Meet my new acquaintance!

Friendship or Love?

One week in after college started..

"TAETAE!!" shouted the red-headed girl across the street, waving to Taeyeon while flashing her signature eye smile. The latter caught up with Tiffany, pouting. "Aish... Tiff, i've told you NOT to call me that anymore, i hate the nicknames you give me!!" Tiffany then hooked arms with Taeyeon and they started walking to the bus stop, it was 10am in the morning.


Taeyeon was late for her first day of school, the most important day - orientation. After she alighted from the bus, she started running as fast as she could to head to the designated place for orientation; the school hall. As she was running, she accidentally bumped into one of the students. "OUCH!!" the girl made a grimaced expression while rubbing her arm. "I'm sorry!! I didn't mean it, look i gotta go no--" "HEY! Aren't you even gonna help me pick up my books? YOU are the cause of this after all!" the red-headed girl shouted at the petite figure. Taeyeon looked at her watch and sighed.. "Oh man... whatever, i'm late anyway" she thought to herself while she helped pick up the books for the girl, she then handed them to her. "Here, can i go now?" "Name's Tiffany, what's yours?" the redhead flashed her eyesmile at her. "Great....." she thought to herself. "Kim Taeyeon." Taeyeon started looking around, frustrated.  "Hey.. actually i'm really late for my orientation so if you don't mi--" "OH MY GOD THE ORIETNATION! LET'S GO!" Tiffany pulled Taeyeon, tugging on her arm while running.

They reached the school hall 5 minutes after. "Wa.. wa.. wait, i need to catch my breath.." Taeyeon said, panting. Tiffany just sighed at her and started to look around curiously. "OMO TAEYEON AH!!" squealed a tanned, bubbly girl. "Yu.... Yuri..!?" Taeyeon's jaw dropped. "Ya!!!! It's been so long since I last saw you, i can't believe we're in the same school!" Tiffany looked at Taeyeon, then looked at Yuri. "Hi! My name is Tiffany, i'm Taeyeon's new friend! Nice to meet you!" she smiled brightly. Yuri made a o shape with and shook hands with Tiffany. "Ahh.. yes, my name is Kwon Yuri! Nice to meet you too~" "Okay guys we can talk later, we're gonna be late!!" exclaimed Taeyeon, walking to where her class was. Tiffany shrugged her shoulders and followed her, and so did Yuri. Taeyeon looked behind her and eyed them suspiciously. "Why are you guys following me?!" "Taeyeon-ah.. WE." Yuri pointed to Tiffany, and then herself. "are in the same class as YOU." she then pointed to Taeyeon. Taeyeon's jaw dropped " day can't get any worse than this.." she thought to herself, then she thought of her beloved best friend, Jessica. "Ssica-ah, when are you returning from your vacation??" she let out a sigh and sat down with the two girls, who started chatting among themselves happily.

End of flashback

Tiffany and Taeyeon finally reached their homeroom, Tiffany kept on pestering Taeyeon by calling her "taetae~ taetae~ taetae~" Taeyeon could only sigh and rest her head on the table, she was looking forward to seeing Jessica today, she missed Jessica way too much. The day passed slowly but gradually, both Taeyeon and Tiffany was looking forward to the party that will be held later-- for different reasons.




Jessica's POV

I returned late from my vacation in England, Taeyeon forgot to pick me up from the airport so I had to call Yuri and she came for me.
Yuri is one of my friends too, I have known her since middle school. 
She didn't tell me where Taeyeon was, we kept quiet until we reached the college. And before I went to my dorm she invited me to go to this party that was going to be held in almost an hour.  I was tired but I didn't mind and agreed to go. Probably I will see Taengoo there, and I will ask why did she forgot to pick me up.. i mean, how could she?!
Yuri said she would came and pick me up in an hour so I entered my dorm and I left my things in a bed I assumed was mine because there was nothing on it. I took a quick shower and changed into a fitting outfit for the occasion. I supposed Yuri invited me to the welcoming party for the new student here in Queen's College.

