Is This A Joke? (Part 1)

EXO One-Shots

Starring Mi Hyun and Kris :)

“Yah, Mi-Hyun! You look like you’re paying attention. Answer this question, will you?” My teacher called.

I looked up, startled. “Uhh… the declaration was written in 1697?” I guessed.

The class burst out laughing, including the teacher. I blushed. Oh. I was supposed to be answering a math question.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kris glancing at me, smiling. Why does he keep looking at me? He doesn’t like me, does he?

Oh, stop. He doesn’t like you.

*In the lunchroom*

“Heyy gull! Guess what?” my best friend, Sun-mi asked me. I looked at her.

“I saw Kreeaaasee looking at you in Algebra!! Ooh does he liiikee you?? I saw your face turn red”, she teased.

I glared at her. “Don’t mention that. I don’t like him, and I don’t wanna hear his name ever mentioned again.”


You can say that I have mixed feelings about Kris. So, last year, I had this super duper huuge crush on him. He’s everything a girl can want! He’s handsome, smart, athletic, and even really nice! Or so I thought. Imagine how I felt when we became partners for this huge project in English. Like, we weren’t even paired. He actually asked me!! *squeals*

My friends tried to tell me that the reason he asked me was because I was smart, and because none of his friends were in that class. Of course, being the stupid girl that I am, I replied “Kris isn’t mean enough to do these kind of things!!”

So, I got to spend time with him while working on the project. He was extremely nice, and I got to know him well, even though we weren’t close. Too bad for me, I was disillusioned into thinking that he liked me at that time. Stupid me. Soo, guess what I did?

I confessed to him. I mean, indirectly. I told Sunmi to tell him that I liked him, while I pretended that I never knew she told him. When he heard that, Sunmi told me that he didn’t say anything negative, or positive. He just had a confused look on his face.

So, stupid me decided to believe that he liked me back, but was too shy to admit it. I mean, then why would he be soo nice to me? So I started to text him every day, and try to talk to him a lot. Then one day, he got fed up.


“Hi Kris!! Why weren’t you at English today? You missed a lot of notes. Oh, and your debate partner is writing his speech all wrong, you should help him. Oh, and do you need my notes? Did you eat lunch yet? What did you get on the physics test? Who are you texting right now?” I asked.

Kris finally snapped. “Oh my god, Mi Hyun! Can you stop? You’re seriously annoying me!! First off, it’s none of your business why I wasn’t at English today. I was absent for personal reasons. And my debate partner is NOT my responsibility, he should know how to write his speech by himself. He’s a big boy now. And stop prying into my personal business! Like, I know you like me and all, but please! I’m sorry but I don’t like you back, you’re just not my type. And quit pestering me and trying to talk to me.” He strode away.

I looked at him, mouth open. Was I really being that annoying?

I started tearing up. Of course Kris wouldn’t like me. Who would like me? I am the school nerd. I sometimes freak when I get a B, and I get teased a lot. I’m not popular, unlike Kris. I’m annoying. Some people once went up to me and said that to me. I wear glasses that make me look dorky. I don’t wear makeup. I only wear t-shirts and flare jeans. Not even skinnies, like everybody else does.

End of Flashback*

I sighed. Popular people will always be like that, no matter how nice they seem. But I HAVE been noticing Kris looking at me. And I know why. As of this year, my popularity level has risen up, a lot. During the summer, I literally gave myself a makeover. I got really pretty gray colored contacts, making my asian eyes appear to be shining. I permanently straightened my hair, and got really cool layers. I even put red and blonde highlights in my hair. Ever since the first day of school, I would wear a ton of BB cream, eyeliner, and makeup to look like a model. I stopped wearing flare jeans. I would wear only skinny jeans, and designer clothes. I stopped freaking out about my grades, but I still got all A’s. I stopped being all annoying and childish. I permanently put on my face mask, giving me a cold- hearted exterior. I did everything imaginable to make me seem cooler, and better.

Of course, this year I was teased less. I was talked to more. I was never lonely. My social status was raised.

Funny what a bit of makeup can do to a person. I’m still the same person.

On the first day of school, I noticed (from my peripheral vision) how Kris walked past me and did a double take. Yep, that’s me. Mi-Hyun, the DORK. Except not so dorky anymore.

A/N: Well, I guess this will be a two-shot, LOL. I don't feel like cramping the entire short story into one chapter... xD

Please comment and tell me how it is so far! I feel like this story is really boring and repetitive xD lol

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TaquitosNOMNOM #1
Chapter 7: Ma feels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much! ❤
TaquitosNOMNOM #2
Chapter 6: Kyaaa!! I'm spazzing right now. XD
I really liked. Can't wait for part two! Thank you! =D
TaquitosNOMNOM #3
Chapter 2: Yah! You're good. ^^

Can we still request?
TaquitosNOMNOM #4
Chapter 1: Oh gosh, this was funny! XD
TaquitosNOMNOM #5
Chapter 4: Aw. That sounds like something that would happen to me.
TaquitosNOMNOM #6
Chapter 3: T^T That was so sweet~~.
TaquitosNOMNOM #7
Chapter 5: That was so flippin' cute!!!!!!
Chapter 3: Of course we love Suho..... our pure angelic wolf.....
Chapter 1: Annoyed Kriss that so like didn't take long for me To imagine that...kekeke
violinluv4ever #10