

Algorithm (n.)a set of instructions used to solve a problem or obtain a desired result.

Sungmin sighs for what appears to be the billionth time that day as he casts a frustrated glance at the whiteboard at the front of the class.  The algebraic symbols and numbers scrawled out in the teacher’s neat handwriting may as well be some foreign language’s gibberish with how little sense it makes in his mind.  His notes are a replica of the entire lesson with the minute detail of contrasting penmanship being the only difference between the set of information in his notebook and the seemingly random characters on the board.  It still doesn’t register.

The bell chimes loudly and students throughout the room quickly stand and begin packing up their possessions.  Sungmin runs a hand through his blond locks, his frustration dissipating into dismay at the thought that the final exam for the class is in two weeks and he hasn’t understood anything for the past three.  This can’t go on like this.  At this rate, I’ll fail for the year.

He stands from his seat slowly and then somberly begins to shove his books and writing utensils into his school bag, the classroom hastily clearing out as his classmates rush off to their lunch hour.  He doesn’t pay them any mind as he zips up his bag, slings it over his shoulder, and throws a furtive, unsure glance at his instructor at the front of the room.  She is currently wiping away the dreaded expressions and equations they had spent the last forty-five minutes discussing, paying no mind to the now almost entirely empty classroom behind her.

He allows a small puff of air to escape him before he eases his way into the aisle between the desks and quietly makes his way over to where his teacher is standing.  He stands there silently, patiently waiting for her to finish with his hands clasped behind his back, rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet in a sort of nervous tick.  It takes a couple minutes of silent waiting but eventually she finishes, places the eraser in the holder on the bottom of the whiteboard, and turns on her heel, jumping in surprise at the sight of Sungmin.

“Oh, Sungmin, you scared me,” she laughs out, a hand over her heart.  Her smile dissipates the moment she notices the dismal look on Sungmin’s face.  “Are you alright,” she questions, brow furrowing in concern.  Sungmin shifts from one foot to the other awkwardly, and then hesitantly meets his instructor’s kind gaze.  “Ah, I’m sorry to bother you, Ms. Chang, but I’ve been having trouble understanding the material lately,” he half-mumbles before hurriedly averting his gaze again.  “I was wondering if you could maybe, please, explain it to me since finals are coming up soon.”

He risks a quick glance at Ms. Chang, sees the frown set on her brow, and internally flinches at the thought that she won’t be able to help him.  “Well,” she begins after a while, “when did you start having trouble with the material?”  Her brow is still furrowed, although now Sungmin can see the honest questioning in her eyes.  Or maybe she’s just wondering what I need help with and that’s why she’s frowning, he reassures himself, feeling hope rise somewhere within him and drown out any embarrassment of feeling like a complete failure asking his teacher for help.

“Well, you lost me when we started covering that law of sins or something like that; I don’t know, it looked religious when you wrote it on the board.”  He feels his cheeks flush at the way Ms. Chang raises a slim eyebrow and asks, “You mean the law of sine?”  He nods his head twice and bites his lower lip in embarrassment.  Ms. Chang lets out a soft sigh.  “Why didn’t you come to me sooner,” she inquires, worry creasing her brow now instead of interest.  Sungmin heaves out a breath of air and states meekly, “Well, I thought I’d get it eventually because it happens sometimes, but I guess this isn’t one of those times.”  He gives her an apologetic smile.

There is silence in the room for a moment and then Ms. Chang lets out another soft sigh, running a hand through her dark hair.  “I’m sorry Sungmin,” she says, “but I can’t possibly teach you three weeks worth of material before the final exam; I have tests, quizzes, assignments and all that to grade and lesson plans to prepare.”  She throws Sungmin her own sincerely apologetic look and Sungmin feels the hope he’s been harboring crash and burn in an instant.

“Oh, okay,” he mutters, crestfallen; “I’m sorry for bothering you then.”  He turns on his heel and makes to leave the room only to be stopped by a rather frazzled “Wait!”  He looks over his shoulder to see Ms. Chang making her way over to him with a slip of paper and a pen, a small smile gracing her delicate features.  “I forgot all about this,” she chimes, more to herself than to Sungmin.  “But then again it’s not exactly popular so it falls off the map easily in this school.”

