You're Cursed!

Bidanyi's Magic




You're Cursed!


»  It was dark and freezing outside, it was raining and Sungmin is walking on the side way to their apartment with an umbrella to protect him from soaking, bringing some groceries for their dinner until he heard some meowing side on the left side of the street. He searched where the sound came from and walk across the street and there he saw an open box so he peeped and there he saw a hopeless white kitten, shivering from the cold wind.


“Oh, poor kitty,” he said, feeling concerned and squatted down to see it in a view, “Where’s your master?” he talked to the kitten even it can’t understand him, it just meows.


Sungmin look on his left and right looking for the owner of this cat. Maybe he just left it here but came back because some of emergency, so he stands and wait for the owner.


Minutes passed no one came to get the poor kitten so he decided to keep it and bring it to the apartment for a better shelter and feed some food because its tummy is crumple in hunger. He put the umbrella between his chick and shoulder.  As he carry the kitten he sense a warm but wet on the side of its feet.


“Blood,” he said surprised and anxious so he immediately held it carefully in one hand and the other carrying the groceries and the umbrella and he run as fast as he could to his apartment.


When he came to the apartment he hid the kitten under his jacket so no one can see it. It was a prohibited pet apartment so no pets allowed. He walked coolly and when he reached the elevator he quickly press a button to their room’s floor. Once he get inside he pushed the button again and again so it’ll close to sure that no one will get inside with him. The kitten keeps meowing, good thing nobody heard it. When the elevator stops and open to its certain floor he runs straightaway to their apartment door and rang the bell, luckily it opens instantly with the person holding a knob.


“Kyu,” he called, catching his breath.


Kyuhyun look at him in wonder, “Is there something troubling and why are you panting?” he asked.


Sungmin didn’t answer but pulled the kitten under his jacket and hand it to Kyuhyun.


Kyuhyun recoil and look him in disbelief, “Min! Animals are prohibited here and you know that I hate cats!” he complained hands in the air, not holding the cat.


“Shut up and hold it for a while,” he said in a scary tone making Kyuhyun have no choice but to hold it. “Hold it tenderly,” he told to him, seeing how Kyuhyun just held the cat like a dirty trash.


Sungmin get inside and leave the groceries he bought and knock on Ryeowook’s door telling him the groceries are there.


He just sighed and carried it tenderly. Sungmin’s lucky because he love him so much that he cannot hurt the latter.  After waiting for Sungmin to get this cat away from him, he suddenly noticed that the kitten’s left leg has a wound. He ran from the living room towards their shared room.


“Min! Min! This thing has a wound!” he shouted from the door, making Sungmin jolt while wearing his pajamas.


Sungmin frowned, “Its name is Bidanyi and it’s not a thing!” he shouted.


Kyuhyun looked at the cat unbelievably, “He even give you a name,” he muttered.


When the door opened revealing Sungmin on his plane pink pajamas, he pout, “Give me that!” he said pulling out from Kyuhyun’s hold and walk towards the bathroom bringing a first aid kit.


Kyuhyun is following him from behind.


He opened the door and put the cat onto the closed toilet, putting the kit on a laboratory and getting some bandages and an alcohol setting it beside. He glare at Kyuhyun, “Hold Bidanyi gently,” he said and Kyuhyun obediently obey.


After treating the cat they went to their room and put it on his bed.


“Min, how can you keep it here? It’s not allowed.” He worriedly asked.


Sungmin sighed, “I don’t know. I feel pity at Bidanyi and I cannot leave him alone in the streets, shivering and soaking wet from the rain.


Kyuhyun massaged his temple, “Look, I know you cared for that cat but no one will take care of it when we’re out,” he said as-a-matter-of-fact.


Sungmin can’t help but pout. Kyuhyun was right; he can’t keep this kitten for long someone might search for him.


“Min you need to put it back where it belongs,” he said sitting his bed across Sungmin’s.


“But I already love Bidanyi,” he said looking pity at Kyuhyun’s eyes.


