1 - What if the Storm Ends?

Only in Fiction

In his mind, she was beautiful. Long brown hair with chocolate brown eyes. Sharp facial features with delicate pale skin. A petite body frame and rose colored lips. She was stunning. A vision of pure beauty and sadly, a girl he'll never have the pleasure of ever truly meeting except in his mind. His only chance to ever be with a person so perfect for him would be in the confines of the pages he writes. A scripted dialouge with no surprises. As depressing as that seemed, it was all he could do. He was going to put his all into this story for it was the only way he give anything to the made up girl that fit so well with him.  He was going to do her story justice. She wasn't going to be some damsal in distress waiting for him to come save her. No. Krystal was going to do things her way and Kris was going to stand by and watch in awe over someone so head strong and independent. A strong woman on the outside with hidden fears on the inside. She wasn't going to be invinsible. She was going to have imperfections that made her pefect in his eyes. 

Kris smiled contently to himself has the words flowed from his hand and fit so nicely onto the page he was writing on. Mumbling to himself,

"They're going to meet in the middle of a storm...."

She ran fast through the park in panic. Lightning lit up the sky and thunder screamed all around her. She mentaly kicked herself for never getting over her childhood fear of being afraid of thunderstorms. It was silly. In her mind, it showed weakness. A weakness she wished she didn't have. And even though she was furious with herself at the moment, she was afraid more than anything. Thunder roared and shook the ground. Krystal stopped running and covered her ears, a scream escaping from .

"I can't take this anymore!" She ran up to a tree and kneeled to ground hugging herself. She closed her eyes and hoped she could ignore the show thunder and lightning were putting on. Krystal wasn't a person to cry but here she was crying in the middle of a storm. Normally whenever a thunderstorm would happen, she was always inside a building or with people. She always had the option to hide away and not be forced to watch storm before her eyes. No matter how loud she screamed no one would hear her. That sole fact made her feel so alone. The lonliness started to consume her as the storm grew stronger and stronger. Too busy crying to herself, Krystal didn't notice a figure approaching her.

"Hey you! Are you okay?!"

Krystal felt a gentle shake on her shoulders and slowly looked up. What she saw was a very tall man with blonde hair. She quickly studied his face to make sure he wasn't a threat to her. His face seemed pointy to her but what caught her off guard was the gentleness and concern in his eyes. While everything about him seemed intimidating, it was if his eyes belonged to someone else completely. Before analyzing any longer, Krystal snapped out of her thoughts and immediately stood up from the ground.

"I'm fine, I'm fineI I just... Can you please get me out of here?" 

The man didn't hesitate to comply to Krystal's request and offered out his hand.

"Go on and take my hand. I'll get you out of here in one piece."

Without a second thought on the matter, Krystal grabbed onto the stranger's hand and the two ran off as fast as they could. With each step, the storm became more fierce. The wind blew stronger with each passing second. By this point, the thunder appeared to secretly wish the two would never meet their destination and tried hard to knock the two off their feet with vibration the thunder would send to the ground. The lightning became blinding. Krystal had no idea where they were going. Nothing was familiar to her. She just kept running in hopes that she put her trust in the right person. Compared to her, the man was running too fast for Krystal to keep up. Her legs gave in and she fell to the ground. The man halted his running and turned his face down to her.

"Come on! We have to keep going!"

Through her heavy breathing, Krystal mustered out the thoughts that were shouting in her head. Her insecurites were shining through.

"What if..."

The man tilted his head in confusion and lowered himself to her.

"What if what?"

Krystal stared straight at the man, the fear of ending up alone after this nightmare ends written in her eyes.

"What if the storm ends and I don't see you as you are now ever again?"

The perfect halo of gold hair and lightning sets you off again, the planet's last dance.

A/N: Okay thank God I finally figured out how I was going to make this unfold. I'm kinda a perfectionist. I wanted the story Kris was going to write as something that would fit the two and I didn't want the story to be some cliche thing where they like... Go to school together. Screw that. Too many have written things that deal with high school. I like writing things that have songs tied into the main theme of the story which is what I'm trying to do here. Maybe I'm weird. Idk. Do you guys like where I'm going with this? Do I sound dumb? I really like this idea that I've come up with and it would mean so much to me if someone gave me input. 

And on a random note, I wish I was like super good with photoshop. I'd totally make an edit with Kris and Krystal with the ending sentences of this chapter. Someone edit something for me. Haha. Anyways, I'm off to write the next chapter. I'm sorry for making you all wait and that it's a little short. I promise each chapter will get longer and longer. I hope you all enjoyed~


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SakuraShinigami #1
Chapter 2: I really like the situation of the story it would be really cool if you updated but if it means ur making a chapter im all for it :) keep up the good work and update soon plz no pressure!
Chapter 2: This has an interesting premise and i love the kristal pairing. Your writing style is great! But sometimes i get confused whether it's still the story kris is writing or his reality..maybe you could italicize the fiction part? If that's too much trouble, then it's ok. :) will patiently wait for your update! :)
rafithecool #3
Chapter 2: Dang, I wish I had photoshop on this computer but... I don't! I would've been so down for some Kristal manips & quotes. Ahh~ feel better soon, and can't wait to read the next chapter :)
krystalxice #4
Chapter 2: Omg thank God. A story with a writer that actually knows how to write. I didn't think people like that existed on here. I love this. It's unique. Keep going. Hwaiting!
Kaiistal #5
Chapter 2: I thought this pairing was stupid and pointless but you're seriously making me think otherwise. Thank you for coming up with a story like this.
Soosoojung #6
Chapter 2: Oh goodness. I don't really know why you want any criticism because this a work of gold. And you know, it's really under appreciated. I see so many stories in this website that are horrendous but yet so many people read them and comment on them. The way they're written is atrocious. It does my eyes justice seeing something with proper grammar and actual description of things. I really hope more people see how great this story is.
xforeveryours #7
Chapter 2: Oh sweetheart, I hope you're getting better. You need to take care of yourself. Don't even worry about this story if you're very sick. Anyways, I can't stress to you enough how much I'm loving it all. Really.
Krystaliized #8
Chapter 2: SQUEALING! YAY! YOU UPDATED! FINALLY! God woman. But this is so cute. *aggressively keysmashes* vsiuhbigsrhbihbshfbxdtn sdfogjsripohjosns isghoirwbgfs