The beginnings of confusion seep into Sungmin and he raises a blond eyebrow at the dark-haired woman’s random outbursts.  “Um, what’s not popular,” he prods as Ms. Chang pauses at her desk and scrawls something out on the small piece of paper in her hands.  She circles around to Sungmin and hands it to him when she is done scribbling, a sparkle in her eye.  “There’s a math tutoring club in this school,” she states simply, her small smile stretching into a huge, jubilant grin.  “They meet Tuesdays and Thursdays during lunch.  Since it’s Wednesday, you can head over tomorrow during lunch and have them help you!”

If not for the sudden relief flooding him, Sungmin is sure he would be intimidated by the excitement suddenly overtaking his teacher’s face.  He happily takes the slip of paper Ms. Chang is holding out to him and bows in gratitude.  “Thank you, Ms. Chang,” he says through a beam of his own before he spins on his heel and exits the room, feeling more optimistic than he had grown used to for the past three weeks.


The next day, Sungmin finds himself walking through one of the less busy hallways during his lunch period, attempting to find the room number Ms. Chang had scrawled out on the slip of paper she’d handed him the day before.  He’s been at it for five minutes now, aimlessly walking down the same long hall and coming up empty.  He feels frustration begin to stir within him as he carefully examines the number plates next to each door and lets out a small cry of victory when he finally finds the room he’s looking for.

Shooting a fist in the air, he pulls down the handle and gently pushes the door open, peeking his head into the classroom the moment there’s enough space.  He frowns when he notices the bare whiteboard and empty desks pushed up against the walls, save for one placed almost pompously in the center of the classroom.  His scowl deepens as he steps into the room, hand still latched onto the door handle, and calls out, “Hello?”

His only response is the silence of the room and the silhouette of the trees rustling outside in the wind through the shades on the window.  He purses his lips and takes another step into the room, allowing his hand to detach itself from the door.  “Hello,” he calls out again as he lets his eyes scan the room around him in search of any other students.  “Is there any form of intelligent life at all in this room,” he questions, quite loudly, as he examines the pushed-up desks from his spot.  He’s pretty certain at this point that there’s no one in the classroom with him, and so his last inquiry is a joke made to amuse himself.

He jumps about a mile in the air, therefore, when a deep voice behind him responds to his question with, “I don’t think desks can talk.”

Sungmin spins around so fast he loses his balance for a minute and has to take a few steps to gather himself and save his face from meeting the floor.  His eyes are locked on the plain white tiles of the floor as he rebalances himself, and a pair of black shoes comes into his range of sight.  Once he’s stable on his feet he allows his eyes to follow the feet up a long pair of legs clothed in the school’s black uniform pants, along a slim waist and upper body covered by a collared white shirt and gray school blazer, higher up still to a black tie hanging loosely around a pale neck, and then finally settle on a handsome face with dark, calculating eyes, a long, straight nose, and a pair of thin, surprisingly pink lips.  Sungmin lets his eyes widen a fraction as he takes in the features of the handsome face in front of him, a small gasp escaping him that causes a glint of mischief to flash in those dark, cold eyes.

“Um,” he struggles to grasp words coherently as he takes a couple of steps away from the handsome stranger, feeling his mind frantically dashing around in search of any signs of language anywhere in his brain.  “Um, uh.”  He feels his face burn and is certain that his cheeks are probably an interesting shade of pink at the moment.  The stranger raises an eyebrow in amusement, the mischievous look in his eye growing with each passing second that Sungmin fails to formulate a lucid response.

“Um, hi,” Sungmin manages to force out after a few moments of intense silence in which he s for anything reasonable to say and the stranger just watches in amusement.  The blond straightens and awkwardly taps the toe of one of his shoes against the ground, hands clasped behind his back, face still flushing and burning.  “Hi,” the stranger says, tossing his head back a bit so that his dark hair moves out of his eyes, lips still holding onto that amused smirk.

