2 - Hopeless Searching

Only in Fiction

It was two weeks since that severe storm plagued Krystal's life. She still couldn't quite remember how she managed to make it back home. She knew that the random stranger with the blonde hair did what he promised her he would do which was to get her out of that park and back home. She only wished she could remember the details of that night after she tripped. It was all a hazy blur. She mentally cursed herself for not even getting a name to call him by. 

"It would have been nice to see him again to at least give him a proper thank you."  Sighing to herself, Krystal gave one last glance at the bathroom mirror she was staring at and got up to go to work. It wasn't a glamorous job like she always wished for but being a waitress was good enough to provide for herself so she bared with it.

"One day I swear I'm going to get an actual job where the salary doesn't depend on how good the night is going." 

The bus Krystal was waiting for pulled in, in front of her. She quickly pulled out her money and once she got on the bus, she did what she would always do these past two weeks. While sliding her money into the machine, she would survey the entire bus in hopes of seeing that man from the storm. She found it silly how every single time she got on the bus, she hoped that she would run into the guy from the park but as each day went by, her hopes slowly began to diminish. After scanning all the bus seats, Krystal sighed and went to go find a seat for herself.

"Of course he wouldn't be on here. It's just one bus out of many in a huge city filled with millions of people." Krystal scowled to herself for developing a tiny obsession over someone that should be insignificant in her life.

"I need to stop. I'm wasting my time. He probably forgot about me anyways." 

Little did she know the person she was seeking out would always get off the stop before hers and just like her, he was looking for her too.

Kris dropped his pencil onto the desk and decided to call it a night. Massaging his tired and sore hand, he got up from his desk and started mumbling to himself,

"I need them to meet somehow... But I don't know how." Kris groaned in frustration and threw himself onto his bed.

"How can I already have writer's block this soon? I've only written one chapter for Christ's sake." Kris buried his face into his pillow, figuring it was better to sleep his frustrations off than spend the night being angry at himself. He turned his body to the side and stared out his bedroom window, moonlight shining through. Most of the time whenever he'd go to sleep, sleep would come instantly but tonight was different. His body was tired but his mind was somewhere else. It was in too edgy of a state for him to fall asleep peacefully. 

He continued to stare at the window and thought back on one of the very few memories he had with girls. He didn't even want to call it a memory with a girl since technically he never met this girl. A few years ago, Tao thought it best for Kris to finally have a girlfriend to give some sort of life that didn't involve sitting at a desk, writing for hours. It was a blind date. Kris abhorred the idea of a blind date let alone a date itself but Tao wouldn't take "no" for an answer.

When the day of the blind date came, Kris was, as always, busy writing something on his desk. He had a sudden burst of inspiration and didn't realize how fast the time was going by. He took a tiny break from writing and looked up at the clock, panicking. His blind date was supposed to be in ten minutes. He quickly got up and shuffled around his room trying to get ready as soon as possible will yelling out curses to the walls of his apartment. After finally being decent looking, he ran out of his apartment and towards the bus stop, the bus already driving off into the distance. Kris stood and watched the bus drive away, wishing he a bit more punctual with meeting people and what not. He knew the next bus wouldn't come for another thirty minutes and went back to his apartment, figuring that trying to make this date was a lost cause.

Kris chuckled to himself, remembering how furious Tao was the next day. Kris turned and laid on his back as he was now staring at the ceiling.

"Can't blame me for forgetting. Writers only remember the important things. Obviously this wasn't important." Kris closed his eyes and waited for sleep to come visit him. Before he drifted off to sleep, an idea popped into his head. 

He was going to make the character modeled after himself miss his stop.

A/N: Phew. There's chapter two. Sorry about being super late. I was really sick this whole time. But wow. I didn't know so many would subscribe after only one chapter. It makes me so happy. Now if only I could get these people to stop being silent readers and have them say their opinions of everything so far. Haha. It's okay. I'm happy knowing that people are reading what I write. But to those that do comment, I appreciate it and if you ever have a suggest or criticism(in a nonish way please) don't shy away from sharing. Thank you again for your patience n_n

Oh can someone tell what the heck is this voting thing? I see some stories that have it and it makes me curious. 


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SakuraShinigami #1
Chapter 2: I really like the situation of the story it would be really cool if you updated but if it means ur making a chapter im all for it :) keep up the good work and update soon plz no pressure!
Chapter 2: This has an interesting premise and i love the kristal pairing. Your writing style is great! But sometimes i get confused whether it's still the story kris is writing or his reality..maybe you could italicize the fiction part? If that's too much trouble, then it's ok. :) will patiently wait for your update! :)
rafithecool #3
Chapter 2: Dang, I wish I had photoshop on this computer but... I don't! I would've been so down for some Kristal manips & quotes. Ahh~ feel better soon, and can't wait to read the next chapter :)
krystalxice #4
Chapter 2: Omg thank God. A story with a writer that actually knows how to write. I didn't think people like that existed on here. I love this. It's unique. Keep going. Hwaiting!
Kaiistal #5
Chapter 2: I thought this pairing was stupid and pointless but you're seriously making me think otherwise. Thank you for coming up with a story like this.
Soosoojung #6
Chapter 2: Oh goodness. I don't really know why you want any criticism because this a work of gold. And you know, it's really under appreciated. I see so many stories in this website that are horrendous but yet so many people read them and comment on them. The way they're written is atrocious. It does my eyes justice seeing something with proper grammar and actual description of things. I really hope more people see how great this story is.
xforeveryours #7
Chapter 2: Oh sweetheart, I hope you're getting better. You need to take care of yourself. Don't even worry about this story if you're very sick. Anyways, I can't stress to you enough how much I'm loving it all. Really.
Krystaliized #8
Chapter 2: SQUEALING! YAY! YOU UPDATED! FINALLY! God woman. But this is so cute. *aggressively keysmashes* vsiuhbigsrhbihbshfbxdtn sdfogjsripohjosns isghoirwbgfs