Chapter 2 - Clue

There's something about Daehyun...

Nayeon's alarm clock rang loudly, making her jolt up and fall off her bed. Her hand appeared and slammed at the alarm clock, effectively turning it off. Morning already? She sat up sleepily, how much sleep did she get in the end? A few hours? She yawned and rubbed her eyes, pushing herself up from the floor. She showered and dressed for school, then went downstairs and stood in the kitchen door.

"Morning Umma, Appa." She mumbled, still rubbing her eyes.

"Ah Nayeon, come sit down." 

She did as told, as sat opposite her father.

"Zelo didn't come home at all last night, and he isn't answering his phone still." Her dad said slowly.

"Where is he?" Nayeon asked.

"We don't know. Go to school as normal, if he shows up there just call us and let us know, ok?"

She nodded.

She skipped breakfast that morning, her appetite gone, and walked straight to school, without once humming. Her thoughts revolved around her baby brother. Where was he? To be honest, even through she probably wouldn't admit it to him, she was missing his bubbly and introspective attitude. He'd have made her laugh at least three times already this morning, and would have annoyed her enough to make her want to yell out in frustration.He would have asked her if she'd done all her homework and offered to help her study for English, and she would have denied stubbornly, but... he wasn't here. So none of that happened. Who was she kidding? She missed him terribly. She was so used to him being around her all the time that it felt weird if he wasn't there.

She didn't even realise that she had got into school until she walked straight into someone in one of the school hallways.

She landed on her backside, clutching her books to her chest, her eyes wide. She should pay more attention next time, she scolded herself.

"Ah, I'm sorry!" She said, jumping up and helping up the other person, a boy with black hair and smooth looking skin.

She vaguely recognised him from one of her classes, History? Geography?

"Um... are you ok? I'm sorry for walking into you." 

"I'm fine, are you alright?" He replied, "You're In my Math class. You're Zelo's sister, aren't you?"

She nodded and swallowed, glancing away. She suddenly noticed four other people behind the boy. Three had blonde hair, two with lighter, one with sandier,and the fith boy had red hair. They all had perfect skin and were all fairly tall and thin. Now that she looked closer, they were all extreemly good looking. How had she never noticed these boys before? She should stop studying so much...

"See you in Maths then." The boy said and walked away, the other four following.

Nayeon watched them walk away, catching the black haired boy's eye when he turned back to look at her. He quickly looked away though and disappeared in a crowd of people that mostly consisted of girls.

She shook her head and headed for her class, keeping her eyes open this time, especially looking for the curly blonde hair she knew so well to be her brother's. 

She endured the day of lessons, and as each hour passed she felt more tired and lonely than the hour before. She really missed Zelo. She didn't have any friends in school, she only really focused on her studies, Zelo was her brother and her best friend. Most other people confused her.

The last lesson of the day was maths, she reluctantly entered the room and sat down at her desk, she got her books out of her bag and placed them on her desk and opened the text book, re-reading the chapter they had studied last lesson to be sure she remembered it.

"Hi Nayeon."

She glanced up to see the black haired boy from earlier.

"Hi." She mumbled.

"I'm Himchan."

"Nice to meet you." She said.

He smiled and pointed at his friends who were sat near Nayeon's seat, "That's Yongguk," He pointed at the red haired one. "That's Youngjae and that's Jongup," He pointed at the two with light blonde hair and lastly he pointed to the sandy blonde, "and that's Daehyun."

They all waved or smiled apart from Daehyun who just stared.

"What's your name?" Himchan asked.

"Ah I'm Nayeon Choi." She nodded, "You know my brother?" She asked.

"Uh, yeah. Kinda. We're in a couple of classes together. Where is he today?"

She looked down at her desk, "He's a bit ill so my mother made him stay off today." She answered as smoothly as possible.

"Well I hope he feels better tomorrow." He smiled and went to sit at his seat was diagonally behind me.