More silence stretches between them for a while, Sungmin’s eyes traveling around the room to study the clean whiteboard, the shaded window, the desks pushed up against the wall, the dusty floor tiles that he presumes haven’t been washed in about a week or so – anything but the stranger.  The clock ticking above the door is the only sound other than his toes tapping lightly against the floor for a while as he builds his courage.  “Um, what are you doing here,” Sungmin asks the stranger after a moment, timidly lifting his gaze to look at the brunette.

“Well I’m a part of the math tutoring club.  What are you doing here,” the stranger replies, that cursed dark eyebrow of his still raised in amusement.  Sungmin’s face brightens instantly at the revelation despite the smirk still painted across the other’s face.  “Oh, actually I’m here because I need help with math.”

Without much thought, he begins slipping his bag off his shoulder and opening up the pocket that contains all of his notebooks.  It takes a moment for the stranger’s blunt “no” to register in his mind.  When it does, he glances up from ping his bag and meets the stranger’s dark gaze.  “Hang on, what,” he asks stupidly, brows furrowed in bewilderment.

“No,” the stranger repeats again, causing Sungmin’s confused furrowed brow to transform into a slightly upset scowl.  “No what,” he asks, feeling irritation creep into him along with the familiar sense of dread he’d gotten in class the previous day at the thought of failing his math final.  The stranger stuffs his hands in his pockets, tosses his head back a bit, lifts his face, and then states, in the calmest and yet most mischievous of manners, “No, I won’t help you with your math.”

Sungmin feels the irritation within him build.  “Fine,” he says haughtily as he begins to zip up his bag again, “I’ll just wait for someone else to show up.”  He closes his bag and slings it back over his shoulder and then heads over to the desks pushed up against the windows.  He’s about to sit on one of the desks when the stranger says, in an amused voice that really starts to annoy the blond, “No one else is coming.”

He turns and raises his eyebrow at the stranger before him in a way that he is certain expresses the annoyance and sarcasm he feels building up within him.  “Really,” he spits out, the sarcasm not affecting the other’s expression in the least.  As a matter of fact, the evil, mischievous gleam in the stranger’s eye seems to enhance as he chuckles and says, “Really.”

Sungmin pouts, twists and situates himself on one of the desks, and then meets the stranger’s gaze.  “So if I sit here and wait for someone to show up, no one will show up,” he challenges, blond eyebrow still raised.  He feels anger begin to build on his annoyance and irritation at the way the stranger’s face splits from its smirk into an equally amused grin.  “That’s right,” he says, chuckling again.  The blond lets out a huff and rolls his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest.  “Alright, we’ll see then,” he says, and then shifts his attention toward the door right behind the stranger.

A few minutes pass in which Sungmin sits on the desk with his gaze fixated on the door to the classroom and the stranger simply watches him in a mixture of interest and amusement.  He tries his best to ignore the stranger when the latter finally moves from his spot and seats himself in the desk at the center of the room, dropping his school bag on the floor next to him and pulling out…is that a gaming device?

“Are you seriously playing a game right now,” Sungmin questions, brow furrowed and attention completely torn away from the door now.  The stranger shrugs and gives him a short, “Yeah, what of it?”  The blond huffs and runs a hand through his hair at the sight, face finding its way back into forming the small scowl he’d had before.  “So you refuse to tutor me because you want to play a game?”

The stranger gives him another nonchalant shrug and Sungmin feels his blood begin to boil all over again.  “Yah, that’s not right,” he suddenly snaps at the taller, hopping off of the desk he’s sitting on and striding over to the latter.  He stops right in front of the desk with his hands on his hips, his foot tapping agitatedly against the dusty floor.  The stranger doesn’t even spare him a glance, just keeps on twiddling his thumbs against the buttons on his device.  Sungmin’s scowl deepens with each passing second, and eventually he lets out a huge huff of air followed by a frustrated growl.

