Chapter 12 I don’t know Part 2

First Love Never Dies?

Chapter 12 I don’t know Part 2

A/N: This chapter is again inspired from the song of APink entitled I don’t know and a continuation to the last Chapter. When I first heard and read the translation of the song, I can say that the song suited the 2 Chapters. If ever you wanted to listen to it while reading the chapter, here’s the link:

Han Seul arrived at the hotel room and she is welcome with a Han Yeul that has her hands on her waist.

“What took you so long unnie? I thought you’ll not take hours to buy those things.” Han Yeul asked her unnie.

Han Seul was in deep thoughts that she didn’t hear what her sister had said. She can’t keep out of her mind Changmin’s confession earlier.

“Earth to unnie!” Han Yeul called for her sister’s attention.

“What?” Han Seul asked Han Yeul.

“I asked you a question and yet you’re not answering me so I decided to call for your attention.” Han Yeul replied.

“I was just thinking of something. I’m already tired. I’ll sleep now. You too.” Han Seul replied while making on her way to the bedroom but Han Yeul stops her by making her sit on the couch on their room.

“I know something is bothering you. Come on. Tell me. Maybe I can help you.” Han Yeul told her unnie.

“But Han Yeul….” Han Seul started but was interrupted with Han Yeul.

“Unnie, you’re starting again. You’re hiding your feelings again to me. Come on, unnie. Tell me.” Han Yeul convinced her sister.

“Ok. I’ll tell you. Someone is confusing me with my feelings.” Han Seul started.

“Is it Changmin oppa?” Han Yeul asked.

“How do you know?” Han Seul asked surprised with her sister knowing who the person that making her confused.

“Unnie, I’m your sister and I can see it through your actions that it is Changmin oppa. I know you very well, unnie.” Han Yeul answered.

“Ok. This started when we fight…” Han Seul started telling everything Han Yeul what happen between her and Changmin while Han Yeul was away from her sister. While Han Seul was telling Han Yeul everything, she kept on blushing as she remembers some events that happen.

She remembered how Changmin threaten her of kissing her just to make her eat on the night that she and Han Yeul had the fight and how Changmin again threaten her of staying with her on the room where they can do lots of things together just to make her eat breakfast together the next morning.

She also blushes again when she remembered what happen during their trip to the Manila Ocean Park. She remember how Changmin had told her that he wanted her to be on his side and don’t want to lose her when she go back to the Oceanarium to take pictures again, how Changmin wiped the sauce on her lips when they eat together, how Changmin wraps his arms around his waist after knowing there are guys checking her out when she exited the bathroom, how Changmin pull her closer to him when a bellhop helping a tourist with her bags to bring on her room bump on her and how Changmin gives him a gift of a penguin stuff toy.

What really makes her feelings confused is when Changmin take care of her when she was sick. She remembered how Changmin checks her temperature, make her eat and drink medicine. She finds him very caring especially when he kept on putting a cool washcloth to put in her forehead. She was confused why Changmin cared for her so much to do all those things. When she started shivering, he even hugs her just to stop her from shivering. That time, what she really felt is she’s so safe and will be cured by his warm and tight hug.

When morning came, he even calls for a room service and put a note just to make sure she’ll eat and drink medicine.

“Unnie, you’re so lucky to have him! He’s so sweet! But I don’t think that’s the only reasons why you’re confused with your feelings for Changmin oppa. Did something happen earlier that’s why you look bothered?” Han Yeul asked.

“Ok. I just arrived here because I decided to take a tour on the hotel. When I arrived at the bar here in the hotel, I saw Changmin. He was drinking so I decided to approach him and asked him about his problem to drink his heart out.” Han Seul continued.

“So what’s his problem?” Han Yeul curiously asked.

“I guess it right. It was a girl problem. He learned today that his first love had also had a first love and it hurts him to know that the girl's first love has a big part on her heart. He finds it hard to win her heart knowing she’s starting to fall again for her first love. That’s what he told me so I decided to tell him to not give up and first try to confess before giving up if she doesn’t feel the same way for him. I told him that what if his first love also feels the same way for him then they can be together and told him to stop drinking.” Han Seul told Han Yeul.

When Han Seul didn’t get any reply from her sister Han Yeul, she decided to continue.

“He asked me on how I can give him advice so he asked me if I had love problems so I decided to tell him that I’m getting confused on what I feel for my first love and I don’t know what I feel for him recently. How it seems like my feelings for him is going back. The way he cares for me, the way he smiles that made me remember how I love to see it when I fell for him, the way he makes my heart beats faster just like back then, the way how he made me smile with simple things he do for me and the way how he becomes overprotective with me and get worried of me. Those things make me confused with my feelings for him. I don’t know what I’m feeling. After that, I asked him if I’m falling in love with him again but he didn’t answer and instead continued drinking.” I continued.

“Unnie, you’re Changmin oppa’s first love! I guess he heard me saying to the staffs interested in you that your first love has a big part on your heart and that you’re starting to fall again for your first love. So both of you, your first love is one another!” Han Yeul exclaimed.

