
He Who Has Grey Eyes


He flipped through the records Hara had handed him. It was frustrating him to the point he just wanted to tear his office down. The only thing that was stopping him was his professionalism. This murderer was toying around with him, taunting him as if everything was a big joke. The Guardian. That name was etched in his brain. Subconsciously , Chanyeol balled up his fists.


"Chanyeol, calm yourself down," he reminded himself. Minutes passed and his anger subsided.


There was a light knock on his door. "Come in," he invited the person in calmly. It was just Jongin.


"Hyung, I've interviewed most of the VIP cardholders and so far, we've got nothing. I'm guessing that he must've slipped into one of the rooms and did the dirty work when no one was looking," he paused for a moment, his dry lips. "Sojin and I have been asking around for any suspicious entity in the nightclub and a bartender came forward. He said a man in his early thirties or late twenties was hanging around the dead girl. But then again, he mentioned that everyone in the club does that. So he can't make any assumptions," Jongin explained in details. Clearly, it could have been anyone in the club. "But, he specifically mentioned that the man wasn't a regular. It was the first time the bartender saw him," he added.


"How does this person look like? Did the bartender -what's his name anyway- describe him?" for once Chanyeol was interested. Maybe, just maybe finally he has the descriptions of the suspect.


"Kris Wu. And no, he couldn't exactly see the man. According to him, everything was hazy. He said he had a booze or two so it wasn't clear," Jongin reported. "But, something caught his eyes. He said that the man has shimmering eyes. It was sparkly in the dark atmosphere," he added.


"By any chance did he mention grey eyes or anything like that?" Chanyeol stared intensely at Jongin for an answer. Maybe he was a little too hopeful.


"How did you know that his eyes were grey just like Kris mentioned?" it was Jongin's turn to ask. Chanyeol merely shrugged, like he never bothered by the fact that he knew the suspect's eyes were grey.


"A guess,"he simply said.


"Right,"Jongin eyed him curiously, trailing of at the end. "So the only thing we have right now is grey eyes. We need to track all the grey eyes in this district, country even. I do think it's rare for someone to have grey eyes in this part of the region. Unless,"Jongin stopped to think for a logical answer.


"Unless he's been wearing contacts," Chanyeol finished the sentence for him.


"Yes. That's right," Jongin nodded in agreement.


"Is that what you're suggesting, Jongin-ah? You're suggesting that this man wears grey contact lenses to disguise himself?"Chanyeol repeated again. " Because I- Nevermind." Chanyeol kept the thought to himself. Jongin did not seem to hear it though.


Jongin nodded with vigour. "I think that this man has a split personality, a different side to him. Maybe a far dominant one than his usual self. A dissociative identity disorder," he said confidently.


"That might be possible too. Whatever it is, we need to find more clues. I think we need to contact the Criminal Intelligence Unit, for help. It's taking far too long," Chanyeol was pinching the bridge of his nose. It was a sign that he was thinking deeply.


"Alright, hyung. I'll contact them. Anyway, Soorin invited you over for dinner tonight and she's not taking a no for an answer," Jongin patted his back.


"Soorin wants me over for dinner?"Chanyeol thought aloud.


"Yeah hyung. When was the last time you actually had food in your stomach? Besides, Seolri and Minha misses their uncle so much," Jongin rolled his eyes.


"I'll think about it. There's too much to think of," Chanyeol went through the victims files again, for the fifth time in the day.


"Dude, just come over. No buts," Jongin left before Chanyeol could say no. Chanyeol sighed defeatedly.


Soorin. Jongin's wife. It was weird to think that he was older yet, still a bachelor. He was usually persuaded by none other than Soorin and Jongin to go for blind dates in which Soorin had set up with ladies of high status. Chanyeol did not need all that. He wanted someone who was kind and would take good care of him. Someone who would not mind living in simplicity. Someone like Dahae. But he knew it was impossible to find a perfect copy of Dahae. Even a clone of Dahae's (he believes) will never be exactly the same as her. So, because of that reason, he have yet to find his other half. He was too busy to even bother finding one.


The weird thing was, Chanyeol found himself driving into the Kim's driveway after work. He saw a sleek black sports car parked next to Jongin's wagon. He knew that black car anywhere. It was Byun Baekhyun's car. He parked his Volkswagen next to the cars and headed for the door. He rang the doorbell and waited expectantly. The door opened slowly revealing Jongin who pulled him in quickly. Jongin was secretly happy that Chanyeol made it. Or else, Soorin might have 'punished' him. Jongin lead him to the dining area where he heard merry laughter and above all, he heard a lot of voices. Oh no. Chanyeol hated one thing and one thing only. He hated socialising or even trying to get acquainted with someone. It was not worth his time. He hated talking to strangers yet, at work, he was forced to meet new faces everyday. It was was his duty to remain professional in order for everything to run smoothly. Besides, his team were just his colleagues whose personal lives seem rather insignificant to him. His eyes found a seat opposite Baekhyun and an unfamiliar looking lady. Baekhyun was busy talking and laughing happily with her to even notice his presence.