The brunette pauses his game and glances up at Sungmin, his eyebrow raised.  “What do you want,” he asks, and for once Sungmin sees slight irritation rather than mischief in his eyes.  He’s slightly taken aback at how cold the stranger’s gaze is, but he holds his ground and says, “I want you to tutor me instead of play a stupid game!  You’re in the math tutoring club for a reason, aren’t you?”

Sungmin taps his foot against the floor faster now as he crosses his arms over his chest and practically glares at the boy seated before him.  Said person just gazes back at him, eyes seemingly searching for something in the blond’s face.  Sungmin feels his face flush again.  “Yah, answer me!”  His foot is all but stomping into the ground now with how fast and hard it’s slamming into the floor.  A moment passes in which the stranger does nothing but examine his face, and then he leans back in his chair and crosses his arms over his chest, his portable console resting on the surface of the desk before him.  The smirk that spreads over his lips sends a slight chill up Sungmin’s spine and the latter notices the mischievous look in his eye is back, brighter than ever before.

“What’s your name,” the stranger inquires and Sungmin forces himself to not ram his hand into his own face.  Are you serious?  He lets out a sigh and curls a hand into a fist – an effort he goes through the trouble of to restrain himself.  “What’s your name,” he asks in favor of answering.  The brunette’s smirk twitches the slightest bit and Sungmin swears the mischief in his gaze flickers momentarily.

“I asked you first,” the stranger says, voice calm and deep but strangely not impolite.  Sungmin narrows his eyes in suspicion before he utters, in a voice low enough only for the other to just barely hear it, “Sungmin.  My name is Lee Sungmin.”  He raises a blond eyebrow, then goes, “And you?”

The brunette’s amused, mischievous expression only intensifies as he says, quite loudly, “Kyuhyun.  Cho Kyuhyun.”

“Alright, well then Cho Kyuhyun,” Sungmin says, a bit more relieved at least now that he knows the other’s name, “I need you to tutor me so I don’t fail my final in two weeks.”  He stands before the brunette with his eyes narrowed dangerously, mind working at a mile a minute to come up with arguments, counterarguments, rebuttals, and all the little phrases he’s sure he needs to convince the other, whom he is sure will reject him, to tutor him.

Surprisingly, however, Kyuhyun shrugs and states, “Alright.”

“Listen, it’s your job as a member of the club to – wait what?”

“I’ll tutor you,” Kyuhyun explains, an eyebrow raised at the blond in query at what is undoubtedly the dumbfounded look on Sungmin’s face.  Sungmin himself lets the words sink in and register in his brain, and then he lets the happiness swell somewhere inside of him.  It is short lived nonetheless, for the moment he begins to let himself grin, Kyuhyun interjects, “On one condition.”

He stops his internal cheering and gives the other his full attention, feeling his heart sink down to his feet at the way Kyuhyun’s dark eyes glint evilly.  “What is it,” he asks tentatively, and the brunette’s mouth spreads into another one of his wide smirks.

“It’s simple really; I tutor you, you get a perfect score on the exam, then you go out on a date with me to express your gratitude.”  He smirks arrogantly, his confidence in his tutoring abilities evident on his face.  Sungmin sighs and then chews his lip uncertainly.  He’s not particularly fond of dating strangers, much less cold geniuses with an ever-present evil gleam in their eyes, but he desperately needs to pass that exam.  Besides, he muses, I only have to go out with him if I get a perfect score, and I doubt that’s going to happen.  He lifts his gaze to meet Kyuhyun’s amused one, newfound resolve flooding his system as he gives a short nod.  “It’s a deal.”

If Kyuhyun is surprised, he doesn’t let it show all too much (although Sungmin swears he sees the slightest bit of shock in the depths of his dark eyes somewhere behind all the mischief).  Instead, he arches a brow and says, “Okay then, take a seat.”


Fast forward a week and a half later and Sungmin is sitting with Kyuhyun in the club’s designated classroom.  He’s learned, in his time studying with Kyuhyun, that the club’s members never actually show up during lunch unless someone makes plans with them beforehand to meet, that the only reason Kyuhyun happens to be in the club room at any given time is because he likes to play his games in the silence of an empty classroom, away from the hustle and bustle of the cafeteria, that the brunette is actually two years younger than Sungmin is but is in the same grade.