Kyuhyun sighed again, “Gosh Min, you really such a cat lover,” he said resting his back on a soft pillow, “You always bring a cat in here when you go outside alone and look at what happened. It poo everywhere and always scratches the curtains and sofas. You can’t take care of it even in just 2 days.” he explained while the cat is staring at him.


“Fine,” he said in surrender, “but I won’t put him back where I got him. I’ll send him to an animal shelter at least he’s not feeling poor there,”


Kyuhyun nodded and stands, walking to the door and turn the knob but stop when he noticed that Sungmin is not moving from his seat.


“I won’t eat dinner, I feel full,” he said, caressing Bidanyi.


He sighed for the 3rd time and walked outside the room and was surprised when he saw Ryeowook outside their room holding a spatula.


“Dinner’s ready,” he announced, smiling at him.


He looked at the kitchen and saw the others already there, he closed the door.


“Kyu?” he called, “Sungmin won’t eat?”


He shook his head, closed the door and proceeds to the kitchen.


Ryeowook was worried but he has nothing to do with it. Sungmin is stubborn, so he shrugged and left.




“Sorry Bidanyi, I really want to keep you but there’s some who can’t accept you in the apartment,” Sungmin talked to the kitten that is inside a medium size cage. He pleaded at Yesung to borrow the cage that was used to his turtle for a moment and luckily Yesung said yes.


It was a beautiful day with the sun shining from above. He settled his cap to cover the half of the face from the cap’s shadow. He was going to the animal shelter not too far so he decided to just walk in disguise. Hell he didn’t expect so many people today.


When he reached to the said place he goes directly to the owner who’s back facing at him. “Excuse me sir?” he called and the man turn around to see a cute guy.


“Oh sorry, welcome to the animal shelter,” he said and bowed to Sungmin. Sungmin also bowed to him. “What can I help you?” he asked giving a welcome smile.


“Uhm, well… there’s this poor kitten that I found beside the street so I decided to keep him but I can’t because it’s not allowed to,” he explained, earning a nod from the owner.


“I see. Well it’s very kind of you to try your best on caring the pet,” he said with a slight frown on his face, “Please follow me,” he instructed and Sungmin followed.


The owner opened the door from the back and went at the back of the house. There Sungmin saw a medium size house and heard some caterwaul of cats. He felt nervous.


When the door was opened there he saw tons of cats inside a cage, he came inside and looked around. His face turned into frowned and mixed with disgust when he saw some cats having a skin allergies and the fur almost no not almost but really detached on their skins. He was too distracted to notice that the owner held his hand to take the cat on Sungmin’s hand.


“Ehem!” he forcedly cleared his throat so that Sungmin’s attention was on his.


“O-Oh… sorry,” he apologized, bowing.


“Can I have the cat now?” he kindly asked to Sungmin.


Sungmin was thinking twice if he’ll give it or not, “Uhm, what happened if no one will adopt this cat?” he suddenly asked making the owner let down his hand.


“If no one will adopt them within 1 week, we can’t do anything but put them in to sleep,” he said sympathetically.


Sungmin became stunned and dumbfounded on what he just heard. He can’t take this, he like this cat and already give it a name but dispose it just like that? He can’t come to a piece in this.


“I know it’s a bit difficult. I understand you,” the owner soothed Sungmin, “but that’s just really what has to be done.”


He wanted to say something but fear and mercy overcame him. He had no choice but to give the poor cat to him.


“Do you want to say something before you’ll left?” the owner asked.


Sungmin nodded and bit his lower lip curtly, “If no one will adopt him after one week can you please wait for me in one hour to say goodbye?” he begged.


The owner smiled at nod at him, “Sure if that’s what you want. I’ll wait,” he approved and Sungmin formally bowed at him before he left.




“Did you send the cat?” Kyuhyun asked, sitting beside Sungmin on the sofa.


Sungmin nodded flatly in reply and suddenly looked at Kyuhyun with blank expression on his face, “Names Bidanyi,”


“You still named him after you sent it to the animal shelter? C’mon Min, just move on,” he disputed and Sungmin’s face turned angry.


“I’ll blame you if Bidanyi will die!” he fumed pointing at Kyuhyun harshly.