“I know about it.” Han Seul replied.

“How unnie? Looks like your story is not complete. What happen making you know about it? You’re leaving some details.” Han Yeul said.

“He ignored me when I told him about my confuse feelings but still I stop him from drinking. I decided to leave him when I can’t stop him from drinking and from ignoring me. Suddenly, I heard a sound like someone just bumps his/her head to the bar table. I look back and it turns out it was Changmin who passed out because of drunkenness. I go back to wake Changmin up but I can’t wake him up so I decided to make him stand up because I can’t bear leaving him there. I’m really thankful that the bartender helps me carrying him up to the elevator. When I reached the floor where we are staying, I was having a hard time in carrying him to his room. And I’m thankful again that a room service attendant walks by and helps me in carrying Changmin to his room. I then remove his shoes and cover him with his blanket. I was about to leave the room when he stops me with a back hug.” Han Seul continued.

“Why did he give you a back hug?” Han Yeul curiously asked.

“He told me he loves me.” Han Seul answered.

“So what did you reply?” Han Yeul curiously asked. Han Seul first sighed before telling Han Yeul on what happen.


“Han Seul-ah, I love you.” Changmin confessed making Han Seul surprised.

“You’re the first love that I told you earlier. You’re the girl making my heart hurts right now knowing you are confused now with your feelings for your first love. I’m so jealous and hurt when you told me earlier that you’re starting to fall in love with your first love. Can I just be the guy that you love rather than your first love?” Changmin confessed making Han Seul surprised more and broke from Changmin’s hug to face him.

“Since when?” Han Seul wanted to ask more from Changmin but those were the only words that she was able to utter after hearing Changmin’s confession.

“I started to have a crush on you ever since middle school. I met you while you were talking with your friends on your way home. Your smile just captured my heart and starting that time, I began to get information about you like asking some of my friends who had a crush on you also. I even studied hard just to be with you in the same class. I wanted to know you more and wanted to get closer to you so I put a lot of attention to my studies that I didn’t do even making my parents surprise. You’ve been my inspiration to become number 1 in our class and also to strive hard just to be with you in the same class. When I have learnt that I’ll be in the same class with you for our last year on middle school, I really can’t hide my happiness and felt that I achieved a big accomplishment.” Changmin replied and sigh before continuing.  

“When we became classmates, I tried to hide my feelings for you because what I wanted is for you not to be awkward with me. I even decided to get closer to you and most of the times talk to you just to know you more. Not like back then, I was really competitive but with you as my rival from being number 1, I didn’t fight back and just let it be because I know you deserve it and I’m happy for you. Remember I gave you butterfly clips on your birthday? Seeing butterflies just reminds me of you so I didn’t hesitated to buy you those for your birthday since when I went to the mall and saw that, your birthday is near. Remember that you hesitated to come on my birthday party and I became persistent? Because without you on my birthday will not make my birthday celebration a happy one. Even Mom teased me how happy I was looking knowing you are invited and know about my crush on you since one of our classmates accidentally revealed it. I was really nervous thinking that you may have known about it but thankful you’re oblivious. I was even happier when I saw the butterfly clip on your hair when you went to my birthday party.” Changmin continued his confession.

“I still can remember clearly the games on my birthday party. You can call me weird but during the time we played the Kai-Bai-Bo (Rock-Paper-Scissors) game, I did fine you cute how you hit us hard because it did make you different to other girls making me to fall for you more. During the Chicken Fight Game where you lost your balance and fell on top of me, I really can’t help my heart to beat fast. I remembered how our faces were really near to each other making us both blush and uncomfortable. But I did forget about it when I saw you pouted after knowing you lost in the game because you look so cute and adorable that I just wish we lost on that game.” Changmin said making Han Seul blush.

“When we played the dodge ball, I really admire your being competitive making me to find you more attractive. And when Mom announced we will have a couple game, I was hoping that you’ll be my partner and I’m slightly thankful to our classmates but nervous at the same time for the game with you. I remembered how our faces were closer making me to smell your perfume making me blush that I hate to admit to myself I liked it.” Changmin shyly continued.

“I even decided to carry you in bridal style just to make us win that game because of Mom’s cupcake but deep inside my heart, I have wanted to do it. I didn’t know why but why I told you that I’ll kiss you just to stop you from struggling. As a realize it, I may have wanted to do it as I move my face closer to you. That was one of my happiest birthdays on my life! When our classmates started teasing us, I felt sad that I feel like you started hating me because of those teasing that instead of getting closer to you, it made you to move away from me.” Changmin sadly continued.

“What really hurt me the most is how you excused yourself to go to the bathroom with a cold expression when we were teased during our graduation when I congratulated you as the valedictorian of our batch.” Changmin said with a sad expression.

“You even made me confuse and think about it many times on why you suddenly run off when I greeted you when I was with my friend. I really can’t help but to feel sad because I was thinking that you hated me that much to run away from me.” Changmin sadly continued while making Han Seul blush remembering why she did it.

