Because there's no Ending

Of Lust, Lies, and Love


“Kyungsoo, what are you doing?”


Suho asked his bestfriend. Kyungsoo sighed and propped his elbows on his study table while brushing his hands roughly on his hair, the laptop still on.


“Hyung, I can’t do this. I—I can’t anymore.”


Kyungsoo felt himself weak and exhausted with all that’s happening in his life. Suho, being his bestfriend and guardian, knew what he’s talking about and exhaled before closing his eyes in search for better words.


“They’re planning to file divorce. They’re… separating Hyung.”


Kyungsoo weakly said and Suho saw how pained Kyungsoo is.


Suho is Kyungsoo’s bestfriend since they were at third grade. They share secrets with each other and stuffs like that.


It’s just when fifth grade came that Kyungsoo’s parents started being cold towards each other and eighth year when the truth was known that his father’s seeing another woman.


Kyungsoo’s torn between choosing who he’ll live with. He’s not a minor anymore and he has the rights whom to be with, either his father or his mother; and the fact that they’re asking him repeatedly didn’t help him at all.


He felt like he shouldn’t choose for it will be unfair for the other party, but he has to. He loved them both equally for him to choose whom to accept and whom to reject. The task given to him was just so depressing that he chose not seeing them for a week now and stay at Suho’s.


All Suho knew was that his parents are on a vacation that he has to stay with him until they come back but the constant sighing and more frequent daydreaming of Kyungsoo didn’t go unnoticed. Of course, he’s aware of those. And it’s just now that he got to know what really bothers Kyungsoo.


“I think, I’ll just end this here. I can’t do th—“


Kyungsoo turned to his laptop and is already on his way to check the box beside the word ‘Completed’ when Suho spoke, stopping him in mid action.


“Are you sure about that? I mean, the story’s good and the had just been posted for you to end it. Don’t you think, you just need more time to think of what to type next and not end it undone?”


Suho tried his luck to discourage Kyungsoo on ending his story but the latter smiled at him, pressed the ‘Completed’ button and log off.


“I’m no superhero Suho. We’re not heroes. I can’t do all of this at once. There always comes the time where I have to give something up for something more important. I don’t know what happened to me that I ran out of insights for my next chapters, but as I contemplate on what’s happening, I found the answer. I guess, this whole… writing thing is just a vent of all my frustrations in life, all the emotions kept inside me…”


“It really did helped me Suho, it really did. And as much as words can say, I’m very thankful that I get to do this before suicide came to me, because really, it’s the only thing I needed when I couldn’t let the words out of my mouth, my tears to flow out of my sockets…”


Kyungsoo closed his laptop once it shut down and grabbed the backpack he only had when he ran out of their home. He smiled gently on Suho and for the first time in how many years, Suho felt the weight on Kyungsoo’s shoulder wearing off.


“As I told you earlier Suho, I made this as a mirror of my life and at this point… I’ve decided already whom to choose. That’s why I ended that story—because I would want to believe there’s nothing more that will frustrate me and depress me. I want to be confident on what I have in mind and not rely anymore on something fictional, because honestly Suho, it took me a long time before I decide on this… these…”


“And by this time, everything turned lighter on me. I want everything to be less hassle now. I want to be happy.”


Kyungsoo said as he pack his things neatly back in his bag.


But after a while of Suho’s thinking of all that Kyungsoo said, he spoke.


“But why not end it with a happy ending then?”


Suho asked and Kyungsoo stopped on folding his final shirt before turning to Suho and smiled brightly on the older.


“I told you ‘I want to be happy’ but that doesn’t mean I will be happy, there’s a big difference and with what to happen next is still undetermined. But I want to keep myself intact, my faith that everything will be fine on my decision to be strong. I wanted to see things at a positive note. It’s less tiring to do so.”


It’s the last of what Kyungsoo said before he bid his goodbye and thanks to Suho and his family. There’s still the cloud of confusion, doubt and uncertainty on Suho about Kyungsoo’s decision; both on his story and his family matters.


Suho volunteered to usher Kyungsoo to their gates. And just as Kyungsoo’s about to step away from their house, he asked.


“Kyungsoo, do you even love yourself?”


Kyungsoo halted on his tracks but didn’t turn to Suho when he answered.


“Honestly, I really don’t know what to answer to that. But I love my parents, so much that I’m ready to forget about myself just for them. I don’t know if there’s any love left for me.”


And with one last look, Kyungsoo beamed brightly on Suho and the older smiled back.


He watched as Kyungsoo fades slowly into the darkness of the evening as the cold breeze of the night started to embrace him. He looked dreamily towards the sky as he said the words he so wanted to tell Kyungsoo… but can’t.


“Don’t think that there’s no one loving you anymore Kyungsoo. Because I do, I love you Kyungsoo. But I guess, we’ll be like the story you wrote…”


Suho opened his eyes and felt a tear fall from his eye. He looked longingly on the path Kyungsoo took.


“We will never have the ending I thought we’ll have.” 





So this is the final chapter. There'll be no epilogue whatsoever because truth is, I'll be leaving this story without an ending.


I'm sorry for all those who got disappointed with how I came up with this half-baked idea of ending it this way, but this is what I came up in my mind. At first, I thought this would be composed of at least twenty chapters before I post the final chapter, but just recently--while I was taking a shower- this idea popped out of my mind and voila, here it goes.


Please do understand that I'm not really good at heavy drama like this, and I keep on struggling with humor and stuffs, but at least I tried. I know somehow that this will leave a lot of questions in your minds right now, but that's the point. I want you to put an ending to this, the way you wanted it to be.


See you again guys, just on my other stories--they're a lot less dramatic unlike this- and I hope you'll voice out your comments and please do support. 





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Chapter 16: I'm crying.. ~~ oh my >_<
Hi, this was really well written, though truthfully, the ending was disappointing. I really did like this story and I believe you did a good job with it ^^