Kyuhyun was surprised, “Hey, why would you blame me?! You’re the one who grab that stray cat from the street!” he snapped.


It was true; it was true that it’s his fault. He also blamed himself but he also blame Kyuhyun for forcing him to send it to the animal shelter even he don’t want to. “It’s your fault too that you convince me to give it to the shelter!” he argued, “I wish you’ll have cat ears and whiskers growing in your face!” he said all of a sudden not looking at him and making Kyuhyun groaned in annoyance.


There was suddenly a loud thunder coming from their window and it’s started to rain. It was weird, earlier the weather was very good but it unexpectedly rain, but in the other hand there was something strange happening too.


“Look Min,” he said, making Sungmin look at him again, “I really like you to have a cat but it’s a huge responsibility to take care of it and its very impossible for you because we have a hectic schedule,” Kyuhyun explained but suddenly he wonder why Sungmin is looking at him with large eyes. “Min?” he called waving a hand in front of Sungmin’s face.


Sungmin cleared his throat and grab Kyuhyun’s waving hand and putting it down, “Kyu, what’s on your face?” he confusedly asked making a weird face at Kyuhyun.


Kyuhyun knitted his eyebrows in bewilderment but nonetheless search for a mirror and grab it towards his face, “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!” he screamed throwing the mirror and look at Sungmin, horrified, “WHY DO I HAVE CAT EARS AND WHISKERS ON MY FACE?!” he asked, shocked and don’t know what to do but panic, clutching Sungmin’s both shoulder and shook the small guy.


“Ahhhh! I don’t know Kyu! I just suddenly saw that in your face!” he replied, also not believing what just happened.


Kyuhyun stopped, “Maybe this is just a dream… right! This is just a dream. I’ll wake up soon,” he convinced looking at Sungmin, “Punch me,” he said.


“What?! I can’t do that!” he opposed.


“Just do it!” he harshly demand and the next thing he knew, he fall to the floor now unconscious.It was dark and freezing outside, it was raining and Sungmin is walking on the sideway to their apartment with an umbrella to protect him from soaking, bringing some groceries for their dinner until he heard some meowing side on the left side of the street. He searched where the sound came from and walk across the street and there he saw an open box so he peeped and there he saw a hopeless white kitten, shivering from the cold wind.


“Oh, poor kitty,” he said, feeling concerned and squatted down to see it in a view, “Where’s your master?” he talked to the kitten even it can’t understand him, it just meows.


Sungmin look on his left and right looking for the owner of this cat. Maybe he just left it here but came back because some of emergency, so he stands and wait for the owner.


Minutes passed no one came to get the poor kitten so he decided to keep it and bring it to the apartment for a better shelter and feed some food because its tummy is crumple in hunger. He put the umbrella between his chick and shoulder.  As he carry the kitten he sense a warm but wet on the side of its feet.


“Blood,” he said surprised and anxious so he immediately held it carefully in one hand and the other carrying the groceries and the umbrella and he run as fast as he could to his apartment.


When he came to the apartment he hid the kitten under his jacket so no one can see it. It was a prohibited pet apartment so no pets allowed. He walked coolly and when he reached the elevator he quickly press a button to their room’s floor. Once he get inside he pushed the button again and again so it’ll close to sure that no one will get inside with him. The kitten keeps meowing, good thing nobody heard it. When the elevator stops and open to its certain floor he runs straightaway to their apartment door and rang the bell, luckily it opens instantly with the person holding a knob.


“Kyu,” he called, catching his breath.


Kyuhyun look at him in wonder, “Is there something troubling and why are you panting?” he asked.


Sungmin didn’t answer but pulled the kitten under his jacket and hand it to Kyuhyun.


Kyuhyun recoil and look him in disbelief, “Min! Animals are prohibited here and you know that I hate cats!” he complained hands in the air, not holding the cat.


“Shut up and hold it for a while,” he said in a scary tone making Kyuhyun have no choice but to hold it. “Hold it tenderly,” he told to him, seeing how Kyuhyun just held the cat like a dirty trash.