“I was even more sad knowing your parents make you attend an all-girls high school meaning we can’t be together in the same class but still feel happy that we will still see each other since I studied on a school nearby to us. There was a time that I accidentally met you on a supermarket. I’m on my way to go to the supermarket while you were on your way home. I didn’t greet you because I know you’re mad at me so I pretended that I didn’t recognize you even though it’s hard for me. You didn’t greet me back so I decided to avoid you but I don’t know why but to feel worried or confused on why you look uneasy and was really like hiding on how you look down.” Changmin continued on his confession while Han Seul blushes after realizing the reason why she didn’t greet him back then. She was thankful that Changmin decided to continue and she was able to hide her blush because of some of the hair strands on her face.

“I often also see you that sometimes I wanted to greet you but that time I debuted as DBSK so many of my classmates or my schoolmates talk with me or like ask for my autograph. There was really a time that I wanted to confess to you my feelings but I can’t because I’m afraid that you will reject me so I decided to keep it from myself. And then because I started to get busy and moved to the dorm, I seldom see you or many times I don’t meet you but I know my feelings for you didn’t fade away and I was hoping I’ll meet you again. And I’m happy that I was given a chance to meet you again.” Changmin smiled at Han Seul after he stops from talking.

“Han Seul, I ask you again. Can I just be the guy that you love rather than your first love?” Changmin asked again to the surprised Han Seul from his confession.

Han Seul didn’t know what to answer. She wanted to confess about him being her first love so that he’ll know he’s the one who make her confused with her feelings but her surprised state can’t make her do so. She wanted to stop him from getting hurt or jealous to her first love but she’s afraid that he may get hurt if she realized in the end that she just treat him as a friend and can’t return back the feelings he had for her and was merely confuse with how he treated her and also because what happening to her is new to her. She’s already confused and Changmin’s confession is not helping from the confusion she’s experiencing. 

“Ah! Han Seul-ah! You’re driving me nuts! Can you answer me? What? Just a Yes or No answer will do.” Changmin said to her making Han Seul to be interrupted with her thoughts.

End of Flashback

“My God! He’s really so much in love with you to remember all those things about you. What did you answer?” Han Yeul exclaimed making Han Seul to be sigh

“I answered I don’t know. And then he answered he’s willing to wait. And then I went off his room to go back here.” Han Seul answered.

“Unnie, you could have told him about him as your first love.” Han Yeul told to Han Seul.

“Easy for you to say but I know if you were on my place, you could have been too surprised that you don’t know what to answer. Ah! Changmin! Why are you making my simple life to turn out like this because of you? Why must we meet again? My life has been okay and I didn’t experience this back then. This is driving me nuts!” Han Seul answered Han Yeul and burst out her thoughts without her realizing.

“Ok, unnie. I think you should rest because a lot happen today and that will help you to clear your mind off your problems.” Han Yeul told her unnie and the latter just nodded.

They both prepare themselves to bed before they both drifted off the dreamland.

The next morning

Han Seul wakes up early and didn’t have a good sleep because of thinking of what happen yesterday or thinking about Changmin’s confession. She prepared herself for the day and decided to walk around the park near the hotel. She rides on the elevator and get off the ground floor to leave the hotel for a while. She wanted to be alone for now so she decided not to wake her sister up.

While walking, all the thoughts about Changmin crossed her mind. She’s starting to think whether she really have feelings for Changmin or just merely confuse with how Changmin treated her. A part of her is thinking she’s starting to fall for him again because all what she felt towards him is happening again to her while a part of her is thinking that maybe she’s just not used to being treated like the way Changmin treated her and mistaking it as something as signs of her being in love with him again. All her life she’s never has felt this kind of feelings of confusion towards her feelings to other people since it’s been years since she cares or opens up to other people. Seeing the people around her and the beautiful view of the park make her calm down and be relaxed.

While on the park, she saw a bench and decided to sit on it. She observes the park especially looking at the people passing her by. She can’t help but to feel happy looking at the people especially the families together walking hand in hand and chatting to one another feeling slightly jealous seeing a happy family and remembering how her family ended up.

When she saw couples passing by, Changmin’s confession came right into her mind. She was blushing and looked away when she saw some couple showing PDAs or Public Display of Affection. All along, she didn’t notice someone was already sitting beside her. She only notices the person sitting beside her when she looked away from the couples showing PDAs making her face that person.

“Changmin?” Han Seul surprisingly said as she recognized the person sitting beside her.

“Took you long enough to notice my presence.” Changmin teasingly said.

“I was looking at the surroundings so I wasn’t able to notice you sitting beside me. What are you doing here?” Han Seul asked.

“Shouldn’t I be the one asking you that? Why a girl like you is out so early this morning? The sun just risen up and you’re already here.” Changmin asked.

