
My first posted story here. I'm very sorry if there are any typograpcgical errors. I'm posting using my phone and that is why there are many typos. I'm very sorry. In any case, my story. Well, its just your typical story about a boy and a girl. But this one is quiet tragic. My inspiration in this story is the song of 0330 by Ukiss (yes, I am a kiss me but I'm more of an SuJu fan so there. ^^) Also, the characters. It a mix from SJ members and Ukiss Members so that is it. I just hope you like it. I'm not really a good writer so excuse me for the boring storyline and gramatical errors. ^^ Comments and Suggestions are appreciated. ^^ Thank You and have fun reading!


I have been lonely for so long. I have been sad for so long. But no matter what i do, I just can't get you out of my mind. You said i could move on but no matter what I try, I can't get you out of my mind. It drives me crazy.  And after 10 years, your still in my heart and mind. Your image haunts me every nighy I sleep. But I just let it be. I don't care what happens to me now. Ionly know that your the only girl for me. But why leave me like this? Now I see some one who's in love for the first time. I wanna stop him from loving her because I know he'll get hurt when he knows that the secret that could change him for life. My name is Kangin. And this is my tragic story.


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songseunghyunsarangh #1
This is so cute, I love it!
iamparkcheonsa #2
Chapter 10: i cried on the part when kangin talked to rui while playing the song.. aish the concept is perfect. you also added the fact that kangin is leaving for military and his departure song.. i love the story :)
iamparkcheonsa #3
i love the title. why? it's my birthday ahahahaha..
Louise-chan #4
over med? anu eun? wahaha. ^^ bat nsma c rhine? chikulet. ^^
yiiiieeeee~ kamsa bebe louise!!!! ganda aman ff mo!!!! wahahaha over well med ako wahahah... b't nasama c rhine??? ahahaha joke lng love you bhe..... wahahah
Louise-chan #6
thanks. ^^ ill make a new one soon. ehehe. ^^
I liked it! ^_^ <3
only4Q #8
I just read your foreword, but it sounds really interesting ^^<br />
And it's about KangIn T__T I miss him so much T___T<br />
Will be back with more comments later :)