Sungmin get inside and leave the groceries he bought and knock on Ryeowook’s door telling him the groceries are there.


He just sighed and carried it tenderly. Sungmin’s lucky because he love him so much that he cannot hurt the latter.  After waiting for Sungmin to get this cat away from him, he suddenly noticed that the kitten’s left leg has a wound. He ran from the living room towards their shared room.


“Min! Min! This thing has a wound!” he shouted from the door, making Sungmin jolt while wearing his pajamas.


Sungmin frowned, “Its name is Bidanyi and it’s not a thing!” he shouted.


Kyuhyun looked at the cat unbelievably, “He even give you a name,” he muttered.


When the door opened revealing Sungmin on his plane pink pajamas, he pout, “Give me that!” he said pulling out from Kyuhyun’s hold and walk towards the bathroom bringing a first aid kit.


Kyuhyun is following him from behind.


He opened the door and put the cat onto the closed toilet, putting the kit on a laboratory and getting some bandages and an alcohol setting it beside. He glare at Kyuhyun, “Hold Bidanyi gently,” he said and Kyuhyun obediently obey.


After treating the cat they went to their room and put it on his bed.


“Min, how can you keep it here? It’s not allowed.” He worriedly asked.


Sungmin sighed, “I don’t know. I feel pity at Bidanyi and I cannot leave him alone in the streets, shivering and soaking wet from the rain.


Kyuhyun massaged his temple, “Look, I know you cared for that cat but no one will take care of it when we’re out,” he said as-a-matter-of-fact.


Sungmin can’t help but pout. Kyuhyun was right; he can’t keep this kitten for long someone might search for him.


“Min you need to put it back where it belongs,” he said sitting his bed across Sungmin’s.


“But I already love Bidanyi,” he said looking pity at Kyuhyun’s eyes.


Kyuhyun sighed again, “Gosh Min, you really such a cat lover,” he said resting his back on a soft pillow, “You always bring a cat in here when you go outside alone and look at what happened. It poo everywhere and always scratches the curtains and sofas. You can’t take care of it even in just 2 days.” he explained while the cat is staring at him.


“Fine,” he said in surrender, “but I won’t put him back where I got him. I’ll send him to an animal shelter at least he’s not feeling poor there,”


Kyuhyun nodded and stands, walking to the door and turn the knob but stop when he noticed that Sungmin is not moving from his seat.


“I won’t eat dinner, I feel full,” he said, caressing Bidanyi.


He sighed for the 3rd time and walked outside the room and was surprised when he saw Ryeowook outside their room holding a spatula.


“Dinner’s ready,” he announced, smiling at him.


He looked at the kitchen and saw the others already there, he closed the door.


“Kyu?” he called, “Sungmin won’t eat?”


He shook his head, closed the door and proceeds to the kitchen.


Ryeowook was worried but he has nothing to do with it. Sungmin is stubborn, so he shrugged and left.




“Sorry Bidanyi, I really want to keep you but there’s some who can’t accept you in the apartment,” Sungmin talked to the kitten that is inside a medium size cage. He pleaded at Yesung to borrow the cage that was used to his turtle for a moment and luckily Yesung said yes.


It was a beautiful day with the sun shining from above. He settled his cap to cover the half of the face from the cap’s shadow. He was going to the animal shelter not too far so he decided to just walk in disguise. Hell he didn’t expect so many people today.


When he reached to the said place he goes directly to the owner who’s back facing at him. “Excuse me sir?” he called and the man turn around to see a cute guy.


“Oh sorry, welcome to the animal shelter,” he said and bowed to Sungmin. Sungmin also bowed to him. “What can I help you?” he asked giving a welcome smile.


“Uhm, well… there’s this poor kitten that I found beside the street so I decided to keep him but I can’t because it’s not allowed to,” he explained, earning a nod from the owner.


“I see. Well it’s very kind of you to try your best on caring the pet,” he said with a slight frown on his face, “Please follow me,” he instructed and Sungmin followed.


The owner opened the door from the back and went at the back of the house. There Sungmin saw a medium size house and heard some caterwaul of cats. He felt nervous.