“You’re exaggerating. I can protect myself so don’t worry about me. You can now go back to the hotel so that you’ll prepare for your practice today.” Han Seul replied back.

“Wait, how did you know I left the hotel?” Han Seul asked back.

“I just want to look around the places near our hotel so I decided to go this early. I just wanted to see things around. How about you?” Changmin replied.

“That is the also reason why I’m here. Just wanted to think of things and walking around made me feel relax with these thoughts bothering me recently.” Han Seul replied back.

“Then do you follow me here?” Han Seul asked.

“No, not that really but you can say a little bit and it was unintentional. This is the place where I really wanted to go to but it’s just a coincidence that I saw you and followed you not knowing we’ll be going to same destination.” Changmin replied.

“Then, why don’t we go back to hotel and eat breakfast?” Changmin asked Han Seul.

“You want to ride on a bike as we go back to the hotel? I can rent another bike for you.” Changmin offered.

“No, it’s okay. I can just walk to go back to the hotel while you ride on the bike.” Han Seul replied.

“Come on. It’s fun to ride on a bike this early. I’ll rent you a bike.” Changmin replied while picking up his phone and was about to contact the person whom he rented the bike but was interrupted by Han Seul.

“Ok. You don’t have to. I don’t know how to ride on a bike so don’t bother on renting again a bike.” Han Seul shyly confessed.

“You mean you don’t know how to ride on a bike? I haven’t met a person who doesn’t know how to ride on a bike in our country.” Changmin surprisingly said.

“Do you have to repeat myself again for you to understand? So now, congratulations you just met a person who doesn’t know how to ride on a bike!” Han Seul annoyingly replied.

“I didn’t mean to offend you but I was just too surprised.” Changmin replied back.

“I’ll go ahead now.” Han Seul coldly replied.

“Then why don’t I teach you how to ride on a bike?” Changmin offered.

“No, I’m not interested. Han Yeul know how to so if I wanted to learn, I should had asked her a long time.” Han Seul replied.

“Why are you such a stubborn girl?” Changmin asked.

“You have known me for a long time. Don’t tell me you still don’t know how stubborn I can be?” Han Seul replied back.

“Ok. If you don’t let me teach you how to ride a bike, then I’ll reveal myself to all of the people here.” Changmin dare Han Seul.

“Then go on. I don’t care. I’ll go now.” Han Seul replied.

“Then what could be the management will say when they know about what I had done? And what more what would they say when they know that you’re with me when I did that and just left me when I reveal myself?” Changmin continued daring Han Seul.

“Ok. Fine. You’re really something! You really do know to ruin my day with your constant threats!” Han Seul agreed but is angry.

“It’s because you always left me with no choice. But can I ask you something?” Changmin asked.

“Go on.” Han Seul irritatedly replied.

“Why you don’t know how to ride on a bike while Han Yeul can?” Changmin asked.

“Ok. Mom and Dad taught us how when we were a kid. I was able to ride but I almost got into accident with me bumping into a tree but thankful enough I was able to use the brake. I was really afraid on that day so I decided to tell my parents I don’t want to continue riding on a bike.” Han Seul replied.

“Ok. Don’t be afraid. I’m here to teach you and not let you get hurt while learning how to ride a bike.” Changmin assured Han Seul.

“Ok. Sit now and then put your feet onto the pedals.” Changmin told Han Seul.

“I know that already. Don’t need to tell me what to do. Remember I told you I was able to ride? But please hold on to the bike. I don’t want to fall down.” Han Seul told Changmin.

“Ok. Sorry. Promise. I’ll hold the bike.” Changmin promised while holding the bike.

Han Seul then nodded while she started to pedal.

“Look, you know how to ride! Why don’t you bike by yourself without me holding it?” Changmin exclaimed.

“No, don’t over try. I’m still afraid.” Han Seul pleaded Changmin.

“Then how will you learn by yourself if I’m still holding your bike as a support? Trust yourself. You can do it.” Changmin replied.

“Ok, but please not now. When you feel that I’m already good at… Yah! Changmin! Why did you let go of the bike?” Han Seul shouted as she panics while riding the bike.

“You can do it! Han Seul! Fighting!” Changmin cheered Han Seul.

The panic on Han Seul’s face fades away when she started to be good on riding the bike.

“Changmin-ah! I can ride on the bike!” Han Seul excitedly shouted.

“You’re right! You’re already good! But still be careful!” Changmin said as he smiled towards a smiling Han Seul who is having fun in riding the bike.

After some minutes, Han Seul uses the brake of the bike to stop in front of Changmin. 

“Why did you stop? Come on. Continue.” Changmin said.

“No, we should stop now. You still have to prepare for your practice later.” Han Seul said as she gets down from the bike.

“Yeah, you’re right! Ok. Why don’t we go now together to go back to the hotel?” Changmin said.

“Ok. You go ahead now. You can ride on your bike while I walk around to go back to the hotel.” Han Seul replied as Changmin sit on the bike.

“No, I won’t let you walk by yourself while I’m riding this bike to go ahead. You go sit on the back.” Changmin suggested.