The class dragged on slowly, the clock seemed to not change. Every time Nayeon glanced at it, there was hardly any change. Worry was starting to settle in now for Zelo. He wouldn't have just vanished like this for no reason without at least telling her where he was going. He would have at least told her, right?

She sighed and leaned her head on her desk, she couldn't concentrate any more, the lesson was actually boring. Usually she'd be so entralled in what the teacher was explaining but today it made no sense and she couldn't even begin to try solving the equations.

Too Nayeon's relief the bell rung, and she rushed out of the class heading straight for Zelo's locker. When she got there, Zelo was no where to be seen. She stood infront of his locker and waited. 5. 10. 15 minutes. Still he didn't show up. So she unlocked his locker and peered inside. Of course she knew his locker code. Inside it was pretty messy. His books were stacked in a pile, and papers were thrown on the top shelf along with a take away coffee cup that was probably weeks old.

A black slip of paper tucked into the corner of his locker caught Nayeon's attention, she pulled it out and shut the locker. She unfolded the paper and stared at the white symbol and number. It was a bunny head with large eyes and six dots where it's mouth should be. Under the picture was a time, 18:00 and six numbers, 200713. 

Nayeon started walking out of the almost empty school halls and, walked home as she stared at the paper trying to decifer it. It must be important, or Zelo wouldn't have kept it.

She entered her house and kicked off her shoes without announcing her arrival, and walked straight past the kitchen and upstairs to her room, where she sat on the bed still looking at the paper. Nothing had puzzled her this much other than English, but this was more interesting, it could possibly be a clue as to what happened to Zelo. It was unlikely, sure, but she had to keep up hope. 

She quickly her laptop and spent almost half an hour trying to find a symbol that match the one on the paper, or a number or time that matched. It was fruitless though, she ended up with nothing by the time she was called for dinner.

"We're probably going to call the police after dinner Nayeon." Her mother said, as she served their dinner.

"The police?" She asked.

"He's been gone for twenty four hours now, I'm so worried. My poor baby is out there somewhere, and he would have contacted us if he could, which makes it worse because it makes me think he's in trouble!" Her mother sniffed and wiped her eye furiously.

Nayeon picked at her food, still not that hungry.


"Yes, Nayeon?" Her father looked up at her.

"Do you recognise this symbol?" She asked and held up the black piece of paper.

He squinted at it, then shook his head, "Sorry no. Is it important?" 

"Ah... no it's just a company that I liked the look of but I forgot the name of it." She answered, unsure of why she was lying to her father. She slowly finished her food and rinsed her plate in the sink.

It took her almost two hours to complete her homework that night, her mind buzzed. Her brother, the symbol and the five good lookngs guys all swum around her mind, aiming to distract her from her work. Whenshe finally finished she went back to her laptop and kept searching about the bunny symbol.

Her head drooped afteran hour of searching and her eyes fluttered shut. She fell asleep on her laptop, the prints fron the keys making her face for the morning.




I don't really go back and re-read my stuff so if you see any mistakes or anything, please let me know! It's like 3am where I am now and I've written a description, a foreword, two chapters and made a poster. I'm so tired. 

Thank you for reading! You are amazing if you've read past the first chapter or even the description!


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Chapter 5: updatooooooo! hwaiting!!o(≧v≦)o~~
Chapter 5: cant wait for your next chapter. hwaiting! ^^
Chapter 4: Himchan Himchan Himchan :3 hwaiting!
Chapter 4: Is Zelo in a rabbit hole :P? The TS gang? I bet Daehyun wasn't joking when he answered her question.
Chapter 3: Such a good story, and so far i dont see any mistakes ^^
Keep up the awesome job!

Update soon~ ^^
Chapter 3: Nice update! LOL
"I eat normally!"
"Normally for a guy." AHAHAHA
Chapter 2: Wow! Pretty cool story so far! Hwaiting!