More Friends

Not Anymore

Taeyeon wakes up to a much brighter room than she’s used to. She squints and yawns, turning onto her back and pulling the blanket up to her neck, cuddling into it as she contemplates going back to sleep. But as soon as all of her senses wake up, she hears voices coming from down the hall.

She stretches again and slides a foot out onto the carpeted floor. It takes her a minute to get the other one off the sofa, but she’s soon making her way toward the familiar, but muffled voices.

She stops in front of Sunny’s door, hesitant. After how Sunny had walked away last night she’s not sure if things between them will be awkward, so she waits a bit longer, listening to the sound of giggles coming from inside the room, and finally gathers the courage to knock.

“She’s up!” Taeyeon hears Jamie shout, and so she walks in, smirking.

“Morning!” four voices greet her from Sunny’s bed.

“You’re all far too chipper”

Sunny glances up from her knitting and smiles. Taeyeon can tell it’s not a full smile, but she smiles back anyway.

“Sunny’s starting on a pair of hats for the babies, Mom” Sophia beams from where she’s snuggled into Sunny’s side.

“Can you believe it, Mom? Twins!” Bella says from Sunny’s other side, eyes wide with excitement.

Taeyeon raises her eyebrows and nods as she sits next to Jamie, who is lying at the foot of the bed, covered with a jungle animal-themed blanket, staring at Taeyeon without his glasses on.

“Are you hungry, Taeyeon?” he asks.

“Mm. Thinking with your stomach again, James?”

“Ma said we had to wait to eat til you got up”

Taeyeon glances at Sunny. “You didn’t have to wait for me, James, but I appreciate it”

“Ok…” Sunny says, wrapping white yarn around the knitting needles, “let’s get up and make breakfast”


Taeyeon stands up and Jamie jumps into her arms.

“Be careful, Jamie” Sunny tells him, “you’re growing too big to jump on people like that”

“But Taeyeon’s strong, Mama” he shakes his head at the absurdity of his mother’s statement.

Taeyeon holds Jamie and waits for the girls to get out of bed. When she sees Sunny slide off the bed to put on her slippers, she can’t help looking at the bump that’s exposed beneath Sunny’s tank top, and she feels a warmth cover her body.

Jamie wriggles out of Taeyeon’s arms when Sunny shoos the kids out of the room so she can talk to Taeyeon.

“I hope it’s alright that I told them without you” she says.

“Yeah, it’s your news to tell, isn’t it. And I don’t think you could’ve hidden it much longer. Honestly, I can’t believe they didn’t figure it out before now”

“Neither can I” Sunny says, and shuffles out of the room.

Taeyeon watches from behind.




“Need any help?”

Sunny stirs the pancake batter and drops blueberries in as she goes. “You are helping me” she smiles, “by keeping them busy”

Taeyeon leans on the kitchen counter. “Well, I may not be able to hold them off much longer; they’re vicious when they’re hungry”

Sunny tucks some hair behind her ear and continues to stir. “I’d like to have them helping, but if one comes then they all come, and this kitchen just isn’t large enough for the five of us”

“Don’t you mean the seven of us?”

Sunny stops mid-stir and looks at Taeyeon. She turns toward the stove with the bowl in her arm.

“Sorry, did I…”

“No, it’s ok” Sunny says, sniffling. “Sometimes I forget there are two, you know?”

Taeyeon finds an oven-mitt to fidget with. “Yeah, it’s quite scary at first, but you’ll be fine. I remember I freaked a bit when we found out about Bella and Sophia”

Sunny sets the bowl down and turns around, wiping away her tears. “How long did it take before you were ok with it?”

“A few months at least” Taeyeon says, flashing back to those panicky times, “but you’re much stronger than I am, so it won’t take you nearly as long” she assures her. “The hardest thing for me was switching the pronouns” she says, mocking horror.

Sunny takes a deep breath and laughs. “It’s funny… now you’re giving me advice about twins, and when we met…” she trails off; her smile falling, and turns back to cut some butter for the griddle.

Taeyeon thinks back to when they first met, but she doesn’t want to get lost in deep thought, so she tries to keep the mood light.

“You never actually believed I wanted advice from you, did you?”

