Chapter 9: An Interesting Conversation With My "Best Friend"

Omma, Tell Me A Story


how has everyone been? (:

Um, I've finally updated. 

And I swear, this is pretty crappy lol.

Most of this is dialogue, so sorry if it's kind of confusing and hard to read.

Tell me if I should fix anything.


RECAP (SINCE IT'S BEEN AWHILE): Donghae visits Jonghyun and Hana. When Jonghyun has to leave on a school trip, Donghae and Hana because surpringly close, which makes Jonghyun jealous. When Donghae leaves to go back to Korea, he tells Hana that she should confess to Jonghyun and that Jonghyun is "impatiently waiting". And with Miyoung, she is still hella confused about who her father is :D






Chapter 9:


Miyoung looked at her mother with confused eyes, “You just gave me the answer!”

“Did I?” asked the elder of the two. She simply smirked and shrugged her shoulders, leaving her daughter even more confused, “I don't remember saying anything about Jonghyun being your father.”

Miyoung shook her head stubbornly, “He obviously is, Omma! Donghae said that Jonghyun is waiting for you to confess! I heard you with my own two ears. Jonghyun wants to hear your true feelings! Jonghyun is my appa!”

“Sheesh, children these days. They just think they know everything,” Again, the elder just smirked, “But, this is only part of the story.”

“Confess to Jonghyun?” I asked myself, “What could I confess to Jonghyun? What was Donghae oppa talking about?”

It was just another Sunday morning. I was lying on my couch, staring at the ceiling, and thinking about what Donghae said before he left. All I could think about was the “secret” meaning behind, “Hurry and confess to Jonghyun.” Did that mean that he liked me? Was the something more in our relationship besides friendship?

“Ugh, what was Donghae talking about?” I mumbled as I closed my eyes. Images of Jonghyun and Donghae floated through my mind and taunted me. The images would point at me, then blow disgusting kisses. The image was horrible, "Stop bothering me!" I yelled as I swatted air.

A chuckle echoed through my living room. Several heavy footsteps could be heard as my front door slammed shut. Keys jingled then a something fell to the floor, making a large thump on the ground. “Talking to yourself again?” asked a oh-too-familiar voice.

I pulled myself up to greet the guest. There sitting on the floor, only a few feet away, was the man who I didn't need to see at this moment. I sighed. “What's up, Dino?” I greet numbly as I laid back down.

“What's with the cold attitude? Don't want to hi to your best friend?” Jonghyun asked jokingly. He laid on my wooden floor and rested on one arm, “I haven't seen you in two weeks! You should be happier! This shouldn't happen Hana, I live upstairs.”

I bitterly chuckled, “I know you live upstairs, pabo!”

“Then why haven't you visited me? I've made kimchi fried rice for you, every day of the week, but you never showed up. I was getting scared and thought that you died!”

“Hey, you have a key. You could have checked up on me.”

That shut up Jonghyun. “Are you mad at me?” asked Jonghyun, “You sound mad. Tell me what you're feeling. I can't tell, especially with the fact that you're staring at the ceiling.”

I didn't reply because, truthfully, I wasn't sure what I was feeling about Jonghyun. I was mad that he didn't invite me anywhere when him and Donghae went out. I was happy that he showed up in my living room. I was confused about what Jonghyun's intentions. And I was even more confused on my own feelings.

“No, just a little confused,” I stated. My eyes stared intently on the ceiling tiles, “Did you know that Donghae visited me before he left?”

“So that is where the bastard was--”

“And he told me something about you,” I said.


“Do you know what he said to me?” I asked ignoring his incoherent cursing.

Jonghyun held his breath. We both continued to stare at the ceiling as we laid down. Neither of us made a sound. Then, Jonghyun spoke up, “I have no idea what he is talking about. If that bastard said anything bad about me, just ignore him. Dammit, now I have to call him up and tell him--” 

“Donghae said you were impatiently waiting. He said that I should confess something,” I interrupted, “Jonghyun, you're my best friend. Tell me what Donghae is talking about. Is there something I have to confess?”

Jonghyun stood up from his lying down position and walked over to my lying figure on the couch. He lifted my legs then sat on the sofa, after he laid my legs on his lap.

“Hana, you're my best-friend. We've been best-friends for several years. I was just jealous of how close you and Donghae were. That's all. Don't let Donghae mess up your brain with the things he says.”

“Oh okay,” I replied disappointedly, “That's what I thought.”




Hana looked at her daughter with a surprised face. This was the first time that Miyoung actually interrupted her story. She must really be into the story.


“So you're telling me that Jonghyun didn't confess to you!?” Miyoung asked, dumbfounded, “If that was his confession, then it was the most indirect confession ever! I was sure he was the father! That's impossible! I--”


“Would you just be patient and listen to the story?!” Omma stated, “Just wait, honey.”


“Oh okay,” I replied disappointedly, “That's what I thought.”

Jonghyun chuckled, “Why do you sound disappointed? I bet you were expecting something else.”

“No, I--”

“I bet you were expecting me to say something like, 'You should listen to Donghae and tell me if we have something more than a friendship. Are we really just friends?'” stated Jonghyun, “Were you expecting some sort of confession from me?” Jonghyun sat with a smirk rested on his face.

“I was not! I was confused because--”

“Because you didn't know if you liked me or not?” Jonghyun asked slyly. How did we even get on this topic? Was this his way of telling me something?

“Stop putting words in my mouth. Go home Jonghyun,” I said tiredly, “You're making me exhausted and you've only been here for five minutes”

“Okay,” Jonghyun said, standing up, “But, before I leave I want to tell you...

I think we have something that is more than just friends.”









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Plsss do finish this story...Its very interesting and unique~
BBPatdiah #2
Chapter 1: feels like I'm watching How I Met your father hahaha :P
hellobeautiful134 #3
Please updates soon!! I really want to know who's the father!
Chapter 21: Love the story ^^ Never seen this kinda of plot before, it's really unique. Hope you update soon :P
reachforthesky #5
Chapter 21: Tbh I really want her to be with Donghae...or maybe I'm just Donghae biased
Chapter 1: Wait.... How come Miyoung doesn't know what's her appa's name?
Chapter 21: This is such a cute story, I love it! I'm so anxious to know who the father is, can't wait for your next update!
Chapter 21: OMO~

Maybe it's Jonghyun, the one who will pick them up?

anyway, hope you update soon author-nim ^^
Chapter 21: yaaaaaaaaaay update :D
Chapter 21: i miss jjongy. :[