

"Krystal are you okay?" your sister checking up on you before you go to school because you seems paler and weaker since the past 4 days to be exact. "oh i'm perfectly fine jess" you said, "just don't go to school today okay? rest a bit." she said. Your head feel dizzy too so you decided to not going to school today. "arasseo, but please don't tell mom and dad" you said biting your lip, "arraseo." Jessica said giving you a warm smile.

After you reached your room, you changed your clothes to a comfertable one. Then, you taking out your phone from your bag and started typing a message for Sulli.


To : Giant baby~

Ssul! please tell the teacher i'm absent today, i felt dizzy and jessica told me to stay home for today. Loveyou!

From : Kryssie~


You put your phone to a table beside your bed, then you lay down on the bed. Feeling so dizzy you closed your eyes for a sec then your phone rang, 


To : Kryssie~

aawww, get well really soon Krys! You're getting paler everyday! Rest well, Loveyoutoo!

From : Giant baby~


Then another message popped out on your phone, 


To : Kryssie~

Krys! i heard you didn't go to school today, are you sick?

From : Junhong


"wow how fast" you mumbled then started typing for a reply.


To : Junhong

yeah i think? but no worries i'm not sick, just tired keke~

From : Kryssie~


Then you decided to turn off your phone so you can sleep peacefully. Just in a minute you already in your dream.


-meanwhile at school-


"Hey Zelo! Krys not coming today!" Sulli said to Zelo who is searching for Krystal, "oh? wae?" He asked, "i don't know she said she felt dizzy and jessica let her off today. Seems like she's sick, she's getting paler everyday don't you think?" Sulli said in a worried tone. "Arrasseo i'll call her later" he said then go to his class. 

On the other side, Dongwoo who were just passing by overheard Sulli's conversation with Zelo. After he knew he rushed to infinite and searching for Woohyun. "Hyung!!!" Dongwoo said, still catching his breath from running. "woah woah slow down boy" Woohyun said, all of them came closer to both of them. "I heard Krystal is sick" Dongwoo said. 

"what? sick?" Woohyun's eyes turned round and worried all over his face. "yeah but i just heard that she's had a headache maybe? so her sister let her off today" Dongwoo still replay the conversation earlier.

"oh.. i hope she's allright" Woohyun said worriedly, infinite's knew he's still love Krystal. "Don't you want to visit her, Woohyun-ah?" Sunggyu said patting his back, "oh that's okay. she doesn't need me, anyway" Infinite just nodding, respecting his choice. 

Myungsoo was already know about you were Woohyun's ex since the day that Woohyun's break up with you because Woohyun was crying all night long in infinite's dorm, after Myungsoo trying to find out who is the girl, Sunggyu show him a photo of you. And that makes him harder to tell infinite about the marriage.

'sick?such a drama queen' Myungsoo thought then out from infinite's circle searching for his girlfriend.




hey its a boring update i know but i'm pissed right now because i already write a long one but it got deleted because i accidentaly click the go back button without me save it and know it so i'm sorryT_T

actually this isn't in my plot but i know i haven't update in such a long time because my family and i have a vacation and i forgot to tell y'all so i'm so sorryT__T i know i'm a bad authorT_T

i promise to update a new chapt tomorrow! i'm so sorryT_T /bow/

so please don't be a silent reader and subscribe! thankyou:)

                                                                                      love y'all always xo,snsdhwang

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Chapter 24: oh my. u are finally updating it yeyyyy
Chapter 24: aigoo . myungsoo oppa . you are so mean ~
cloudysky267 #3
Chapter 24: Yah!! Myung to the soo.. You are ruined something.. O.O
cloudysky267 #4
Chapter 23: yey.. double update? kekeke.. i wish u do the best.. ^^
Chapter 23: Yeah.. I've been waiting this story to be updated TT-TT.
And I kinda forget this storyline. Hukhuk.
Btw, I can't wait for it Author-nim! ^^
cloudysky267 #6
update soon author-nim... ^^ i am waiting for your update...
update soon
f3smile #8
Chapter 22: L, u should break up with hyuna and start to love krystal
kpopmusiclover #9
Chapter 22: Aww he's falling for her kekeke update soon ^^
Tarantulax #10
Update sooonnnnnnnn