Kris. Jealousy threatened to take over as I saw them all laugh at some joke someone made.


Getting up, I went over to Suho-hyung. When he saw my face, he immediately looked worried.

“Is everything okay, maknae?”

“Can I just go back to the dorm? I don’t feel so well….” It wasn’t strictly a lie, I really didn’t feel well. Although it was more to do with emotional pain rather than any physical pain that Suho-hyung was probably thinking of.

“Hmm, okay. I think I’ll take all of you K boys back to the dorm and let M practise with Kris…”

He probably didn’t notice my face drop further. Luhan, alone with Kris (yeah, I know there will be 4 other guys there. But still!)


As we got ready to leave, Luhan-hyung didn’t even seem to care all that much. He and Lay were going over the dance moves with Kris and didn’t come over to say goodbye to me. I left the practice room before everyone else, wanting to crawl into bed and just hide.


And that’s exactly what I did. The minute I got back, I ran to my room and lay there on the bed, willing myself to fall asleep. Umma (I mean D.O) came in to check on me but I just ignored him; the one I wanted was Luhannie and he wasn’t going to come anytime soon. Still staring at the ceiling an hour later, not being able to fall asleep, the same thought kept running through my head: ‘Why won’t he spend time with me? He’s going to be with Kris for ages in China but even in Korea he chooses him over me…’


After what seems like ages, and I’m finally drifting off to sleep, the door opens and guess who decides to walk in. Luhan-hyung finally comes.

“Sehun?” his soft voice calls out. But there’s no way I’m responding.

“Sehun? Suho said you were sick…” this time he’s closer, and he seems so worried, but I won’t give in.

I hear a sigh, and the bed dips down behind me. For the next few minutes, there is silence.




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CandyJar #1
Chapter 4: Amazing! i enjoy reading this, thanks!