The Morning After

The Morning After

                                      The Morning After


                   Kyuhyun and Minho look curiously at Changmin. A combination of worry and bewilderment flashes through Minho's wide eyes as Changmin calmly finishes his glass of red wine while sitting on his messy bed with his back against that wall. Minho quickly refills his hyung's glass and shoots a question to his other hyung with his eyes:

                      How can he sit against that wall so calmly and drink when . . . ?

                    Kyuhyun clears his throat awkwardly, probably the most awkward throat clearing he's had since his debut, and he clears it again. His mouth opens and shuts as his best friend eyes him with those narrowed, sharp eyes. He decides to take another swallow of his wine, then another, and another until his glass is empty before speaking.

                     "Changmin, how many siblings do you have?" He tries to ask casually.

                     "I have two younger sisters, you already know this," he replies somewhat sarcastically. He yawns, lays down on his back, and stretches, staring at the swirly patterns on the ceiling for a few seconds before rolling over onto his side to face the two seated on the floor. "Two absolutely wonderful little sisters."

                     "Just two? You might get more soon," Kyuhyun's gaze travels beyond Changmin's shoulder to the wall, at which he gives a distasteful nod. Whatever was happening in the next room was certainly not two hyungs quietly entering dreamland like they said they were after a schedule-packed week.

                     "Can you do something about it, Changmin-hyung? They're like this whenever we want to hang out," Minho complains, shaking his head.

                     Changmin rolls his eyes. "You think Jaejoong-hyung and Yunho-hyung only do it when you guys are here?"

                    Kyuhyun begins to speak, but is interrupted when his handphone rings. "One sec, guys . . . Hello? Oh, this is Sunday night's Shim Shim Ta Pa~!" His jaw drops when he realizes his mistake and sees Changmin clutching his gut with his face buried in his pillow to muffle laughter, and Minho mouthing, "But  hyung, it's not Sunday."

                      But he recovers smoothly. "Eh? It's Saturday but I thought it was Sunday?" He listens to the speaker and gives Changmin the shut-up-or-else glare. ". . . of course I anticipated this call . . ."  He puts the phone on speaker mode and sets it on the floor infront of him. Shindong's voice comes on.

                     "Sorry, Kyuhyun," says his hyung without a hint of sympathy in his cheery voice. "By the way, what are you doing right now? "

                    "Me? Well, since I was expecting this call--" Laughter fills the room from the phone. "And I knew that you would call me tonight, I gathered the Kyu-line to hang out."

                      "The Kyu-line? Could you briefly explain what the 'Kyu-line' is to our listeners? Like, which Kyu-line members are you with right now?"

                     "With me right now?" Kyuhyun teased. "Here right now is Dong Bang Shin Ki's Choikang Changmin and SHINee's Minho." He hears female guests squeal over the mention of his friends and smirks.

                     "Sorry again, Kyuhyun, but could you hand the phone to Changmin?"

                     "Just a minute," Kyuhyun grins evilly as he spies his friend falling asleep out of the corner of his eye. He shakes Changmin's shoulder and sets the phone next to his buddy's head.

                     "Hello?" Shindong calls out.

                     "Uh, hello?" Changmin says groggily.

                      "Hello? Changmin-ah, this is Shindong-hyung."

                    "Uh, yeah. Hello?"

                    "Changmin-ah, are you ok?"


                     "Could you give a greeting to Shim Shim Ta Pa's listeners?"

                     "Ah, yeah . . . Hello, everyone I'm . . . I'm . . ." Kyuhyun and Minho collapse on each other, holding in huge guffaws as their friend forgets his own name. Quickly, they snap to attention and whistle innocently when he glares at them. "I'm Dong Bang Shin Ki's Choikang Changmin. Yup. Hey, everyone."

                       "Are you alright?" Shindong's voice strains a little, as if he, too, is holding back laughter.

                      "Eh? Yes, of course!"

                      "Can you prove that you're Changmin and not Kyuhyun imitating Changmin?"

                       Changmin sits up bolt-right at once and replies, with his usual snark returning, "And just how do I do that?"

                       Shindong's guests suggested that he sing "Hug" for them, so Shindong asks, "Is it ok for you to sing at this hour?"

