In Your Dreams

Forever Chasing You...♡
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Author's POV-With MinRi...

The door of the classroom opened and was greeted by quite a loud sound.All eyes in the room paid attention towards the newcomer-it was MinRi.She waved and greeted her classmates as she walked towards her friend,Choi SooRi."Annyeong~"she said cheerily as she sat down on the seat next to her."I'm not late,right?".

"Nope,you've made it just in time."Soori reassured her."Our professor will be arriving a few minutes late since all the staff have this meeting to attend to.Did you do your assignment?".

MinRi nodded her head in acknowledgement."It's a good thing we take the same course...well...sort of.I didn't even know we had homework that was due in today until you told me yesterday.".

"Speaking of yesterday,any progress with your 'deer' Luhan-oppa?"she asked her.

"I went over to visit him at work and during today,before I went here,I was having a sort of 'lunch' with him and his friends...".

"Not that way!"Song AhRa,her other friend said at MinRi's answer as she took a seat,the other side of Soori."She means...When will he 'notice' you?From what you've told us,it's been over a decade since you've proclaimed your crush on him,and you've been consistently trying to pursue him.What is happening between you two?".

"Nothing..."MinRi shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly.

"Nothing?As in nothing?Zilch?Nada?"AhRa said to her,raising an eyebrow.

"Yes,nothing..."she said with a tone of sadness in her voice.

"Ri-ah...Don't you find it just 'sad'?"AhRa questioned her.

MinRi stayed silent at that question,and just looked down at the table.Yes.She did find it sad.Sadness almost overcame her at that moment however,she couldn't let that happen for it'll be more sad...More melancholic.Being determined and staying strong was one of her expertise,something she kept doing every time Luhan rejected her,every time something doesn't go her way.

"It's MinRi's decision to do that;it's her choice.Just let her be."SooRi interuppted,making MinRi feel a bit more better.

"But they should've been way past the friends zone by now like in those cliched movies."AhRa added.

"And we will be."MinRi said,with determination in her voice."I've been working so hard for it,and my efforts shouldn't be wasted.I believe that somewhere in the end,oppa will see all of that,that he will finally come to like me the way I like,no,love him."she said,her eyes softening as she finished her sentence.

Ahra's eyes softened in admiration at MinRi's words.Ahra wanted to support her more day by day and as her friend,she will stay by her side until Luhan finally 'answers' her or MinRi answers herself."Very well,MinRi-ah...I wish you luck...".

MinRi cracked a smile."Thank you.".

Before the group of friends continued on conversating,their professor entered the classroom.The professor then went behind his desk,facing the class and said,"Hello.I'm Mr.Choi.I'm a new teacher here and I'll be one of your professors for Korean Studies,replacing Mr.Go.I hope we'll all get along.I presume you all mixed this with a different course,am I right?" which everyone nodded to."Before I start teaching,you've got seating arrangements." which many students groaned in.

"Don't blame me!"he told them with a grin."They just gave it to me.Now..."he said as he looked at the paper with the seating arrangements on."Bang MinYoung and Park MinAn,you'll be seated..."the seating arrangements went on and on and out of the group of friends,MinRi was left out."And lastly,Lee MinRi...".


"You'll be seated at the very back by the window with Mr.Oh Sehun?"he said,looking for her seat partner,and found him already sitting at his designated seat."Oh,he's already there."he said as he turned back to MinRi."Now,just go to your seat and we'll start the class,arasseo?".

"Arasseo." and with that,she walked to her seat and sat next to her partner and as she took out her notebook and pen from her bag and put it on their desk,she introduced herself to himself."Annyeonghasaeyo~Choneun Lee MinRi imnida!"she whispered to him,to not get caught by Mr.Choi however,he was ignoring her,and was continuing on listening to the lecture.

'Rude...'she thought as she puffed her cheeks and went back to listening to the lecture,doing some sketching whilst writing notes on her notebook,but suddenly,her pen ran out of ink,and that was the only pen she had left.'I should've bought pens whilst on the way here...'she cursed mentally in her head as she turned her head to Sehun again,tapped his shoulder and softly whispered,"Sehun-ssi..." repeatedly until he turned around to her,looking annoyed.

"What?!"he hissed,causing MinRi to jump from shock.

"Sorry~"she said to him."I'm sorry to disturb you,but do you by any chance have a spare pen on you?".

"No."he said almost immediately as he turned back to the teacher.

"But I see a pen sticking out from your pencil case..."she remarked as she opened his pencil case and took out a pen and its design not suiting the owner's looks and personality."It's a bubble tea-looking pen and it has a cute face!"she exclaimed quietly.As soon as she said 'bubble tea',Sehun's eyes widened as wide as flying saucers."I'll just use this one then.I'll return it to you later.Th-".

Before MinRi could even use the pen,Sehun snatched it off of her and gave her the pen he was currently using,and said to her,"No!Just use this one instead." with a cold tone in his voice.

"But it's ugly and the ink's about to run out~"she whined.

"Oh,boo h

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we've got to vote for exo for worldwide act in MTV EMAs!I hope they win;they deserve it!I love them so much!Will be staying up late on 10th November for them!


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xoxoeveryday #1
Chapter 13: Autor-nim i love this story so much when will you uodate again ^.^
saviraambadar #2
Chapter 13: Sehun is such a sweetheart
Chapter 13: omggggggggggggggggggggg sehun is so sweet but then i really like her with luhan, they are cute <3
thanks for updating!
xSnowFIakes #4
Chapter 12: I really really want minri to end up with sehun!!! And some more parts with luhan getting jealous would be cute xD
Sakura78 #5
Chapter 12: i'm totally shipping Minri and Sehun !! those two are just too cute :3 <3<3<3
Anggitameilissa #6
Chapter 11: Whoaaa!!!!! Great chapter!!!!!! More more more of jealousy scene from luhan hahaha u have a great story!!!!!
Luhans really jelly. Ha!
Update soon author-nim! :D
_xoxo_69 #8
Anggitameilissa #9
Chapter 10: Yeaayyyy another update!!!!^^ it would be more interesting if sehun makes luhan jealous all the time and sehun do it in purpose hahaha update soon author-nim! U have a great story^^