Chapter 1 - That's not like Zelo

There's something about Daehyun...

Nayeon was walking home from school like any other day, although, it was raining. Usually people disliked the rain because it was dreary or cold, but she loved it. The sound it made as it splashed into puddles and hit the ground lightened her mood. 

The day had been like any other really, school had been the same, oh there had been a surprise test in Chemistry which didn't happen often but that wasn't really a big deal. Nayeon did well in school, she studied hard and got good results in pretty much every subjects apart from English. She did not understand that language! The gramma and pronounciation was so difficult! She didn't even understand why she had to learn it.

Nayeon's brother, Zelo though was much better at the subject, he could pronounce words well enough to float through the class, while she only scraped a pass mark. Her and her brother were pretty equal when it came to school, both were good at almost every subject and were role model students. 

She hummed as she walked along the path, thinking about what she might eat when she got home and what homework needed doing for the next day. Her house came into view at the end of the street and she happily walked through puddles, soaking her feet as she made her way home.

"Appa! Umma! I'm home!" Nayeon yelled as she closed the door and kicked off her shoes.

"Welcome home sweetie," Her mother called from the kitchen, "How was school?"

"Same as usual, though, I had a surprise Chemistry test today." Nayeon said, walking into the kitchen.

Her mother stood at the stove, stiring vegetables in a pan while her father sat at the kitchen table.

"No Zelo?" Her dad asked.

"No, I assumed he had a sports thing or something. He wasn't at his locker or the gate." Nayeon commented absent mindedly as she watched her mother cook. She sure was feeling hungery now that she could see and smell the delicious food.

"He didn't mention it this morning..." Her mother replied with a frown.

"He'll be back soon hon, Zelo's a smart boy." Nayeon's dad comforted.

"When will dinner be ready, Umma?" Nayeon asked hopefully, eyeing the cooking food.

"Soon, get a start on your homework andI'll call you down when it's ready." Her mother replied, shooing her out of the kitchen.

She trugged upstairs, and shut her bedroom door, dropping her bag next to her bed. She pulled out some of her work and opened the first book. Maths, easy for Nayeon, maths had always been an easy subject for her. She finished the homework in fifteen minutes and opened her Biology work.

"Nayeon! Dinner!" A voice called out.

"Coming!" She answered and dropped the book and pen on her desk on her way out, slamming the light switch and rushing down the stairs, her stomach growling. When did she last eat? Lunch time? So long ago! Almost... four hours! Too long to be without food for.

Nayeon sat down at the dinner table her eyes gleaming at the food in front of her.

"Eat up!" Her mother laughed.

And she did. She finished her food pretty quickly, and sat, talking with her parents waiting for them to finish.

"Are you sure Zelo is alright? He would have told us if he had something on..." Nayeon's mother glanced at the clock. 5:30pm.

"It isn't like Zelo to not tell us... but he'll be fine. He probably just forgot to tell us and is coming back now." Nayeon nodded.

"I guess. I think I'll call him." Her mother stood up and left the room.

Nayeon collected the plates and put them in the sink, under running water.

"I swear, that boy will be the death of her." Nayeon's father mumbled, "He does things like this, forgetting how worried she can get."

Nayeon stayed quiet and scrubbed the plates of any left over mess.

She went back to her room after putting the plates away and finished her Biology homework. She opened her Geography but couldn't concentrate. Her mind drifted to her brother. It really was unlike him to do something like this, sure he forgot to tell us stuff but he'd phone and make sure we knew. He wouldn't just disappear, right?

Zelo didn't come home that night. Nayeon stayed awake, more confused than worried. She knew Zelo was smart, he wouldn't get himself in danger, but she was still curious, where was he?

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Chapter 5: updatooooooo! hwaiting!!o(≧v≦)o~~
Chapter 5: cant wait for your next chapter. hwaiting! ^^
Chapter 4: Himchan Himchan Himchan :3 hwaiting!
Chapter 4: Is Zelo in a rabbit hole :P? The TS gang? I bet Daehyun wasn't joking when he answered her question.
Chapter 3: Such a good story, and so far i dont see any mistakes ^^
Keep up the awesome job!

Update soon~ ^^
Chapter 3: Nice update! LOL
"I eat normally!"
"Normally for a guy." AHAHAHA
Chapter 2: Wow! Pretty cool story so far! Hwaiting!