

                              *BEEP* *BEEP* 

                             Sitting up slowly. You reach for you alarm seeing the time is 6am. Feeling so tired, you glanced over at your boyfriend. Yongguk looks so sweet when he sleeps.You think *You reach over and kiss him on the forehead* softly enough for him not to awake. Gracefully sliding off the covers, that are so warm from your bodie heat. You walk over  to the kitchen and quietly making  breakfeast. As you open the fridge to grab some creamer for your coffee, you feel strong muscular arms wrap around you from behind, "Good morning my beautfiul_____-ah"  He said in your ear his voice was so deep, and sweet it almost made you faint. "Morning Oppa." you said sweetly back, he turned you around and planted a kiss on  you, his lips so soft and tender. *Pulling away*, "Do you not like my kiss?" he said pouting, "No, Oppa I just-" You were cut off when he met your lips once again, exploring you mouth, as he was grasping your waist. You were pinned against the kitchen counter.

                              After what felt like eternity, he pulled away smiling. "Do you like it now?" he questioned. *blushing* you responded "Yes.. Do you want... coffee?" stuttering after the kiss. "Yeah, I'll make it go sit down." you turned away and sat in the living room picking up a book, minutes later your lover, comes to the living room carrying to two mugs. "Thanks Oppa." you took a sip, smiling silly loving how he knows exactly how you like your coffee. You set your mug down picking up your phone checking your meeting list for this morning. He stopped you immediately by putting down your wrist saying." No please, not now." He said pulling you into his lap. " I have to check oppa, so I know what I need." you responded sternly. " Well not now, because 6am to 6:50 am your mine." He said ending it by sealing you with a kiss, and grasping your phone. "AHHH Oppa!!" you said loudly after pulling away, but not angryly." No, it's not 6:50 yet, your still mine." he said smiling. "What about after 6:50?" you questioned. His face getting closer to yours, ready to respond.

                         "Your still mine, but you have a phone." he said satisfied. His face cetimeters awake from yours.You pouted, he cupped your face and kissed you, the next thing you know,  he's on top of you caressing you hair, showering you with kisses as you stared deeply into his dark eyes, his back. He finally ended it by pulling you up and glancing at the clock. 6:51.. "Sorry Oppa I get my phone." You snatched it from his hand and ran to the room, he caught you halfway there grabbing you by the waist. "Your still mine." he said cheerfully. "I know, but I have to get ready." you said playfully. "Okay_____, I'll get ready too." he pulled you into the bedroom, where you went to the closet to get dressed.

                              You picked out a nice Royal Blue Chiffon shirt, a pair of black jeans, and heals. You turned to see Yongguk putting on a t-shirt with cut sleeves, and a jacket. You walked over to the washroom after picking your clothes, and got dressed, applying light make up, to make yourself look awake.

                    *KNOCK*KNOCK* "Come in" you said after appying a bit of eyeliner. "Wow, my baby looks y, as always." blushing... he handed you your coffee.

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Chapter 13: KYAAA~~~!!!!! SOO SWEEETTTT!!!! OMG OMG OMG!!!
Chapter 12: LOL.. It will not Yongguk.. Since she's back In Korea./.. Kekekkeke.. Update soon authornim!! ^^
Chapter 11: I love this story!!!! Upate soon author nim!!! Hwaiing! ^^
Chapter 11: you're back! well hwaiting for next chapter!
Chapter 10: fighthing for the next chapter.
Chapter 9: Update faster!
choiminsul #7
update please :)
Chapter 8: please keep on continue? i can't wait anymore. haha
Lisa_lp10 #9
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^