Sunny turns her head and looks at Taeyeon through a curtain of long brown hair. “Not even for a second”




“Mm, so good Sunny…”

“Darling, please stop talking with your mouth full”

“I can’t help it, Mom” Bella says, biting into another piece, “they’re just so good; I have to say it every time”

“What are you going to name the babies, Sunny?” Sophia asks.

“I want to name the girl Taeyeon” Jamie grins.

Sunny looks across the table at Taeyeon. “Um… I haven’t really thought about it. You know I don’t even know if they’re going to be boys or girls or one of each…”

“Let’s pray for girls” Bella says, looking directly at Jamie.

“Our moms knew we were girls before we were born, right Mom?”

“That’s right”

“So they knew what color paint to get for our room, and what kind of clothes and toys to buy us. You should find out so we can start shopping for stuff now”

Sunny laughs at the rattles and baby shoes that she sees in Sophia’s eyes. “There are months to go; I think we can wait. And…” Sunny takes sip of juice, “I think I’d quite like it to be a surprise”

“Sophia, stop pestering Sunny about her babies. Eat your breakfast” Taeyeon says to her daughter.

“We’ll have to throw you a baby shower, like we did for Yul”

“What’s a baby shower?” Jamie asks. But no one answers him.

“Sophia…” Taeyeon warns.

“Ok, Mom; I’m eating” she sticks a piece of pancake in to emphasize her point.

“It’s not like we’re going to be their big sisters or anything, Soph” Bella says.

Taeyeon and Sunny make awkward eye contact before Taeyeon reaches over to Bella’s plate with her fork and stabs a piece of pancake, feeding her daughter.

“What did I say?” Bella asks, feigning innocence.

“Eat” Taeyeon commands.

And everyone does.




The knock at the door makes them all look up at each other. Sunny wipes with her napkin and scoots her chair back.

“Expecting someone?” Taeyeon asks.

Sunny shakes her head and goes to answer the door.


“Oh, hi. Did I forget you were coming over?”

“No… I, um, need to talk to you”

“Oh, alright, come on in”

Sooyoung walks inside and Sunny closes the door behind her.

“Smells good”

“Tastes good too” Sunny smiles.

When Sooyoung walks further in she looks into the dining room and finds the three kids and Taeyeon all staring back at her.

“Hey kids” she waves. “Taeyeon” she greets, less than enthusiastically.

Taeyeon is the only one who acknowledges her, with a nod.

“Let’s go to my room” Sunny says, gently touching Sooyoung on the arm.

They walk down the hallway into Sunny’s room.

“What’s up?” Sunny asks as she closes the door.

“Should I feel as jealous as I do that Taeyeon’s here?”

Sunny sighs and sits on her bed. “No”

“Ok…” Sooyoung sits next to her and takes her hand. “So… something happened yesterday that’s been kind of bothering me”


“Yeah… I mean, I’ve told you I’m an only child and I have, like, zero experience with kids”

“Yes, you told me”

“And I know you’re always saying that honesty is the best way to win a kid over, that they can see right through a phony person”


“So… I might have taken that a bit too literally and really ed up”

“Why, what happened?”

Sooyoung looks down and plays with Sunny’s fingers for a few seconds.

“You know I’ve been wanting to get closer to Jamie, because if he were to like me then that might make you look at me in a different light”

“That’s not true, Sooyoung…”

“Well, I thought it might help. Anyway, when I took him to get his face painted I asked him if we could be friends, you know, so that the three of us could do more stuff together”


“And his response was that he likes doing stuff with Taeyeon”

“Oh… I’m sorry…”

“No, it’s fine. But my response is where I think I took the honesty part a little too far”

“What did you tell him?”

Sooyoung sighs. “I told him that Taeyeon had made you sad by saying she didn’t want to be a part of your family, or his, but that I do want to be a part of the family…”

Sunny pulls her hand away slowly and stands up.

“I’m sorry, Sunny” she apologizes as Sunny crosses her arms.

“That was… a bit too honest; he’s too young to understand what it all really means, you know?”

“I get that… now” Sooyoung says, closing the distance between them. “Do you hate me?”

