Chapter 2

The Fight

Your P.O.V

There was something different with Seunghyuns gaze today it was unusually cold. "We need to talk" was the only thing he said to you. Even if you knew where this conversation would lead you couldn't believe it.''I'm leaving you.''

After hearing the three words that you hopped never to hear from him you felt as if your whole world was crashing down on you.You stared at him with a shocked expression. "What?!" 

You felt as if someone broke through your ribs and grabbed your heart with a firm grip so that it could  barely beat. And when you least expected it, it was savagely torn out of your chest still in that firm grip struggling to beat and then crushed right infront of your eyes. 

The person with your heart in hand stood motionlessly, looking coldly into your tear filled eyes. Moments later he turned around and left,  leaving you to collect the broken pieces of what was left of your heart. 

Slowly the endless sorrow crept upon you. The unbearable pain, the  feeling of being hollow as a lifeless shell came. You wanted to scream, scream for help, scream out of pain but  it suffocated you it was impossible to breath, your lungs were burning like they were on fire. Hot tears ran down your face like razors on your skin and they wouldn't stop falling. One little cry escaped your throat as you fell to your knees. . 

You watched him go until he disappeared behind the apartment door still not believing what just happened. 

How could he? The person you still loved deep down just hurt you more then ever. How could he? Why? What did you both do, so that it even came to this?  The questions kept echoing in your head. 


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nputri91 #1
Chapter 17: Sequel ! Sequel ! Sequel ! Please let Tabi happy ! ^.^
pipsqueak110 #2
Chapter 17: Gawd that was so sad poor seunghyun :3 great job anyways!!!
Kieu-My #3
Chapter 17: This was really good
It was really sad..
Poor seunghyun :'(
Awesome story*-*
Update soooooooooooooon!
Chapter 4: That's really good!! Can't wait to read more.