An Important Announcement

Love Note
His POV: "What?!" I asked in annoyance. My friends have been calling my name for the third time and they just cannot leave me in peace. Once I looked at the two of them, they were snickering. I was pretty sure that my face had question marks all over it. Then, Barnabas started fake coughing and walked back to his seat. He walked behind her... Argh! Now I know why they have been calling my name. She was there. They were teasing me just because I told David last year that I liked her. "You guys are dead!" I mouthed to them. They sticked out their tongue at me, mocking me any way they could. After talking to our Art teacher, she left to go back to her group table. "Okay everyone! Clean up your area and put your work at the back of the classroom. Please put the art materials at the appropriate places. Then, you may go up to class," she ordered. We did as we were told and went to our form class for another few periods of doing absolutely what we want. I chased David and Barnabas to class. They escaped my few minutes of torture but they got it at class. Our gang just shook their head looking at our usual antic. We chatted and played for the whole three periods. The class was seriously unbearable. When the whole class was about to go to the cafeteria for lunch, our teachers halted us to listen to an announcement which surprise and excite us. Her POV: "Is this ok?" I asked my group members, holding up my artwork. They shrugged. "Why don't you ask teacher?" Zhiye asked. "At the same time, you could see him!" Jennifer teased. "Great idea! Thanks girls," I sang. All of them rolled their eyes at my lovesick. I shuffled there dreamily. Oh. How I wish I could see him all the time! That'll be so nice! Thanks to the teacher, who was standing near his group table, I stood by her side. I could see him from the corner of my eyes. I could just faint at his cuteness. If one of my best friends was beside me, she would be hurt big time and she would complain as I was annoying her because of falling head over heels for him. "Good job! Keep it up. You may want to package up. I'll tell the rest of the class," my art teacher complimented. She told the whole class to keep the art materials and art work and to go up to class afterwards. I pleaded my friends to walk just right behind of his gang. They agreed when Suhyun sided me. Unfortunately for me and Suhyun, he was chasing David and Barnabas. For what reason unknown. Thanks to the teachers who set the examination dates, we could spend the rest of the periods doing nothing at all. "Wohoo! LUNCHTIME!" The whole class screamed in excitement. My teacher shushes us. "Students, please take note of this announcement. There will be an upcoming prom which will be hold in 3 week's time. Each class will be assigned to decorate an area of the school for the prom tomorrow. Starting from Wednesday, each class should start decorating their area. Teachers are welcome to help. On top of that, students must have a partner of opposite gender for the prom. Those who don't have will not be welcome to enter the prom. They would have to buy their tickets for the prom which will start selling next week. Enjoy the rest of the day!" The student president's voice echoed in my ear. My clique and I looked at one another in disbelief and excitement. "Class dismissed!"
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blackandwhite23 #1
Chapter 1: Not continuing this?
IcyAppler #2
Chapter 1: lol..
so.. will I get a date? plz.. let.. it be barn for me..

and update soon!!