When the door was opened there he saw tons of cats inside a cage, he came inside and looked around. His face turned into frowned and mixed with disgust when he saw some cats having a skin allergies and the fur almost no not almost but really detached on their skins. He was too distracted to notice that the owner held his hand to take the cat on Sungmin’s hand.


“Ehem!” he forcedly cleared his throat so that Sungmin’s attention was on his.


“O-Oh… sorry,” he apologized, bowing.


“Can I have the cat now?” he kindly asked to Sungmin.


Sungmin was thinking twice if he’ll give it or not, “Uhm, what happened if no one will adopt this cat?” he suddenly asked making the owner let down his hand.


“If no one will adopt them within 1 week, we can’t do anything but put them in to sleep,” he said sympathetically.


Sungmin became stunned and dumbfounded on what he just heard. He can’t take this, he like this cat and already give it a name but dispose it just like that? He can’t come to a piece in this.


“I know it’s a bit difficult. I understand you,” the owner soothed Sungmin, “but that’s just really what has to be done.”


He wanted to say something but fear and mercy overcame him. He had no choice but to give the poor cat to him.


“Do you want to say something before you’ll left?” the owner asked.


Sungmin nodded and bit his lower lip curtly, “If no one will adopt him after one week can you please wait for me in one hour to say goodbye?” he begged.


The owner smiled at nod at him, “Sure if that’s what you want. I’ll wait,” he approved and Sungmin formally bowed at him before he left.




“Did you send the cat?” Kyuhyun asked, sitting beside Sungmin on the sofa.


Sungmin nodded flatly in reply and suddenly looked at Kyuhyun with blank expression on his face, “Names Bidanyi,”


“You still named him after you sent it to the animal shelter? C’mon Min, just move on,” he disputed and Sungmin’s face turned angry.


“I’ll blame you if Bidanyi will die!” he fumed pointing at Kyuhyun harshly.


Kyuhyun was surprised, “Hey, why would you blame me?! You’re the one who grab that stray cat from the street!” he snapped.


It was true; it was true that it’s his fault. He also blamed himself but he also blame Kyuhyun for forcing him to send it to the animal shelter even he don’t want to. “It’s your fault too that you convince me to give it to the shelter!” he argued, “I wish you’ll have cat ears and whiskers growing in your face!” he said all of a sudden not looking at him and making Kyuhyun groaned in annoyance.


There was suddenly a loud thunder coming from their window and it’s started to rain. It was weird, earlier the weather was very good but it unexpectedly rain, but in the other hand there was something strange happening too.


“Look Min,” he said, making Sungmin look at him again, “I really like you to have a cat but it’s a huge responsibility to take care of it and its very impossible for you because we have a hectic schedule,” Kyuhyun explained but suddenly he wonder why Sungmin is looking at him with large eyes. “Min?” he called waving a hand in front of Sungmin’s face.


Sungmin cleared his throat and grab Kyuhyun’s waving hand and putting it down, “Kyu, what’s on your face?” he confusedly asked making a weird face at Kyuhyun.


Kyuhyun knitted his eyebrows in bewilderment but nonetheless search for a mirror and grab it towards his face, “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!” he screamed throwing the mirror and look at Sungmin, horrified, “WHY DO I HAVE CAT EARS AND WHISKERS ON MY FACE?!” he asked, shocked and don’t know what to do but panic, clutching Sungmin’s both shoulder and shook the small guy.


“Ahhhh! I don’t know Kyu! I just suddenly saw that in your face!” he replied, also not believing what just happened.


Kyuhyun stopped, “Maybe this is just a dream… right! This is just a dream. I’ll wake up soon,” he convinced looking at Sungmin, “Punch me,” he said.


“What?! I can’t do that!” he opposed.


“Just do it!” he harshly demand and the next thing he knew, he fall to the floor now unconscious.




» Author's Note:   I decided to post it here from LJ and I'll just continue the story here. Hope you like the story and just drop some comment on what's your feeling in this. Have fun~! :D

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BlacKpopfan107 #1
Very interesting I can't wait to read more.