“No, I don’t like. I rather walk. It’s dangerous.” Han Seul replied back.

“No, it wouldn’t as long as you’ll not move too much.” Changmin said.

Han Seul was still not convinced with what Changmin had told her.

“Ok, just trust me. I’ll not let you get into accident or will let you down that will get you hurt. Because if you fall, I’ll surely catch you.” Changmin assured Han Seul while what he had said made her blush.

“Do you trust me?” Changmin asked Han Seul. Han Seul was first hesitant but nodded as she sits on the back of the bicycle. A smile plaster on Changmin’s face as he started to ride the bike. Han Seul was afraid of falling down so she hugs Changmin tight making the latter surprised but a smile plaster on his face being happy that the girl he loves is hugging him tightly.

It was a short ride since the park is not far from the hotel where they are staying.

“You go ahead now. I’ll still have to contact the renting bicycle shop and return this.” Changmin said to Han Seul.

“Thanks for teaching me how to ride the back and be brave enough to face my fear of falling down the bike. I’ll go now.” Han Seul said and smiled after she goes inside the hotel. Changmin can’t help but to smile after knowing he’s the reason why Han Seul is happy after he taught her how to bike and encourage her.

Back to Kim sister’s room

Han Yeul’s POV:

I just woke up early in the morning and prepared myself for the day. When I go out of the bedroom, I saw Han Seul unnie in the kitchen. Unnie loves cooking so I know she’s extremely happy that the SM Entertainment gave her a room that has a kitchen.

“Good morning unnie! You cook?” I asked after greeting her.

“Yes. Go eat now your breakfast.” Unnie told me.

“How about you, unnie?” I asked.

“I already ate. Oh by the way, I’m very sleepy today. I can’t make it on the practice of the DBSK’s fan meeting. Can you go on behalf of me?” Unnie asked me.

“Ok. Oh by the way unnie, why are you sleepy? Did you not get a good sleep last night?” I asked unnie.

“Yes, maybe because there are things that I was thinking last night. I only get a few hours of sleep and wake up early.” Unnie told me.

“Then you started cooking since you wake up?” I asked unnie.

“No, I went outside to relax and calm myself down.” Unnie replied and I can see she’s looking nervous or anxious like she’s hiding something from me.

“Come on, unnie. Spill it out. I can see in you that you’re hiding something from me. Remember you promised me that you’ll no longer hide things from me.” I told unnie and at the same time, convincing her to trust me.

“Look Han Yeul-ah. Nothing big happen earlier that I have to share with you. I just went out to relax myself. That’s it!” Unnie stubbornly replied still not sharing what happen earlier. By the way she’s talking back to me just proves that she’s really hiding something from me. Maybe it’s something related to Changmin oppa. She always answers like this when something happen between her and Changmin oppa.

“Come on unnie. Tell me. I’ll listen to you.” I pleaded to her. You know curiosity is killing me so I really wanted to know what is unnie’s hiding something from me.

“Aish, Han Yeul-ah! Why are you persistent? I already told you that I just go for a walk.” Unnie answered back to me and I can say she’s starting to get irritated with me but that didn’t stop me.

I keep on staring at her like saying “Go take your time. I can wait for you to spill it out.”

Unnie runs her hand on her hair showing she’s really frustrated with me as her persistent sister.

“You’re really something Han Yeul-ah! Why did I have a sister that is so persistent like you?” Unnie replied back showing she gives up and she’ll spill it out already.

“Because I have a sister that is so stubborn and always hide things from her sister. And I know you can’t resist me. So, what happen, unnie?” I answered back as I stared again on her getting ready for her revelation.

Unnie first sighed proving I win against her making me grin because my curiosity will already be answered.

“Ok. Like I had said earlier, I wasn’t able to get a good sleep because of overthinking that I can’t help after what happened yesterday. It was just too much for me and really did surprise me. And what’s more worse is I wake up early. Since I have nothing to do, I decided to prepare myself for the day and go for a walk on the park. I was observing and at the same time, calming and relax myself as I enjoyed looking at the surrounding. I was also thinking of what happened last night but families and couples together interrupted my thoughts of what happened last night.” Unnie told me while blushing at the same time when she said the word couples.

I chuckles before replying this to unnie.

“The couples are showing PDA’s right? I saw many couples here who are used to do PDAs. So what happen next, unnie?” I asked unnie while she just nodded.

“When I saw those couples, I decided to look away from them. That’s when I noticed that someone is sitting beside me.” Unnie continued but I had a person in my mind so I decided to ask unnie if my guess is right.

“Is it Changmin oppa who sits beside you? Or Yunho oppa? Or SM staff? But I had a great feeling it’s Changmin oppa. Am I right?” I asked her.

“Ok. You’re right. It is Changmin.” Unnie replied back to confirm that my guess was right.

