28 - The Final Verdict

Only Good Girls Go To Heaven.

JiEun woke up, but kept her eyes closed. She felt something soft touching her face, and she felt a slight headache. Her eyes had blinked open to see where she was. All of a sudden, she found herself lying on something soft and white. She stood up straight, looked at it in confusion and started jumping on the material.


"This looks...vaguely familiar," she mumbled "Huh? Are these clouds? I'm standing on clouds?" she started to jump on it again, but no matter how hard her feet pressed against it, she wouldn't fall through it no matter how dense it looked. Her head perked up from the ground, there was no one around. All she saw was the colour baby blue all around her as she turned her head. The place looked desserted but peaceful. "Am I in Heaven?"


"JiEun?" A deep voice called for her, she turned around to see who it was, but there was no one there


"W-who goes there?" she started to look around furiously to find the voice, as it was slightly scaring her


"Please, do not be startled" the voice suddenly sounded calm and gentle


"W-who are you?" there was silence for a moment, all of a sudden she realised who it was "God?"




JiEun's eyes widened in amazement, she seemed clueless at what to say firstly. "I-I..." she stuttered profusely


"It's okay, JiEun"


"I- what happened to me?"


"You had another car accident"


"But-but why am I here? In Heaven? I thought that when you die, you would go to purgatory first"


"Ah, but you've been to purgatory so many times, you know what it's like in and out," he said "You go to purgatory to find out about your scales and see whether you go to hell or not. But 50 years ago, well, you made a deal there with the devil, didn't you?" JiEun nodded her head "You were supposed to go to hell, but he gave you an offer. You had to get more gold coins than bronze, whilst roaming around earth trying to find your soul mate."




"And that when you complete both of them, you will be sent to heaven."


"Well, yes, but...wait- does this mean that I have finally given the opportunity to go to heaven because i've managed to complete the task?"


"Yes, that is the way to say it"


JiEun's jaw dropped. After half a century, all of of it, everything, has finally come to an end, and she has been given a satisfactory reward of going to heaven. But she couldn't help but think about the other task- she didn't complete it, did she? "But, God..."




"The other task, the soul mate one. I don't understand, the devil said that both of us would go to heaven if only I complete both of the task set."


"Well, didn't you meet anyone in Earth that seems special to you?"


"Well, yes, i've seen a lot who caught my eye, but I had to look for the one that was destined for me."


"And didn't you find anyone that was somewhat different to the rest?"


"I-I don't know," she said, her mind started to think "Perhaps Myungsoo, Kim Myungsoo, he-he died so recently, but he was, oh, how do I say it, indescribable. I loved it whenever we were together, God, absolutely loved it. But it broke my heart in the end. However I don't know whether it was different from the rest, though."


"Myungsoo, huh? I haven't had an opportunity to meet him yet. Tell me, what's he like?"


"At first, he was cold and absolutely crude. I found him to be one of the most uncivilled people I have ever come across. But, somewhere along the road, he changed. A lot. I saw a side of him that I thought I had never seen before."


"Ah," he said "JiEun, if he was that type of person, don't you think whether he goes to heaven or not would reflect on his actions and deeds that he has done in Earth?"


JiEun put a concerning look on her face. Now that I think of it, where is Myungsoo? If he isn't in heaven, then isn't there only one other place he could be? Also, if we are soul mates, then why aren't we together in heaven? Or hell?"


"God, can I ask you a favour?"


"Of course, my dear child"


"C-could you please send me to purgatory?"


"You are an angel now, JiEun, and you can send yourself there whenever you like"


"But how?"


"Just close your eyes, count to 5, imagine the scenery in your head, and when your eyes open, you will find yourself to whever you had wished to go to"


"Thank you"


Her eyes closed. She had sculpted the image of purgatory in her head, with the white light shining itself on the golden libra scale. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. JiEun's eyes blinked open.


Darkness. Absolute darkness. She tilted her head in confusion, perhaps she imagined the wrong place? "Oh, no" she mumbled. However, all of a sudden, she heard voices in the far distance in front of her.


"You didn't complete what I had asked you to do; your time has run out."


JiEun began walking forward, towards where the voice was coming from. All of a sudden, she saw a light in the distance, and two people standing beneath the light. Something was shining brightly.


As she stepped closer, she realised that it was two men. One had his back turned, and the other one looked vaguely familiar. They seemed to appear to be talking to each other.


"No second chances, i'm afraid."


She walked closer, and she realised that the shining thing was a libra scale, but it wasn't her libra scale. her footsteps echoed and it made the one who had his back turned look back. JiEun gasped in shock.


It was Myungsoo.






Myungsoo turned his head back to face the devil, who was in human form. "She doesn't know, does she?" he asked Myungsoo, he shook his head in response, and both of their heads turned to face JiEun again "JiEun!" he greeted "It's been a while, hasn't it?"


"Um, y-yes"


"I'm sure you're familiar with Myungsoo here, since you seemed so surprise with his presence"


"Well, yes. Extremely familiar, actually," she said "I don't mean to rush things but, w-would you mind telling me what's going on?"


He gave a slight nod and his hand gestured towards the golden libra scale. "Behold, JiEun, Myungsoo's libra scale. You know how this works, don't you? You've seen it dozens of times," he said "Well, clearly, you can see that there's more bronze coins that gold, and you know what that means, right?"


"Yes, I do. It happened to me as well, but you-you gave me another chance."




"So, does this mean...you'll give Myungsoo another chance as well? Like with me?"