                     "Of course! One second, please." He hops off the bed and settles on the floor across from Minho and Kyuhyun, setting the phone next to himself. "I want to be your kitty for just a day~" Color rapidly drains from his face as he sings because the room next door suddenly got noisier. Hastily, he ends the song, squeezes his eyes shut, crosses his fingers, and prays to Shisus and any other entity out there willing to listen to his evil maknae woes that Shindong will not ask about the unintentional backup singers. And he doesn't. As Changmin breathes out a sigh of relief, he accidentally lets out a huge yawn and sheepishly hands the phone off to Minho. He pouts as the younger man manages to sound 100% sober while introducing himself and proves his identity.

                       After Kyuhyun hangs up, he and Minho exchange glances before bursting into unrestrained, loud, and to Changmin, cruel laughter. Changmin rubs his neck, rotating his head this way and that way. "Aish, I hope my mom wasn't listening to the broadcast and scold me for watching again . . . honestly, half the time when I'm on the phone with her . . ." He jabs his thumb at the wall. "The sounds that she hears are from those two." He gives the wall a hard thump, causing the two on the other side to pause momentarily, then resume with exaggerated passions. Changmin sighs pitifully. 

                       "Oh, hyung, look at this," Minho says, pulling up a shopping page on his own handphone.

                      Changmin and Kyuhyun squat behind the younger man, peering over his shoulders at the product that Minho had on the screen. Immediately, Changmin's face brightens and he smiles.

                      "Oh, you so nasty," says Kyuhyun, exchanging glances with his evil geniuses.

                       "Brilliant," added Changmin, grinning.


Two weeks later . . .

                     "Hyung," Changmin says as sweetly as he can manage while massaging Jaejoong's boney shoulders one morning.

                  Jaejoong cracks open one eye before buring his face into Yunho's pillow. "You're creeping me out, stop it--" he whines as Changmin kneads harder. "I'm not bread dough, you know--ow!"

                     "Hyung," Changmin pleads, attempting to pout cutely like Yunho.

                  Officially creeped out, Jaejoong gives up and pushes the younger male off his bed and wraps himself up in the sheets; only part of his pale face, stray pieces of blond hair, and his dark, baleful eyes were visible as he reluctantly made his way to the bathroom. "I get it, you're hungry and want me to cook," he says sulkily. "I'm telling Yunho about this . . ."

                  Before he closes the bathroom door, Changmin catches a piece of the bed sheets and Jaejoong turns around. "Hyung, it's because I'm worried about your health." He holds out a box to Jaejoong.

                   Jaejoong takes the box, raising an eyebrow. "Thanks, I think?"

                  "Truly, hyung. It's because I worry about your health," Changmin drops the sheets and rushes out of the room before his smirk gives him away.


Later that day, in the Jaejoong's bathroom . . .

                  Jaejoong crouches on the toilet lid, staring at the device in his hands with disbelief. There's a knock on the bathroom door and he quickly hides the device in the waste basket. Yunho pokes his head in, and Jaejoong smiles sweetly at his lover. Yunho must not see this . . .

                   Yunho's eyebrows dance seductively as he asks, "What are you doing, gorgeous?"

                  "Nothing," Jaejoong says coyly, getting off the toilet lid to kiss his property. He pulls Yunho by the beltloops, burying his face in that familiar scent.

                  "Um, Jaejoong? Don't I stink?" Yunho ruffles the older man's hair.

                  "Nn," Jaejoong inhales deeply, closing his eyes as Yunho's muscular arms close around his thinner frame.

Meanwhile, in Changmin's room . . .

                 Again, the Kyu-line has gathered in Changmin's room, this time they decided to play a game of go-stop while enjoying the peace and quiet. Or at least, it was quiet for a couple of hours before Yunho came home from the gym.

                  Changmin throws the cards in frustration, then pulls at his hair.

                 "The prank pregnancy tests didn't deter them in the slightest," he hisses. His handsome face quickly becomes even more pitiful as Kyuhyun wins the game and the bet money.

                    "Just give it a bit. Did you give him the whole package of testers?" Minho sips at his wine.

                    "Or maybe you don't give him enough credit and he knows men can't get pregnant?" said Kyuhyun.

                Changmin throws an irritated look at his minions. "Normally, yes. Men can't grow babies. But look at them--or actually, don't look. They're like rabbits, it could happen." He lets out a small, exasperated scream.