End of Jessica's POV

A car was parked infront of the dorm, in it was a tanned girl with fair skin and black long hair, she wasn't alone, she was going with her another girl with pretty face and long brown hair. The tanned girl with black hair  waited until the brunette girl was outside and then she opened the passengers sit for the brunette girl to enter the car. "Hello Yoongie!" the brunette said to the brown haired girl. "Hello unnie, how was your vacation?" she asked with a smile. "Oh, it was great Yoong! I even visited the Big Ben!" Jessica squealed while recalling her memories of her vacation. Yuri let out a stifled laugh looking at the two dorks chatting and laughing with each other. They reached their desired location after 20 minutes, they arrived at a beautiful mansion, the party was already starting to take place as it was getting crowded. Jessica was looking forward to seeing Taeyeon for she missed her bff so much, she went inside without any delay and started to look for her, she saw Taeyeon with another person, chatting away happily. She confronted Taeyeon without any hesitation. "Kim Taeyeon!" Yuri realized what was happening and quickly excused herself from her another group of friends and went to Jessica. "Hey! Who are you to call taetae by her full name!!" the redhead questioned Jessica, a little too loudly. Taeyeon held Tiffany's hand and shook her head lightly, Jessica stood there with her eyebrows arched, waiting for an explanation. Yuri broke the awkward silence with a fake laughter. "Oh, haha.. let me do the introducting Taeyeon." Taeyeon had a thankful look on her face. "This is Tiffany, the new student and Tiffany, this is Jessica.. Taeyeon's bff since childhood." "Kim Taeyeon! Why didn't you pick me up from the airport today?!" Jessica started stomping the ground like a kid whining for candy. Tiffany looked at her and let out a nose laugh. "Did you just laugh at me?" Jessica questioned the redhead, with an icy look on her face. "So what if I did?" the redhead retorted back, nearly smirking. Jessica walked towards the redhead, Taeyeon quickly came in between the two girls and shouted. "LOOK GUYS! STOP! We're here for the party, not to quarrel or anything like that." Taeyeon has had it, she walked back into the mansion. Yuri could only sigh and follow her, the rest followed suit shortly after. 

Yuri knocked gently and opened the door, she found Taeyeon standing near the window, admiring the scenery while stirring her glass of wine. "Taeyeon, are you okay?" she asked with her hand on her shoulder. "I'm fine, Yuri.. don't worry about me. Oh, by the way, did Yoong come with you?" "I'm here unnie!!" the maknae came in and hugged her. Yoona then gestured the rest of the girls to come in. Tifffany and Jessica sat beside Taeyeon, both looking sorry. "Sorry Taengoo.." "Sorry Taetae.." Taeyeon sighed and looked at both of them.  "Sica, Taeyeon couldn't pick you up today because she was busy preparing this for you" she took out the bouquet of red geranium hidden at the side of the bed, a flower the symboled true friendship and handed it to Jessica. "..You.. you prepared this for me..?" Taeyeon nodded with a satisfied smile on her face. Yuri and Yoona then excused themselves from the room. "Taengoo.. I.." Jessica was close to tears. "Aigoo.. Sica, come here." Taeyeon hugged the blonde girl. "Do you know how long I had to wait for this?! They were out of stock since forever!!" She then pointed at the bouquet of flowers she was currently holding. "Taengoo, thank you so much~" she let out a giggle. "Taetae, what about me~" Tiffany started tugging at Taeyeon's arms once again. "Okay okay Fany.. let's go get some refreshments guys, AND no more quarrelling!" she pulled Jessica along with her.

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Chapter 2: it is a nice chapter
please update
lightpinkish #2
Chapter 2: Loool Fany is funny in this fanfic XD
Chapter 2: It's interesting
Taengsic please!!!!
Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
jeti always wants to get taeyeon's attention
please update
Chapter 1: ​"̮ ƗƗɑƗƗɑƗƗɑ "̮, jessi and tiffany always tried to get Tae's attention
it sounds interesting
please update
Omg!! Can not wait!

Just wanted to be 1st comment. ROFL