There seemed to be a concerned expression written on his face "I would like to think so but i'm afraid, he has already used up his second chance."


JiEun's eyes widened and she raised her eyebrows, her head turned to face Myungsoo. "He gave me the exact same chance as you, JiEun," said Myungsoo "I died, I died of cancer 50 years ago. It's a tremendous amount of time, I know. But I came to purgatory, finding that I had more bronze than gold. And he took pity on me, so he told me he would send me back to Earth, giving the exact same tasks to me as you did."


"This is why you went to Heaven, JiEun," the devil stepped in and immediately JiEun's scales appeared next to Myungsoo's "I have given him 50 years to do this, but I gave you a 100 years. Please, be thankful for my generosity. However, you did something that he didn't do; you completed the task, JiEun, unlike Myungsoo, you completed it in half the time I gave to you" he said "I've sent plenty of people to Earth who wishes to go to Heaven instead of hell, some fail, and some don't. Either way, there are plenty of people right now in Earth, some are normal people, and some have the same situation as you, but the thing is you cannot tell.  All I can say is second chances are hard to come by."


She turned her head to face Myungsoo "D-does this mean...you and me are meant to be?" she asked


"I guess so" he gave a small smile, and JiEun smiled a little as well


She turned her face to the devil again "But now what happens? I completed the task, but he didn't."


"Well, in this case, you two must go your seperate ways to where you belong"


Her eyebrows raised "What?" she said rather loudly "But I spent so much time, so much effort in Earth to find the one. And now when I finally did, when all my efforts had come been paid for, i'm not going to see him ever again?"


"That is indeed the case of it all"


"But I don't want to let him go," she grabbed on to Myungsoo's arm "ever"


"I'm afraid, JiEun, the scales clearly represent where the both of you should be going. If it's in different places then that's that and let it be that way, even i'm not in control of it. So if you don't mind, i'll be sending the both of you to where you belong."


"No! I do mind, actually. I-I love him and I don't want to let him go for the sake of benefiting myself and to go to heaven"


"But JiEun, you have to understand that I can't send Myungsoo to heaven or send you to hell. The scales clearly represent where both of you will  go, no second chances, no nothing. It is supposed to be that way."


JiEun started to feel her temper rise. "Scales, scales, all because of those damned scales! What do they have to say? All they do is reflect on where you should go, not where you want to go!" her voice rose in anger.  opened and she cursed so loud and clear that her voice and the words that came out from echoed throughout the whole room.


"Argh..!"  she screamed in frustration


All of a sudden, as a result, she saw two more bronze coins drop on to her scale making a clattering sound as it touched the other coins. It was a small amount, but it made all the difference. The scale immediately showed which side was heavier. She exhaled deeply and turned her head to face him again and raised her eyebrows, gesturing some kind of message to him.


"Are you sure?" he asked silently


"Yes, yes I am"


"Fine by me" he raised his hand in mid-air and positioned his fingers in to a clicking position


JiEun immediately grabbed Myungsoo's hand and held it tightly, they both looked at each other and nodded. Then, in an instant, he clicked his fingers and both were sent off , where they will be burned for the rest of their lives, with only each others presence to bear to.


Clearly, she didn't want to let go of Myungsoo. No matter what type of temptation there is dangling in front of her. She realised that her love for him was so great, and so strong, that she was willing to do absolutely anything in the world to be with him, even if it meant going to the one place she fought half a century for to not be in.


With her heart and soul, and everything she had; she gave it up all for him, all for love.



      Love is a slow suicide,

           it happens when two hearts collide

             Love is a bridge between two people

                 and it blooms like the flowers in April

                 Love is a like battlefield,

                so now all that's left is for my scars to heel

                    You may experience it, or you may not

                                   But all I know is that I love you, with all my heart, and another whole lot



A/N: And there's a little poem made by me to finish it off (yes, i actually wrote that). Ahh, what can I say? The story has come to a complete end now and this is the last authors note i'll leave on this story. Thank you all SO much for the support that was shown throughout the way, and thank you to my readers who comment regularly and who have subscribed and upvoted. I love reading what you have to say. Writing this story was fun and I enjoyed it. I'm glad that this idea of mine that perked up in my head a few months ago has finally been completed with the help of you guys. Please check out my other stories as well. But for now, farewell my readers~~ again, thank you. <3








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minnakitty #1
Chapter 29: WAAAH!! DAEBAK AUTHOR-NIM!! What a good fanfic! So sweet!! And the feels!! THE FEELS!! MyungU FTW!! =))
Chapter 29: sad yet amazing story..
KimHaeJung #3
Chapter 29: Oh my god. Thats soo sweet!! ITS STILL PLAYING LIKE AN ANIME MOVIE IN MY HEAD!! ABSOLUTELY MAGNIFICENT! I love this story! Thanks for the updates author-nim!
theadorable #4
This is such a beautiful and great story! I like it a lot.. looking forward to your works! Fighting! ^^
Chapter 29: AWW~~~ o n o
Chapter 29: Aawww... So romantic. Great story and pls make MyungU's fic again authornim.... Pls pls pls...
4_EverLover #7
Chapter 29: author-nim!!!! i love your works. And please make another myungU story! jeballl! and if you do, would you mind to message me? jebal! please!
4_EverLover #8
Chapter 29: author-nim!!!! i love your works. And please make another myungU story! jeballl! and if you do, would you mind to message me? jebal! please!
Chapter 29: END :(
Wow! that's the true love! >.<
See you again in another FF,authornim!