"Uncle Channie, we missed you so!" the children hopped off their seat excitedly to give their him a warm hug. Chanyeol smiled.


"I missed you too," he gave them a kiss on their cheek.


"Good to see you Chanyeol oppa," Soorin greeted in her usual gentle tone. He gave her a slight nod in return.


Baekhyun seemed to have snapped out from his animated conversation with the girl and turned to greet his bestfriend. "Chanyeol, meet Chanmi. Chanmi, this is my bestfriend Chanyeol,"Baekhyun introduced, a little too awkwardly. Chanyeol replied her with a soft' Hello' when she said 'Hi' with a shy smile. "She's my girlfriend," Baekhyun announced. Way to go, Byun Baekhyun. You had just dropped a bomb in Chanyeol's heart.


"Baek, no wonder you always turn me down when I ask you out for lunch, you sneaky ltitle bastard," Chanyeol replied in an annoyed tone.


"Excuse me, we have children here. So please mind those words of yours," Soorin warned him with a piercing glare.


"Sorry, Ma'am. Your wish is my command," Chanyeol retorted with sarcasm, to which Soorin rolled her eyes at. "Anyway, congrats Baek. You should've told me sooner," Chanyeol pointed his fork in Baekhyun's direction. The man squirmed in his seat in embarrassment.


"Now, we have only you left, hyung. When are you going to get yourself a girlfriend?" Jongin directed a question at him. That caught Chanyeol offguard. "Soon," he muttered, stuffing his mouth with black pepper beef.


Chanyeol never did stay long after dinners he had at the Kim's place. He bid goodbyes to his nephew and niece along with Jongin and Soorin. Baekhyun and his girlfriend decided to stay longer for a movie. Movies bore Chanyeol to death. He used the Guardian case as an excuse to escape from the torture. Besides, the only time he truly appreciated watching movies was with Dahae. Dahae loved movies of different genres and every Sunday was their movie night. Chanyeol always made time for his sister. When Dahae was gone, movies never had an importance in his life. Not anymore. Chanyeol stared at the new set of datas that were faxed to him by none other than Hara herself. He squeezed his eyes shut as he felt a sharp pain in his head. His heavy workload was taking a toll on his health and lately, the number of headache attacks increased. And here he was, scanning throughout the data he received, in his study after the dinner he had at Jongin's house. If Dahae was still alive, she would be yelling at him for not taking care of himself. He chuckled sadly at the thought. It was midnight when he finally decided to call it a night.

{Sungielove's note♥}

Hello my little earthlings. Oh god. I'm being random again. I'm starting to think EXO's never ever coming back. As if their debut was all 'Whilst Stock Last'. But, I still have faith in them. Every ounce of it.

Anyways, Chanyeol can't seem to move on from his sister's death. And you guys have yet to fully understand his life story. So, there's probably a big question mark above your heads. Don't worry because I'll sort it out soon. My poor Yeollie.

There's a lot going on in my head and I need to sort that out too. Homework's a as always with me getting sick every now and then. I'm pathetic. I keep getting dizzy spells and lately I feel nauseous, like I want to hurl all the time. Doctor said he can't find anything wrong with me (unless I get a blood test - which I didn't want to 'cause I hate needles). I swear I think I got myself pregnant just by watching too much EXO and Yixing. Oh, for god's sake I think I'm mental.

So, I'm ranting again and just too let you know, I have a sudden and strange feels for TAORIS. /FLIPS TABLE. I LOVE LUHAN MORE THOUGH. K. Ciao, my hearts~

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airiiminwoo #1
Chapter 9: how come the most recent comments in this story was like 5 months ago?? LOL this story is awesome!!!!!!!!! this should be recognized more by readers ^_^
Chapter 8: uwaahh!! Channie has feelings for his sister.. :') aww

I'm so curious yeah!~ *sings shinee's songs*
Chapter 6: omo.. KRIS?! could it bee?? omo i think i'm starting to have a motto.. "Could it bee??"

BUT KRIS?! is it him? omo omo..><
Chapter 5: OMO OMO The guardian?? Guardian angel?? Could it bee??? *gasps* you you bad murderer you!! Updater soon!! Authornim!!
Chapter 4: OMG another victim!!! AAHH People are dying endlessly.. How can the murderer be so cruel!! aahh!! omg omg omg!! Update soon!! ^^
Chapter 3: omg.. mystery!! aaahhh cliffhanger!! authornim update soon!! ^^ I support you!!
Chapter 2: wow chanyeol poor you :( and no problemo :)
laysium #8
This is an interesting story. I love the mystery behind it. Hwaiting, and Update soon! :D <3