“It turns out that just like me, he wanted to see things around the hotel that he even rented a bicycle but he spotted me and followed me not knowing we have the same destination because he’s worried that something may happen to me since I’m a girl and is out so early in the morning.” Unnie continued.

“Then?” I asked unnie still not convinced that that’s the end of what happened earlier.

“He offered that he can rent another bicycle so that we’ll ride on the bicycle together to go back to the hotel but you know that I don’t know how to ride so I told him about it. He was persistent like you that he kept on saying it’s fun to ride on a bicycle.” Unnie continued.

“But as a stubborn person, you didn’t believe on him and wasn’t convinced?” I asked unnie and she just nodded to prove my guess is again right.

“He even told me that he’s surprised to meet a person who doesn’t know how to ride on a bicycle making me mad at him that I even decided to go ahead of him. Then he offered that he’ll teach me how to ride on a bicycle but you know my answered right. I wasn’t interested because if I really wanted to learn, I should have asked you a long time to teach me.” Unnie replied back.

“I know Changmin oppa doesn’t easily give up. So did he threaten you for you to agree on letting him teach you?” I asked back.

“How can you know what happened? How can you easily read or easily guesses right what happen earlier?” Unnie asked me.

“It’s because unnie I have been with you for a long time and I get to know Changmin oppa as I spend times with him. So what is it unnie? What kind of threat he did just to make you agree?” I answered back and asked at the same time.

“Ok. He threatens me that he’ll reveal himself to all of the people here. At first, I didn’t care but he continued saying that he’s my responsibility since I’m with him. It will make the management be mad at me or I’ll lose my job since I didn’t stop him from doing so what he is planning. In the end, I agreed.” Unnie replied back.

“He even asked why I don’t know how to ride on a bike so I told him about my fear on riding a bicycle. Then he teaches me how to ride on the bicycle. He even holds the bike for me just to assured me that I’ll not get into any accident just like back then. He let go of the bike when I started to pedal but I was still afraid and was panicking but he cheered me up and encourages me. After some minutes, I became happy when I finally became good in riding the bicycle. Then we decided to go back to the hotel to prepare ourselves for the day and since he have practice today.” Unnie ended the story. I’m a writer and I can sense that unnie left some things out because she’s shy to share it.

“Come on, unnie. Continue. I know you’ll leave some things out.” I told her.

“Ok. I’ll tell you so that you’ll stop bothering me and I can go take a rest.” Unnie told me sounding already irritated while I just waited for her to spill out the details she left behind.

“I insisted that I walk to go back to the hotel while he rides on the bicycle. He didn’t let me and told me to go sit on the back of the bicycle. But I didn’t accepted it first since it’s dangerous so I told him I’d rather walk but he answered that it wouldn’t be as long as I’ll not move too much. He even asks me if I trust him and that if ever I fall, he’ll surely catch me.” Unnie told me as she tried to hide the blush on her face after telling what Changmin oppa had told him. Unnie is really cute acting like a high school girl who is shy in sharing stories about a guy. I decided to shrug those thoughts off since unnie continued talking.

“So in the end, I ended up nodding and agreeing to him that I trust him and sit on the back of the bicycle. I was so afraid of falling down so I hug him tight. Then when we reached the hotel, he told me I go ahead since he has to return the bicycle. I thanked him for teaching me and also for being brave enough to face my fear of falling down the bike. That’s all what happened earlier. I didn’t left any things out. Then since I can’t go back to sleep, I decided to cook after buying the ingredients on the nearby market.” Unnie told me.

I just nodded as I started eating. Unnie was about to lie down on the bed when I stop her.

“Unnie, why are there three lunch boxes here?” I asked as I saw those lunch boxes.

“One is for you and the other two is for the DBSK members. Give it to them on behalf of me. Stop bothering me or asking any more questions because I’ll rest now.” Unnie told me before she lay on the bed.

Since I know unnie really needs a rest, I decided not to ask her anymore questions and just go prepare myself to go to the place where DBSK are practicing for their fan meeting.

As I was on my way to the place, I really can’t help but to feel very curious to the lunch boxes. I was thinking that maybe there is a note inside of it. I decided to look inside the lunch boxes and I was really right because there is a message for Yunho oppa and Changmin oppa on their respective lunch boxes.

I read it and can’t help but to feel giddy because of unnie’s message to Changmin oppa. I really can’t wait to see Changmin oppa’s reaction if ever he’ll read it. Why am I turning into a fan girl to Changmin oppa and unnie? If ever they ended up together as a couple, I’ll really be their number one supporter.

I was having those thoughts while I made my way to go to the place. Really anticipating on what will happen to unnie and Changmin oppa’s love story :) I smiled as I thought about it.

End of Han Yeul’s POV

Meanwhile back to the Kim sister’s room

Han Seul really thought of what will be Changmin’s reaction to her message so she can’t help but not too feel sleepy. She even thought of calling Han Yeul on how did Changmin reacted but she’ll be caught by her sister. But knowing her sister, she knows Han Yeul already looked at the lunch boxes and search for any notes. It was a habit of her to put messages or notes whenever she make lunch boxes for someone so she knows Han Yeul already thought about it.

