Chapter 2

Call Me Selfish, But I Need To Do This

Yuri's POV

"Is this for real?"I asked Jessica still not believeing what she's telling me right now.

"I love you, you know that right?"She said as tears continously fall from her eyes.

"I love you more."I said kneeling down in front of her and cupped her cheeks in my hand to kiss her lips.

"I'm so sorry."She said as we pull away and she rested her forehead against mine while her hands hold my hand in place on her cheeks.

"I understand."I said as my tears started falling down.

"I love you, I love you so much."She said and kissed me deep.

We kissed for a couple more minutes before she stood up.

"I'll always love you."I said with one final kiss before I walk her out of the door of our house or at least what used to be ours.

I closed the door and lean against it with tears still falling down my eyes. I got up and walk inside our- I meant my room and dropped myself on my bed.

Jessica's POV

It's been 3 weeks now since I broke things off with Yuri and I've been living with Donghae now for two weeks. We're not married yet, but we will be. Sigh

He was still a very considerate person. He felt sorry, but he wanted to be selfish even for the last of his life. I wish I can be too.

The wedding is set a month before his time which gives us 4 more months left to prepare for it.

The engagement party will be held tomorrow though.

I thought of inviting Yul and I never felt such an as I did when I reialized what I was thinking.

Yoona and Krystal were not happy with the arrangement but they knew that we didn't really have a choice. They both didn't want to stay with neither me or Yul so right now they're with Tiffany and Taeyeon her girlfriend.

"Hey."I heard Donghae's voice greeted.

"Hey."I said as I tore my gaze from the view of the city from the balcony mine and Donghae's. It feels weird not owning something with Yuri.

"Everything okay?"He asked as he took my hands in his.

"Yeah, everything's fine."I answered with a force smile.

"I love you."He said placing a kiss on my forehead. She does the same.

"I love you too."I answered truthfully but not in the same way he meant it.

"I can't wait to call you Mrs. Lee, even if it will be just for a short time."He said bitterly.

"Let's not talk about that okay."I said half the reason I don't want to talk about him dying and I don't want to talk about me being somebody else's wife besides Yuri's. As selfish as it sounds, it's mostly the latter.

"Arasso, let's go inside. It's pretty late, let's go to bed."He said and pulled me inside with him.

We lay down on the bed and he pulled closed to her making me snuggle to his side.

"Goodnight love."He said kissing my lips and I couldn't do anything but kissed him back.

His lips are soft but Yul's are better.

He has a toned and fine body but Yul's is better.

He feels so manly but Yul is better.

He makes me feel safe but Yul is better.

He makes me feel loved but he's just not Yul.

He will never be.

Yuri's POV

"You really need to stop drinking buddy."Taeyeon said as I lay on the coffee table lazily while she's on the sofa next to Sooyoung and we have bottles of beer surrounding us most of them are mine.

"She's not going to like this."Sooyoung my assistant said.

"She's not going to see this."I said before taking another sip from the bottle I'm holding, some sipping down because of my current position.

"You have stop doing this to yourself. Think about Yoona and Krystal and how she's also suffering just like you are."Taeyeon said sighing.

"Is it wrong to think that he'll die a little sooner."I said bitterly.

"Yul, he's dying for Christ sake! He's hurting too you know!"Taeyeon snapped and I only let out a bitter smile before speaking.

"I know it's selfish, but who do you think has it worse, him who has a memory to take with him and no future to worry about, or me who has a broken heart and future to go through?"I asked rendering her speechless as I felt a tear slid down my cheek.

"Pictures of the engagement between the eldest of the Jung Family and the Lee's-"I heard the news on the TV started but Taeyeon hurriedly turned it off.

"My life just gets better and better."I said before taking another swig of my beer and letting out another batch of tears.

God, I miss her so much. How are you doing Sica?

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Chapter 12: deberia seguir la escena y
Chapter 10: que va a hacer?
Chapter 9: wey eso parece un dorama
Chapter 7: oficialmente e llorado
Chapter 6: simplemente y
Chapter 5: buen cap
Chapter 4: Quien era la chica?
Chapter 3: Vrga!
Chapter 2: El maa egoísta es Donghae porque aún sabiendo que ella es feliz con sus relación la busca para realizar su "sueño".
Chapter 1: Wow