A Jealous Mistake.



Every single time he looks at me, shivers travel throughout my body, my heart beat quickens, and everything else around me seems like a magical dream.

But when he looks at her, I experience something very, very different.



You (Kim Ji Hae).

You are the wonderful girlfriend of Kim Himchan, who loves you so dearly but given his past you sometimes think otherwise. You graduated last year from Seoul High school with top marks which pleased your now quite wealthy parents. You are now working part time with Himchan at a small homely Cafe called 'From the Seoul'. You are also attending college where you are working on your masters degree in buisness. You are expremely happy now that Himchan is with you and it only makes you a generally brighter person for others aswell. You have, however, got a common enemy at the cafe called Lee Joo Na which you have grown to loath in just a few months.


Kim Himchan.

Graduating last year from Seoul high with Ji Hae by his side made him truly happy. Never has he once, since they started dating, looked at another girl ever. He is staying completely loyal to you which surprise his B.A.P friends. He is now working in a cafe with Ji Hae and attending the same college but he is studying Law. Even though most of his time is spent with Ji Hae he has adopted a new friend from the cafe called Lee Joo Na which he enjoys spending time with.


Lee Joo Na.

18 years old and only previously graduated because the school she went to falsly kept her down a grade. She works in the cafe now with Ji Hae and Himchan and truly wishes she could get along with them both. Her relationship with Himchan means more to her than it does to him because of the crush she has on him. She wouldn't dare tell him how she feels because she doesn't want to create any more tension in the workplace than there already is. She has a cute personality, confident but cute at the same time which pretty much makes everyone adore her. 



And here we go, I haven't started the actual oneshot but I will VERY soon! I think this should be enough information for now and such so yay. Also I will most probably change the title and description in the future if I think of something better!! 

Also also, this will be much less fluffy than the first one i think, idk, im not so good at the fluff thing these days!

Ok thanks guys and oh, here is the link to the first story~ You don't get second chances to make a first impression~ PLEASE READ THAT BEFORE YOU READ THIS! Please.

Alright, thanks heaps and please subscribe, comment, whatever you feel nessessary! Love you all heaps and heaps and please look forward to the completed story!

[email protected]


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I'll wait for this if you're still going to write it. I don't mind.
looking forward for the updateeee..
i cant waiiit
Kalinamoon #3
Update soon please~~
Please update soon!!! XD