Chapter 3

Love or Friendship?


It arrived the next morning and you still follow on the floor, with your back supported by a piece of furniture. You woke up and dress up Sunggyu sleeping on your side, he was very handsome, as always, your heart beating louder and louder. Sunggyu opened his eyes slowly, you surprised and you closed yours, making you asleep. You notice as some hands you would and you wore to a room. It was Sunggyu, who left you in bed and left. You took advantage that you were in bed, to rest a little, since you've not rested well in the night.


Slept an hour and measuring, then decided to get up from the bed and you dirigiste to door, touched the knob and you stopped when they heard a voice behind the door, were the Sunggyu, Hoya and Dongwoo saying:


- Sunggyu, going tonight, isn't it? - said Dongwoo.

- If so I want to that you very _.

- OK, don't worry. - said Hoya.

- very goodI'm going to do a few things.


Do not understand much, but if that Sunggyu, but to where?. You went out of the room and Woohyun enté was on the couch. You looked at and you asked:


- would that have you slept? would like something for breakfast?

- well and no, thank you, I have no hunger.


You sat down on the couch next to him and a while later and asked him:


- where to ido Sunggyu?

- Oh... to arrange some papers, will soon come.

- but do to where...?


Aparecio Sunggyu through the door, then sat between you and Woohyun. Sunggyu looked to Woohyun and said:


- us could leave alone, por favor


Woohyun I was leaving the two alone. There were a few minutes of silence, but Sunggyu broke it saying:


- this... - started.

- do that? - you asked with curiosity.

- Me voy. - said very serious.

-... - you do not know to say - to where?

- service military.

- when?

- this afternoon, the feel.


Do not know to do, Sunggyu you hugged and went to the suitcase.

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Chapter 10: its a nice story... i like it
Chapter 1: hey such a interesting starter