“What? No, of course not; I’m glad you were honest with me. I’ll have a talk with him, don’t worry”

“So then, I’m not banished from the house?”

“Not yet” Sunny smirks. “But…”


“No… it’s just… he’s becoming more aware, I think, of relationships and of who is what to whom, so I think we need to be really careful around him. And you need to understand that Taeyeon is a part of his family, just as the girls are part of mine”

“Ok, sure…”

“I don’t want to confuse him”


“So I’d like it if you didn’t discuss me, you and wherever this is going - or especially Taeyeon with him”

Sooyoung nods once. “Done”


Sooyoung stands and hugs Sunny, kissing her cheek when she pulls back.

“You know I like you, Soo…”

“I know, I know, but nothing serious… yet” Sooyoung said.




“Why don’t you all go play in the yard while I clean up, and then we can figure out something to do a bit later” Sunny tells them as she clears the table.

“Nah” Bella says, collapsing onto the sofa.

“What would we do in the yard?” Sophia asks.

“We can play Frisbee!” Jamie says as he puts on his shoes.

Bella rolls her eyes while Sophia shakes her head and smiles at him.

“Well, if you want to stay in here you can help me wash the dishes”

Bella hops up and quickly grabs her shoes. “Yard sounds good”

“I’ll supervise them” Sophia says, following her sister through the kitchen and out the door.

Sunny laughs as the kitchen door slams shut. She buses the serving dishes to the kitchen sink and begins rinsing off the left-over food, watching it as it falls down into the garbage disposal.

Taeyeon walks in and looks out the window. “Good idea; they need to run off the sugar from all the syrup”

Sunny grabs a sponge and squeezes blue dish soap over it. “I suggested dish duty”

“Ah” Taeyeon laughs and leans back on the counter next to the sink. “Are you going to let me help you this time?”

Sunny looks over at her and rubs the back of her wet, soapy hand over an itch on her forehead. “If you must”

Taeyeon pushes off the counter and stands next to her, rinsing off the dishes as Sunny washes.

“So…” she says as Sunny hands her a plate.

“So…?” Sunny looks over at her with raised eyebrows.

“Why the hell are you pregnant?”

Sunny rubs her forehead again. “I want more children”

“Obviously. But… I guess I’m asking when and how and who…?”

“After I was sure Jamie was well, insemination, and you know who”

“Hmm. Full siblings; that’ll be good in case…” Taeyeon stops and looks at Sunny, “I mean it won’t be necessary but…”

“Yeah… exactly”

They get through a few more dishes and Taeyeon manages to only glance at Sunny ten or so times.

“Why, though?” she asks, like she’s been holding back the question for years.

Sunny shrugs and rests her wrists on the edge of the sink. “I didn’t want Jamie to grow up alone, you know?”

Taeyeon nods. “He definitely won’t be alone. But wouldn’t you’ve rather started a family with someone?”

Sunny lowers her eyes and then looks up at Taeyeon. “I wanted it with you, but after so long…”

Taeyeon looks away and slowly rinses the spatula she’s holding.

“I told myself that if I hadn’t found you by the time Jamie was well, then I would just do it on my own”

“…I see” is all Taeyeon can come up with.

Sunny hands her the last dish and dries her hands on a towel. “I still want that with you, you know”

Taeyeon looks at her with wide eyes.

“As pathetic as I’m beginning to sound, I do love you”

Taeyeon sighs, reaching out and wiping a spot on Sunny’s forehead. “What is it with you and James and bubbles…?”

Sunny closes her eyes as Taeyeon’s finger lingers.

But it’s all over too soon, and Taeyeon takes back her hand and turns back to the sink.




“It was fun with Taeyeon and all of us today, Mama” Jamie says as he changes into his pyjamas.

“I’m glad you had fun, sweetheart” Sunny smiles as she pulls clean laundry from a basket and folds it.

“Will I go to Taeyeon’s house next time?”

“Maybe, we’ll see”

“I wish we could live with Taeyeon and the girls, don’t you?”

Sunny just smiles at him.

“Taeyeon’s gay too”

“Yes, she is”

Jamie nods, knowing he was right, and lies down on his bed, picking up his Buzz action-figure and fiddling with it.