It’s a Wednesday, and only five days before Sungmin’s math final.  He feels his nerves building with each passing day, although thanks to Kyuhyun he can now at least identify when to use the law of sine, use the law of sine, and continue off on a few tangents with it.  They still have yet to cover the most recent subjects on the exam, but he’s confident that with Kyuhyun’s help, he can easily learn it – especially since the latter has decided to tutor him every day up until the final exam.

They are both sitting in two desks side by side in the center of the room, Sungmin’s math notes and textbook sprawled out along the conjoined surface and Sungmin himself chewing on a pen.  Despite Kyuhyun’s constant urging him to do his math work in pencil, he continues to use the soft, smooth gel pens he’s been using since his freshman year.

The blond runs his eyes over the word problem he's on, reading and rereading the words over and over again, allowing every single word to process fully in his mind as he devises a strategy to solve it.  He takes a few more seconds to examine the image provided, and then he’s furiously scribbling things down in his notebook, writing out formulas and equations and plugging in numbers and expressions.  He feels Kyuhyun watching his every move as he divides both sides of the remaining equation by the tangent of angle C and isolates x.

Time ticks by slowly as he begins dividing the remaining variable by the numbers he has and he lets a small smile ease its way onto his face as he circles his final answer and shifts to his side to allow Kyuhyun a better view of his work.  The latter, in turn, leans forward and lets his gaze roam over the blond’s work, checking every single step twice and then an extra time to make sure.  Sungmin feels his heartbeat increase as time stretches on without a response from his tutor, anxious to know if he indeed did solve the problem correctly.

His worries all come to an end as Kyuhyun looks up at him with a small, smug smirk.  “Good job, bunny boy, you got it right.”  Ignoring the insult, Sungmin shoots a hand up into the air with a small, hissed, “yes!” and flashes Kyuhyun a wide grin of his own.  The brunette rolls his eyes and lets out a barely audible snort in response.  “But that was only the first one; you still have like seven others to go, so I suggest you get started.”

Sungmin sticks his tongue out at Kyuhyun playfully before turning back to his assignment.  “Okay, so what?  If I can do this one, I can do the next one,” he jeers as he finds the next problem he needs to do and begins to read it to himself.  He frowns as he reads it, finding it rather challenging, but goes ahead and starts off with what he knows either way.  He’s positive that Kyuhyun is staring intently at him as he works and feels his cheeks burn lightly as a result, but tries his best to ignore his tutor and continue what he’s doing.

He only manages to get halfway through his calculations when the brunette leans in and points a finger at a number Sungmin’s worked out.  “This is wrong,” he says, his warm breath hitting the side of Sungmin’s neck, and suddenly Sungmin tenses at the feeling.  His shoulders hitch and his breath catches in his throat for the slightest instant.  He can smell the faint traces of Kyuhyun’s sweet cologne and he can hear and feel the other breathing right by his ear, the brunette’s warmth creeping into him thanks to the small amount of space between them.  He feels his face lighting up at the proximity, and then realizes what’s happening and jerks away quickly, startled by his reaction.

Kyuhyun gives him a weird look before asking if he’s okay, to which he responds with a nervous nod and readjusting his position in his seat.  He clears his throat and settles down as Kyuhyun begins to explain to him step by step exactly how he came about the wrong answer and how to fix it, although he isn’t paying even the slightest bit of attention.  All he can focus on is the way Kyuhyun’s breath had felt against his neck and the way he’d been able to feel the other’s warmth radiating toward his body and, somewhere deep down, how he’d liked it and wishes for it to happen again.


A week after the incident with Kyuhyun during the tutoring session, Sungmin finds himself delightedly marching toward the usual meeting place at lunchtime, his final exam clutched tightly in his hand.  He’s only shown up to school for the sake of getting his exams back so he can head on back home, but the school is still on normal schedule for those with makeup exams.  It is thanks to this that he is able to take advantage of the hour long period they’re given to eat to find Kyuhyun, who has agreed to be at school to find out the test results as well.