“Ah! This is driving me nuts! What are you doing to me Changmin-ah? Better stop thinking about it Han Seul-ah! You can’t do anything about it since you already did it! Maybe Changmin already had the lunch box so just take a rest now.” Han Seul told herself.

“Why am I already talking to myself? You’re starting to get crazy because of the emotions you are feeling, Han Seul-ah. Maybe later Han Yeul will tell me about Changmin’s reaction so I’ll just wait and first now take a rest. Why am I feeling so excited to his reaction? Han Seul-ah, you’re really turning into a crazy person! I’ll just go rest now. Maybe this is the effect of not having a good sleep.” Han Seul told herself while chuckling as how she’s behaving right now before drifting off to sleep.

At DBSK’s rehearsal

The fan meeting is already near so DBSK was giving their all even though it’s just a rehearsal. They wanted their first fan meeting in the Philippines to be a successful one and also for the fans to enjoy the fan meeting. They were really nervous and excited at the same time but for now, they are focusing themselves to all of the things they need to remember for the said fan meeting.

The director called for a break and Han Yeul approaches the two at the backstage.

“Hi, Yunho and Changmin oppa! Wow! Both of you are really good that I felt like I’m already at the fan meeting!” Han Yeul complimented the two.

“Thank you. We just don’t want to disappoint the fans for our first fan meeting. Oh by the way, where’s Han Seul Han Yeul-ah?” Changmin told and asked at the same time Han Yeul.

“Unnie didn’t have a good sleep so she’s resting at home. I came on behalf of her.” Han Yeul answered back.

“Oh by the way, is it already your lunch break?” Han Yeul asked the two since she remembered the lunch boxes her unnie prepared.

“Yes. Why? Do you want to eat together with us? We’re planning to eat downstairs for lunch.” Yunho answered and asked Han Yeul.

“Actually, Unnie made lunch boxes for the three of us. Unnie really loves cooking so whenever she’s bored, she cooks and since she can’t sleep earlier, she decided to cook for us. Here’s the lunch boxes.” Han Yeul informed the two and afterwards, handed them the lunch boxes.

“I promise you. Unnie is a great cook! Her cooking skill is really great and I totally envy her! Back to the topic, why don’t the two of you be the judges if you don’t believe me?” Han Yeul said as they find a table to eat together.

The three of them sits together at the table. They all open the lunch boxes and saw the notes that Han Seul left.

Yunho can’t help but smile as he reads the cute message of Han Seul.

(A/N: This is the contents of the note.)

Yunho oppa,

Hoping this food is to your liking. Treat this as a ‘thank you’ gift for everything especially for being there with Han Yeul when we were not in good terms. I’m lucky that there is someone like you that is there for Han Yeul when I wasn’t beside her.

Eat lots of it and don’t ever think of spitting it out because Han Yeul is there and I’ll surely asks her if ever you spit out the food I prepared! I spent hours to cook it so better not waste it!

I was just kidding oppa ;) But really hoping you’ll enjoy the lunch box I prepared for you. And hoping it will give you the enough energy to last long and not be tired on your practice for the fan meeting.

Fighting oppa! Fighting DBSK!

From your cute dongsaeng,

Han Seul

Han Yeul was really happy with her unnie’s message and in the verge of crying but stops herself so as not to worry DBSK.

(A/N: This is the contents of the note.)

Han Yeul-ah,

I’m really happy that we are back together as how we were. Sorry for being a stubborn and a secretive sister. I’ll try now to open myself up to you and will not hurt your feelings again.

Hoping you continued on being an understanding sister even though you’re really persistent and very annoying at times but I wouldn’t be lying but I missed that when we had the fight :)

Continue on being a good sister but I’m hoping you’ll lessen your being persistent or being annoying at times so that I’ll not be hot tempered, okay?

By the way, since I’m not there, tell me how did the DBSK members find the food, okay? Share it to me when you get home.

From your stubborn sister,

Han Seul

Out of all the three, Changmin is the happiest as he reads the message of Han Seul. He wasn’t expecting the revelation of Han Seul to the note but he can’t help but to grin widely.

(A/N: This is the contents of the note.)


Hoping this food is to your liking. Treat this as a ‘thank you’ gift for everything especially for being there for me when I and Han Yeul were not in good terms. I’m lucky that there is someone like you that can comfort me and take care of me when Han Yeul wasn’t there for me.

Thank you for making me smile and for always cheering me up! I’m really lucky to know you and for you to come into my life.

Back then, I thought I don’t need anyone because I can live alone but as I meet you again, I realized I still need people around me just like you if things get hard so really thank you very much.

Sorry for my being stubborn that you always threaten me just to make me agreed to what you want. I’ll try to lessen my stubbornness so that we’ll not argue about small things but it’ll take a very long time so I hope you can wait :D

Just kidding :D Eat this lunch box and don’t ever think of spitting it out since it took hours for me to prepare it so better not waste it! Han Yeul is there so I had a spy so better not spit it out because I’ll know about it!

