Chapter 3

The Fight


Seunghyun P.O.V


What the hell did just happen? Did I seriously just walk away from her? The woman that I love more than myself. The one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

Your head was spinning, you didn’t know what to do. You didn’t know where to go. It was your home too since both of you were living together for more then 4 years. You stood behind the closed door hearing the cries of the person you have just hurt so much.

You stood there for a while, trying to figure out if you should go back and ask for forgiveness and say that you didn’t mean any word of what you said to her. But you were scared. You were so scared of your own emotions. It felt as if a part of you was ripped away from you and stayed in that room. A part that never wanted to leave at all. You felt a horrible weight crushing you down. What the hell ist this ?

You couldn’t think straight, your thoughts were all a big mess, your heart was racing and you felt sick. Despite that you went to practice, since you had no idea how to occupy yourself and „stop thinking“.

Gd was already there and greated you with a smile.’’Hyung! You are here early“ Not noticing him you just walked by still lost in your thoughts.

’’Yah! No need to be rude, a simple hello would be enough’’

He said grabbing you by the shoulder. At first you didn’t fully realize what was happening, you just stared at him for a few seconds witch a completely blank expression. ’’Hi’’ ’’Is something the matter? You seem completly out of it.’’ Gd was really worried, you never acted like that unless something was really wrong. ’’No, no everythings fine, I’m just really tired“  Why did you lie? You were everything but fine. Gd was the guy you trusted the most, he always helped you when you were in trouble or when you needed advice, so why did you lie?

’’Okay. Great job everyone! If we keep this up we will be done by the end of the week.“ Gd praised everyone since the dance that they were learning for their concert was pretty hard.

The practice was over in a blink of an eye it seemed, it was the time you didn’t ’’think“ in, which made you feel better but as soon as it was over the repressed thoughts came back closing around your head like a tide.

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nputri91 #1
Chapter 17: Sequel ! Sequel ! Sequel ! Please let Tabi happy ! ^.^
pipsqueak110 #2
Chapter 17: Gawd that was so sad poor seunghyun :3 great job anyways!!!
Kieu-My #3
Chapter 17: This was really good
It was really sad..
Poor seunghyun :'(
Awesome story*-*
Update soooooooooooooon!
Chapter 4: That's really good!! Can't wait to read more.