                     "Just give it a bit," hums Minho. "It worked on Kibum-hyung and Jonghyun-hyung."


Jaejoong's room, a few nights later . . .

                    Yunho notices that Jaejoong won't meet his gaze even when the sun is out, and lately, he's been a bit gloomy and quiet. And tonight--and the past few nights-- Jaejoong hasn't given him any new awkward love bites to explain to the stylists. And he's been waking up to answer nature's calls too frequently. Yunho kisses Jaejoong's forehead, cheek, lips, and neck, moving in on his ear to whisper,

                        "What's wrong, other me?"

                     Jaejoong averts his gaze, causing the younger man to sigh and roll off his lover. He sits at the end of the bed watching Jaejoong pull the sheets to his side and hug his knees against his chest, making himself shrink against the headboard. Slivers of moonlight infiltrate their room through the cracks in the blinds, and Jaejoong's snowy shoulders glow as if angel wings were sprouting from his skin. 

                      Yunho scratches his head and steps off the bed, only to have Jaejoong clinging to his arm.

                     "I need to use the bathroom," he says, and Jaejoong releases him. Yunho kisses his fluffy blond hair before walking into the bathroom and shutting the door.

In the bathroom . . .

                       Yunho crouches on the toilet lid while pondering about his Jaejoong. Habitually, he sticks out his lower lip like a child and pouts. Unable to think of a reason as to why Jaejoong was upset, he pouts some more. He's unwilling to face Jaejoong without at least thinking of one reason or instance to apologize for. Unable to think of anything, he begins to play with the waste basket pedal, opening and closing the lid several times. Clank. Clank. He stops and stares at its contents for a second. Stick like devices hidden under clean facial tissues catch his attention.

                      He picks up one the weird devices and stares at it, dumbfounded, and drops it as Jaejoong opens the door.

                      "Yunho-ya," the older begins.

                      "Jaejoong-ah . . ."

                      "Yunho-ya . . ."

                       Jaejoongie, you know--"

                        "I'm sorry, Yunho, but I don't think we can keep it."

                       Yunho blinks, baffled at Jaejoong's innocence. "Are you serious?"

                       "You want this baby?"

                      Yunho blinks again. "Did you get dropped on your head as a child? Or are you just not feeling well?"

                       ". . . You don't want it?" Jaejoong asks, confused.

                     "Jaejoongie . . . You can't have a baby, stupid--" And with that, Jaejoong's temper suddenly snapped. And they quarreled.


The morning after . . .

                    Yunho wakes up on the couch, stretching and yawning. He looks longingly at Jaejoong's door for a sign of forgiveness, but there's nothing there. He begins to pout as Changmin's door opens and the maknae walks out, stretching and looking well-rested and oddly happy.

                   "Jaejoong-hyung still locking you out?" giggled the evil maknae.

                  Yunho glares at the maknae before rising to fix himself a bowl of cold, stale cereal for breakfast.

                    "Minho is brilliant, those prank testers worked like a charm," he says happily. Then he realizes his mistake as he feels a pair of eyes at his back. "Oops." Quickly, he pales and a bead of sweat runs down his spine.

                  Yunho freezes and slowly turns around to face Changmin; he spots Jaejoong also staring at the young man from his door frame.

                  "Shim--" Jaejoong begins.

                   "Changmin!" Yunho roars and the two hyungs lunge at the maknae.




A/N: Lots of mistakes in this one, sorry. Jaedelle will edit later.

20130329 - minor grammatical edit & word choice/syntax fixes


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Baravois #1
Chapter 1: What a prank...that would be quite a hilarious situation to be in:)
redblossom07 #3
Chapter 1: OH MY GOSH!! this is so funny!!! bwuahahahahahahahahahaha!
Chapter 1: Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhu....... so funny
mar1adyve5sa #5
Chapter 1: hahahaha so
Chapter 1: hahahahaha
Chapter 1: OMG this is epic~!!!<333
love it!!!!!^^
thanks for sharing,,
uchie07 #8
Chapter 1: yup run devil run apply for changmin....
SoLiveMe #9
Chapter 1: Haha evil changmin. Run changmin, run. Please take care yourself. XD
Chapter 1: muahahahhaha
omma~~~ save changmin for me

got u yunjae XD