Just Friends


You don't know exactly when you started loving Jongin, but you knew that if in the past 19 years he had never shown a hint of attraction for you, then it was probably too late. You made a decision to stop loving Jongin as more than a friend. 




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Chapter 2: This is sooo good! You deserve more subbies!! Update soon! Your writing skills are really good
Chapter 2: *because x_x
Chapter 2: I get to post the first comment?! Coolio. Hahahahahah this is a really nice fic. I'm lovin' it thus far. The slight spelling mistakes cannot compare to the content of this fic, which is weird by my standards becayse I absolutely hate mistakes in fics. I really hope that you update soon! I don't know why you have such few subbys ): Oh well. You've done well! I like this fic ^_^