Looks Like You Wished Me Luck

My Fault

A/N: So I decided to make a sequel since I ship TaeNy and I couldn't live with myself knowing that I separated them in my one shot. xD So it's a little short but here it is. I hope you'll like it ^^

*Taeyeon POV*

'You again?' she hissed with annoyance 'What do you want this time?' I just stood there not saying a word. 'Still the same? You want a chance again? How dare you? Leave now!!' she was yelling while I stood there not knowing what to do.

I wanted her back. I wasn't ready to lose her then and I'm still not. Ever since she left I've been thinking about us. I've come up with millions of plans. But everytime I walk to her door, seeing her, I momentarily forget everything, including my own name. She was stunning as always but her face showed nothing but pain, anger and dissapointment. There wan't even a trace of her love for me but I was still stubborn enough to continue bothering her, even after all this time. From our friends I learned that she was trying hard to move on but something always stopped her. That's why I was still trying even though years had passed. I was hoping to get her back but so far nothing happened. Ahe was just pissed off when I 'visited'. I listened to her words like everytime - I started walking away. And then suddenly she broke the routine.

 'No.. Wait...' she walked towards me and held my wrist stopping me from leaving. 'Until when...? How long will you do this?' her face looked... Helpless? Like she was begging me for something.
 'Until you come back to me and save the heart that always beat for you.. Cause after all this time I still can't let you go even though I realise it was all my fault.' I said truthfully looking straight in her eyes.
 'Then why do you always leave?'
'Because that's your wish. I don't want to piss you off more so I just leave.'
'Pabo...' she trailed off. I hung my head low. 'You're really a pabo...'I looked up again and questioned her with my eyes. 'I keep sending you away just so you can show me that you're not leaving anymore...' Now it was her turn to look away. I could see her blushing slightly.
'Mworago?' I asked sheepishly. 'Do you mean... You've been acting angry for so long?' I raised my voice a little.

She kept looking away from my eyes. I was starting to panic. I didn't mean to raise my voice at her.. Not after all I've done. But the she just stepped forward and hugged in me. My heart was beating faster now but her next action almost made it burst out of my chest. As suddenly as she hugged me, she shot for my lips and captured them claiming my entire living just like she used to do years ago.
 I got my wish. I got back with her and I was happier than ever. I learned to not let my jealousy ruin everything. I was still jealous sometimes but it was a lot less than before. It didn't bother her like back then. And for all those that wished me luck - Thank you! It came to me when I needed it. 

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Nice good story
Chapter 1: Nice one shot author! ^^ it was just sad that they broke up. But I'll just imagine Tae fighting for Fany again. ^^
atikakita #3
Chapter 1: It's nice story author shi :D