Sungmin reaches the door to the familiar classroom easily, the last two weeks of constantly seeking it out with brows furrowed in frustration finally paying off as he swings the door open and allows a huge grin to spread out along his face.

Upon seeing said grin, Kyuhyun smirks and leans back in his chair, expecting the news he is sure is going to spill from the blond’s mouth at any moment.  “How’d you do,” he prompts for the sheer sake of nonchalance.  If possible, Sungmin’s grin only broadens as he steps further into the room and holds up the test for Kyuhyun to see.  “I got a ninety-six,” he exclaims happily, gesturing with his hand toward the giant red number printed at the top.  “I got an A!  I got an A on my final!”

He lets out a small cry of satisfaction, tightening his grip on his test in utter joy and resisting the urge to jump around in his spot.  He feels his happiness dissipate, however, when Kyuhyun only gives a halfhearted, “Oh good, congrats,” and stands from his seat with his bag slung over his shoulder.  Sungmin frowns and his head to the side in confusion.  Shouldn’t he be happy for Sungmin?  His tutoring really paid off and helped Sungmin pass the one class he’d been petrified he was going to fail.

“Kyu, what’s wrong,” he questions and almost laughs at the way the other sputters at the nickname before giving the blond a smile that seems almost disappointed.  Sungmin simply stares as Kyuhyun lifts a hand to rub the back of his neck and says, “Well, you didn’t get a hundred.”  He watches as the disappointment in the brunette’s gaze seems to double when he says the words out loud, and frowns when Kyuhyun throws him a look that mirrors his disappointment.  He feels irritation bubbling inside of him.

“So?”  His voice comes out a bit harsher than he means it to, and so he quickly tries to remedy it by saying, “I still got an A on the exam.  I was only four points off perfect.  That’s still good, right?”  The last part escapes him barely above a whisper, his mood dampening as he begins to think that maybe, just maybe, he’s smart enough to have gotten those extra four points and Kyuhyun knows it and is disappointed in him – and he feels himself grow disappointed with himself.  His brow furrows into a small, upset scowl as he mentally begins to scold himself for slacking off when he could’ve done better.

Kyuhyun somehow manages to cut him off before he can get too far into his mental lecture, probably seeing the look on his face and taking it as a sign for alarm, for when he talks his eyes are wide and hands are thrown up in front of him in a defensive manner.  “Oh no,” he says, “a ninety-six is still great.  It’s just that,” he sighs, “I was really looking forward to going on that date with you.”

Sungmin blinks as he allows the brunette’s words to register once, twice, three times, a fourth.  And then when they do he takes note of the way Kyuhyun’s cheeks are a soft rose rather than their usual pale ivory and feels his own face begin to burn in dawning realization.

“It’s simple really; I tutor you, you get a perfect score on the exam, then you go out on a date with me to express your gratitude.”

He remembers the first day of their tutoring and the deal he’d made with Kyuhyun and curls his lip disdainfully at himself for allowing the deal to completely slip his mind.  He scans Kyuhyun’s face for a moment and sees understanding flash in the latter’s eyes; Kyuhyun knows he’s remembered.  The brunette gives him a soft smile before brushing past him and making his way out into the hall.  “I’ll be seeing you, Sungmin,” he says as he saunters away, leaving Sungmin standing there baffled.

The blond feels his heart sink further and further toward his feet the farther and farther away Kyuhyun gets and before he can stop himself, before he can even begin to think about what he’s doing, he’s running down the hall after Kyuhyun, test still grasped tightly in his hand and book bag still hanging off his shoulder.  “Kyu, wait,” he shouts out frantically.  “Hang on a second, Kyu!”

Kyuhyun stops in his tracks and turns around just as Sungmin reaches him, resulting in Sungmin slamming his face into the younger’s collarbone.  He releases a small whimper of pain and places a hand over his now sore nose.  Kyuhyun’s eyes widen and he cups Sungmin’s face in worry.  “I’m sorry, Sungmin, are you okay?”