I was just kidding again Changmin-ah ;) But really hoping you’ll enjoy the lunch box I prepared for you. And hoping it will give you the enough energy to last long and not be tired on your practice for the fan meeting.

By the way, Changmin-ah, I need a favor to ask from you. Stop being jealous to my first love because you know it’s not right to feel jealous of yourself :)

Fighting oppa! Fighting DBSK!

From your first love,

Han Seul

They eat the lunch boxes Han Seul prepared after they read the messages. They talk as they eat together. When they finished eating, a little later, the practice started again.

From a far, Han Yeul was watching the performances of DBSK through their rehearsals. She can’t help but to feel giddy again knowing that the twinkle in Changmin’s eyes is cause by her unnie. She really can’t help but to feel excited for the day for her unnie to realize her feelings for Changmin. She knows her sister so she can feel that her unnie is starting to fall for Changmin again and it will not take long for them to be a couple. She really wanted to the love her unnie for Changmin back then to be back again because she knows and can feels Changmin is the right guy who can give her happiness and that it is the thing she wanted for her sister.

Yunho wasn’t oblivious to the change in his dongsaeng and co-member. He may not have read the message on the note but he’ll surely insist later to Changmin to let him read it but he knows Han Seul said something to make his dongsaeng to be so happy. He’s really happy for his dongsaeng for finding and reuniting with his first love and he’s waiting for the day that they’ll be official together because just like Han Yeul, he can feel that they both have the same feelings for each other and it will not take long for them to be happy in each other’s arms. Deep inside of him, he’s jealous of the happiness his dongsaeng is feeling but he believes that he’ll also find the girl who can put up a smile on his face and be happy just like Changmin. What’s important for him right now is Changmin’s happiness and if there is a way for him to be able to help Changmin to make Han Seul realize her feelings for his dongsaeng, he’ll not hesitate to help because he knows Han Seul will be the cause of Changmin’s happiness.

For Changmin, the food really did give him enough energy and the revelation that Han Seul said on the message. Even without the message, knowing Han Seul prepared a food for him is already enough to make him happy. But reading the message of Han Seul makes him to feel happier that if someone will asks him on how he feels; he can’t express it in words.

To him, the day started right and ended right. He never been too happy while practicing like he didn’t get tired from the performances they are rehearsing. Han Seul really did have a big effect on him that he can change from being sleepy earlier since he wakes up early and didn’t have a good sleep to an energetic Changmin. He really can’t wait for the day that Han Seul will realize her feelings for him and be with him as a couple.

Author’s Note:

This is the 12th chapter.

Sorry that I just updated this story just today because I can’t update because I’m still experiencing writer’s block. And also, I’ve been busy with my job. Not only that, I have 2 on-going fics aside from this so I hope you understand if ever I update late.

Thank you @JaneParkJooHyo and @ tegomin for commenting on the 9th Chapter :)

And also thank you to @clefaire, @Aplusbbc and @munaali for just subscribing on this fic :)

And also really thank you for those who read this Chapter :)

Don’t know when I’ll update because I don’t have any spare Chapters or Chapters that I can update after this chapter so I’ll hope you understand if I’ll not be able to update.

And also hoping you give comments on what you think of this Chapter and hoping you’ll wait for my next update :)

And by the day, I'm greeting everyone "Happy Valentine's Day!" and may all of you be happy with your loved ones and special ones on this day :)

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Just updated the Chapter 15 of First Love Never Dies? and hoping you'll leave comments on it :)


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Chapter 14: Wow..That was really unexpected..I never thought Han Seul would be a trainee..Really looking forward for their perfomance..
Chapter 1: Just began reading this♡♥♡ It seems pretty interesting... :))
It's really sad that Han Seul and her step sisters don't get along... :(
Chapter 13: Waaahh! Why does it have to be a dream?! I hope that both their dreams come to reality soon..
I like it! Keep up the good work!
Chapter 6: The story is quite cute ^^ (And these facts are really interesting!)
Chapter 1: I like the way Han Seul introduces her life to the readers. Looking forward to reading the next chapters! ^^
Chapter 12: Thank you for the update..Finally they're able to somehow confess that they are each other's first love.. I hope that they will officially be a couple very soon cause I think that they've already waited a long time to be with the person that gives them happiness..And Changmin is really sweet for remembering all those things about her.. :)
Chapter 11: I really wish someone will leave a note for me, telling me to eat medicine since I don't feel well again. O_O
Chapter 11: This is so kilig..I was glad that Han Seul weren't shocked when she woke up with Changmin beside her and that she actually followed his orders :) And Changmin finally confessed! I just hope that this isn't because of his drunken state.. :/
Chapter 10: I really like this chapter.. There's some progress in their friendship and Han Seul is finally opening up to Changmin..^_^

Don't feel too pressured to update, life can get really hectic at times :)