

He brushes his hand through the last key of the song. Letting the strings of his guitar vibrates, producing the last key of his song. The song feels empty without anyone playing the harmonica beside him. But, if he doesn't play this song in summer, he will feel emptier than this. "Oh, hyung," he turns when a familiar voice calls him. A tall boy stands in the doorway, smiling. "What are you doing here?" he asks, walking up to the balcony.

"Just playing some songs," he replies, putting his guitar aside and welcomes the boy to sit beside him. "What are you doing here, yah, Junhong?"

The boy names Junhong smiles. "Just checking on our Daehyunnie hyung~" he says, before turning his head and looks around. Checking what his friend has.

Daehyun leans on the railing of the balcony, looking at the sun sets before him. The first day of summer vacation will be gone sooner, and the day he has been waiting for will come. After months, or it has been a year? Daehyun can't remember, but he knows soon he will meet the girl who taught him to see summer differently. Who told him that summer isn't about the hot weather and mosquitos, but also playing together and eating watermelons. That girl.

"Wow, I didn't know you play harmonica!" Junhong exclaimed suddenly, and Daehyun turns his attention away from the red sky. "I don't know how to play it, how to play it, hyung?"

Daehyun shakes his head. "I don't know how to play it either,"

Junhong tilted his head, confused. "If you don't, then whose harmonica is this?" he asked, trying to make a note from the harmonica once again.

"Sunhwa's." Daehyun replies.

Junhong's eyes widen and he pulls the harmonica away from his mouth. "Oh..." he utters.

"It's okay, Junhong, I don't mind," Daehyun says, but the younger boy has already felt awkward.

"I'll go home. It's already dark anyway," Junhong says. "You'll need time for yourself before the day after tomorrow anyway, right hyung?"

Daehyun nods, "I guess so." he looks up to the dark sky. "But, I really don't mind about earlier. Just come if you want to check on my stuffs again."

Junhong chuckles. "I'll come again next time," he says, getting up. "Bye, Daehyunnie hyung."

Daehyun watches Junhong's figure until he disappears, climbing down the stairs. Daehyun is left alone in the balcony. Maybe he should get in too, it's already dark. He should get a good sleep, so tomorrow he can prepare things before meeting the girl the day after tomorrow. He gets up, bringing his guitar and harmonica inside. He looks outside once again as he closed the glass door that heads to the balcony, before pulling the white curtain and turns around.


©2013, kkkey031110 story


 I've posted the prologue~
The sundae feeling hasn't came... wait a little bit, okay? ;)

Oh yeah, guys, before I post the first chapter, I'm going to tell you guys something.
This story will go back and forth. Past - present or present - past.
I hope you guys wouldn't be confused when you read it, but I'll try my best to make it clear.

Anyway, please write your comments below and you, who haven't subscribe, go back to foreword and click subscribe!
I'll be posting soon, 기다릴가용~! 

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I'M SORRY! >< I told you I'll post it before April, but I'm wrong. I'm still trapped in tests until early May, so I doubt that I can finish before May ;_;


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Chapter 1: did something bad happened? woth sunhwa? seems like that ㅠㅠ pleasee this was 2015, and thor nim, you didnt update it ㅠㅠ
Chapter 4: wheres the next part authornim? omo i love this cutie pie love, like this on. i hope you have a time to update this
charmingchacha #3
Chapter 4: hurry and update more author-nim ^^ i'll be waiting for the end~
tsekyi21 #4
Chapter 4: Awh this was a really cute chapter. I wonder if they'll still be as close in 2013.
Chapter 3: I love this story,really;_; Can't wait for the next chapter. Update soon!~
Chapter 2: I really love this! Sunhwa is so herself in this, the characterization is good!
And irritated daehyun at the start hehe. <3
And the last line, "Promise is a promise" I suddenly had goosebumps all over idek why. It just yeahh orz. had that impact because of what Sunhwa's mother said I guess, about him getting hurt :c

I wonder what it is.. I will be looking forward to your next update!
tsekyi21 #7
Chapter 2: I really, really, like your story! <3 <3 <3

Esp how insistent Sunhwa is, and her personality really matches herself in real life too! :D Great story, authornim! I'm looking forward to the next chapter :D
Chapter 2: Sunhwa's character really fit herself~^^
And it's really sweet when they started to make their own promise..
But I wonder what is happening in the 'present'.
Seems like a bad thing has happened ><

Thanks for the update, author-ssi~
Please update soon ^^
Annyeong! I Love Daehyun, also Sunhwa~ I'll wait for your update.. Fighting!! :)