“Sweetheart, I want to talk about what Sooyoung said to you at the festival”

Jamie glances up at his mother. “She was telling fibs; that’s what Bella said”

“You told Bella?”

Jamie makes a sound that resembles a blast off and nods at his mother.

“Well, Sooyoung is very sorry, and she’d really like to be friends with you”

“But Taeyeon’s my friend” he tells her, and makes jet-engine sounds as he pretends his toy is flying.

“You can have more than one friend, love; you’ve got several of them from school, and you have Bella and Sophia…”

“I mean grown-up friends, Mama” he says, turning on his side to face her.

“Ah” Sunny smirks, walking over and sitting on his bed, “I didn’t realize there was a difference”

He stays quiet and continues to fly his hero around. Sunny rubs his back and then runs her fingers through his hair.

“Sooyoung is coming over tomorrow night and I’d like you to be polite to her, alright?”

Jamie keeps on playing with his toy. “Ok”

“Good boy”

Sunny gets up to finish putting his clothes away.



“Was Sooyoung telling a fib bout Taeyeon?”

Sunny closes her son’s sock drawer and sits back on his bed. “No, love, she wasn’t telling a fib”

Jamie’s brow furrows in confusion. “Why did Taeyeon make you sad?”

Sunny smiles reassuringly at him. “Sometimes people make other people sad with words, or their actions… lots of things can make someone sad, sweetheart” she tries to explain. “I’ve made Taeyeon sad too, just like Mitchell made you sad when he didn’t share his toys with you, or when those boys called you names at camp”

“But Taeyeon’s good” he says with so much adoration in his eyes it nearly makes Sunny cry.

“Yes, Taeyeon is good. And she and I are trying to be better friends so we don’t make each other sad anymore, alright?”

He purses his lips as he thinks; adjusting Buzz’s left arm, and then looks up at his mother. “Will Bella be mad at me if Sooyoung is my friend?”

“No, love, she won’t be mad” Sunny leans down and kisses him twice. “Go and brush your teeth, now”

“Ok, Mama”

Sunny takes a deep breath once he’s left the room and takes a moment to rub her bump, before standing up and finishing what she started.





Hi Guys! Whatsup ?

Thanks for all your comments guys anyway!

just enjoy reading! hope the chapter not make you boring.


oh, DandyuGangsters told me that the lyrics of Miryo ft Sunny song really fit to this ff. you should check out guys ;)

Happy weekend :)

see you next week!



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Chapter 62: I’m not disappointed. I just too immersed with the story, and feeling insecure as well as Dandyu
Chapter 61: I like it author, a lot! I would mind to stick with you :) And probably, i will print out the pdf so i can read it like a book.
Chapter 60: Hi author! I’m not mad at you because same author, same! Me either don’t want this story to end.
Chapter 59: First, i’m telling you that i was smiling while commenting. Hehehe. Thank you sincerely for the whole eight months you spend on writing this story. You never fail to make me cry, laugh, and smile when i read all the chapter. I really enjoyed my time reading! My pleasure! It’s the most beautiful “Start Over”. Thank you for the messages, i will try to being proud of who i am, and who actually am. Well, i don’t want to say goodbye to “Not Anymore”, rather i would like to say see you again instead :)
Chapter 58: Yes. She loves you. Sunny loves you, Taeyeon. It’s a sure thing.
Chapter 57: No, you don’t need to apologize author. You’ve work really hard to make this fic. It’s not easy to keep up the story, but you make it! From the chapter 1 until now, you’ve gone through so many idea. Good job and thank you so much!
Chapter 56: It’s look like now… or never.
Chapter 55: I think this update is important. Because i read important words… “for Sunny” and “for our future”.
Chapter 54: Oh i almost forget that every meet have a goodbye, cause i don’t feel like this story to be end :( soon or not. But if it was your desicion author, then fine… i will really miss this story, miss jamie, bella, sophia, and Dandyu of course :(
Chapter 53: This fic deserve more upvote and subscibe, because of the great story itself. I almost tear up as Sunny while i read Taeyeon words… but thanks, Taeyeon correct it so she don’t hurt Sunny feeling