Sungmin takes in a breath and opens his mouth to speak, rather than answering the question rambling out, “I’m so sorry I didn’t get a hundred on the test, Kyu, but if it makes you feel better you still helped me understand the material and I still got an A on the exam, and I actually know math now and I’m not a complete idiot now, so I wouldn’t mind going out on that date with you and maybe a few other dates or more than a few other dates with you because I think I kind of like you and like being around you.”

He instantly regrets it when Kyuhyun’s eyes widen and silence falls heavily onto the both of them, the only sound filling the hallway being Sungmin’s slightly heavy breathing.  He feels his face heat up and disappointment build up in his chest at Kyuhyun’s face.  He casts his gaze toward the floor on his right and allows a soft sigh to escape him.  “I mean, if it’s okay with you to go out on dates and stuff, I mean it’s okay if you don’t like me, I get it ‘cause we’re both guys and all and –“

“Min –“

“– and I probably disappointed you with getting those four points deducted on my exam and –“

“Min –“

“– and I probably did something completely stupid to lose those four points like got a number wrong or something, I’m not sure I didn’t check and –“

Min –“

“– and I’ll make sure to check it later and see what I did wrong and slap myself a couple times for it to punish myself ‘cause it was probably really easy and I was just being stupid and –“

“For gods’ sakes Min, shut up for a second.”

Sungmin blinks confusedly and then casts his gaze back up to look at the brunette in perplexity, absorbing the image of the latter leaning in and planting a soft kiss on his forehead.  His breath catches in his throat at the way Kyuhyun’s lips are so soft and warm and so, so, so gentle.  He freezes in his spot as Kyuhyun pulls back and gives him a smile so smug it borders on a smirk.  “Didn’t I just tell you I was looking forward to that date with you?”

The blond only stands there in shock as Kyuhyun slides his hand down from Sungmin’s face and laces their fingers together, softly tugging on his arm in a signal to begin walking.  Sungmin stumbles forward and allows himself to be led down the hall as he permits the situation to sink in fully, and then:

“Wait, so you’re not mad that I didn’t get a hundred?”


And there we go, completed KyuMin oneshot is completed (:
There goes my first KyuMin fic! Woo!
I must say I'm surprised at the number of people that subscribed to this in such a short period of time (14; might not seem like a lot but it's a nice feeling seeing it). I hope you guys all enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it (even though I'm not exactly sure what to think of it yet - I'll have to read it about a million times myself before I decide).
Anyway, thank you all so much for reading C:

Love Always,

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Shadowslurker #1
Chapter 1: Kyu as my tutor... would be awesome haha
Alice_K26 #2
Chapter 2: How to stop sungmin blabbering mouth: kyuhyun kiss.... Absolutely and no doubt ming will silent....
muzikkluvrr #3
Chapter 1: Now if only Kyuhyun could tutor me for my Calc 2 and Physics finals that are next week...
elmokyu #4
Chapter 1: Lovely... If only i got Kyu as my tutor...
Chapter 1: Lol.. Min's so cute!! Still rambling rambling and rambling~ just kiss his lips kyu.. He'll be silent in an instant XD
This story is so great~ I've my fun reading this..
Salmissra #6
Chapter 1: I totally loved it!!!!!
thank you <3
kaeryunsoo #8
Chapter 1: Wahh~!! My favorite part was when sungmin kept on rambling despite kyuhyun calling him and then kyuhyun finally snapped and said shut up for a second..

And FYI.. These two are my bias.. :3 XD
Chapter 1: First kyumin fic?????..i could read a thousand fics like this...hahahahha....*melts* is sooo my type..
Chapter 1: It's really good omg
I like how at first Kyuhyun was cocky and all, and Sungmin was shy but then annoyed and then the part where he likes Kyuhyun's breath on his neck, and rambling Sungmin, dissapointed because yeah well...i liked everything?
Thank you for this!!