Pre-face: Yes, or No?

Shall We Fall in Love?



   1...2...3... Good... 1...2...3... Good...   

   "Keep climbing! You are almost there!” Hong Ki told himself. "Yes, almost there...", and then, suddenly, he remembered about the heavy object that he had been carrying on his back the entire time. 

   Fujii Mina.


   "I am NOT doing this!” Hong Ki screamed on the top of his lung, as his last desperate attempt to defend himself. "This is ridiculous! Why do I have to participate in this show?! It is for old and married women! Why do I have to do something like that?"

   "Because this is good for your image; and on top of it, this is a chance for you to get some rest for your health and your voice, especially your voice."  His manager calmly replied. 

   Hong Ki could never imagine this day to come. The day he couldn't sing as much as he was able to, and had to rely on s to take care of his share of singing. "It is freaking frustrating!" Hong Ki murmured to himself, and as a sign of defeat, he slumped on to the sofa. "When will I be able to sing as I used to? I miss singing with all my heart and passion... Now, instead of singing, I need to do this kind of show... Damn it!"


   "Will you marry me, Mina?" The man smiled at her shyly, and with a shaky voice, gently proposed to her. Mina was overwhelmed. A rush of panic, happiness and pleasure all came to her at once. She could not see him clearly, only a blur face with a soothing voice, and a warm smile. She hesitated, as if she finally made up her decision, she replied: "I..."   

   Bang! Mina opened her eyes. The loud and sudden noise woke her up from her dream. "But I have yet to answer him..." Mina thought to herself. She lazily looked at her phone, 5.30 a.m. "Still early, I could catch up some sleep since my last acting schedule," Mina whispered, and then slipped back into her warm blanket. 

   Mina just finished acting in the SBS Korean drama "King of Drama". It was her first debut in South Korea, and she was pleased to be able to take part in such a great production. "I still have a lot to learn", Mina thought, “it is still a long way to go for me to reach my dream". She remembered her first day of learning Korean by watching Korean drama, variety shows and songs. Mina was fascinated with Korea since her young age, and by college, as "Winter Sonata" was at its height of fame, just like thousands of fans, the young Mina's heart was throbbing for the charm of Bae Yong Joon. That was the time she decided to take up Korean as her second language study. 

   'Ring!!! Ring!!! Ring!!!" "What now?" Mina quickly picked up her phone. It was her manager. "Have you decided yet?" "What are you talking about?" Mina replied. "The show I told you about. It will surely help you with your popularity in Korea, and it might be a good experience for you too." Mina recalled the conversation with her manager three weeks ago. She had been contemplating, but yet to make up her mind. "Perhaps this morning dream is a good sign", Mina thought, and then, after weighing her options, she finally replied "Yes, I will do it."


   Sometimes in February 2013, Korean singer Lee Hong Ki of F.T. Island, and Japanese actress Fujii Mina, were confirmed to be the official couple of "We Got Married- Global Edition". They have yet to meet each other.

To Be Continued...

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Chanuka #1
Chapter 2: Please give us the rest of the story. I've been looking for fanfics about this couple since they were on the show. Update pretty please. :)
prima93 #2
update please..
Love them as a couple!!! Thanks for the story!!
ciissa #4
Chapter 2: Hi!!! The first chapter is amazing, cant wait to read more! this couple is so cute! It's the first time i like a WGM couple so much, since Khuntoria! :D
Chapter 2: I'm anticipating this story. They r so cute... :)
Chapter 2: nice. I really love this couple. :)